I wrote Crack and J2 is only a side pairing...

Jun 09, 2009 07:09

Seriously. I'm not sure where this came from. It's Band-Slash Crack. So I'm just going to dive right in.

Title: Tea-Parties are way better then Dr. Phil

Author: Lady Taevyn

Rating: PG

Pairing/Category: Band-slash, RPS, Brendon/Spencer, Jared/Jensen, and Jon/Ryan.

Genre: Schmoop, Crack

Summary: Montana Helmsley’s Gammy was a well respected Voodoo practitioner, and not very good at making boy dolls that looked like boys.

Disclaimer: I don’t own any recognizable characters in this story; I wrote it for fun and for my Charlie-Girl who is an Evil Enabler.

Warning: Crack! Oh, and Boy-Cuddling.

A/N: This is all for you justthismorning I♥U bb.

Montana Helmsley is a spoiled seven year old. She is an only child, so her parents give her anything she wants. There are so many stuffed animals, and dolls in her room that there is barely enough room for her, and she hasn’t played with some of them in years. Her parents have debated asking her about giving some of the toys to less fortunate children, it’s an ongoing discussion. Montana has four dolls that are her favorite. Her Gammy made them for her. She’s had them for as long as she can remember. They are all boys, she tells everyone, but no one believes her because her Gammy was getting old and couldn’t see well when she made them so they have very pretty features and a couple of them have bangs that cover one of their eyes. Montana calls them Jon, Spencer, Brendon, and Ryan. They are her favorite because they never complain about playing tea-party like her Jare-Bear, and Jenny-Gummy-Tummy. Those two just sit on their shelf sometimes cuddling with Montana’s Sandy Bratz doll and her Danneel Party Barbie, even though Montana thinks they’d rather cuddle each other.

One sunny summer afternoon Montana walks into her room intent on picking up her jump rope to play with on the front walk when she spots Brendon and Spencer sitting at opposite ends of her bed not looking at each other and pouting.

“Well this just won’t do. I’ll have to have a tea-party and figure out why you two aren’t friends.” Montana says discarding her jump rope in favor of the tea set on her dresser. She sets up the table quickly and climbs onto her bed to grab Brendon and Spencer. When she looks for Ryan and Jon she finds them tangled together by one of Ryan’s brightly colored scarves (and that’s another reason some people think they are girls). They don’t look too happy when she pulls them apart so she sits them in the same chair. After she gets the tea (water from the bathroom down the hall) poured into all four tiny tea cups she closes her eyes real tight and says the words her Gammy taught her: ‘Make these dolls real as can be. So they can share some tea with me.’ When she opens her eyes the Jon and Ryan dolls are holding hands and the Brendon doll has his arms crossed over his chest and is glaring at the Spencer doll. “Brendon, why are you mad at Spencer?” She asks taking a dainty sip of tea.

“He was cuddling with that yucky, scary Haley Bratz doll. All night. I don’t think he likes me any more, so I’m trying to show him that I don’t need him.” Brendon says after taking a gulp of tea to loosen his vocal chords.

“I wasn’t cuddling with Haley you dork. Montana accidentally sat her next to me before we went to bed and I couldn’t push her away.” Spencer responds moodily, he really didn’t want to be near the Haley doll. She scares him too. Out of the corner of her eye Montana sees her Jare-Bear move quietly away from the Sandy doll to be closer to her Jenny-Gummy. Jenny looks around kind of worriedly before wrapping Jare-Bear in a big hug. Danneel just huffs and moves to where Hilarie and Sophia are doing each others hair. Montana just rolls her eyes glad that Jare-Bear and Jenny Gummy-Tummy figured things out.

“So you’d really rather cuddle with me?” Brendon asks quietly.

“Yes you spaz, I always wanted to cuddle with you.” Spencer says. Montana can’t understand why Brendon would want to cuddle with Spencer; he’s always calling him mean names.

“Are you guys friends now?” Montana asks mind already moving back to jumping rope. “If I leave you real for a while you have to stay very quiet and promise not to leave the room. My mom got upset the other day when she found Ryan in her closet looking for a different scarf.” Montana levels a glare at Ryan who is too busy rubbing noses with Jon to notice. She hears a quiet chorus of ‘we’ll be good’ so she pours some more tea and puts two cups up for Sandy and Danneel.

“Can we maybe get a little bit of chocolate ice cream?” Sandy asks softly not looking at Jare-Bear. She’s moved over to where Danneel is and is getting her hair brushed gently by Montana’s Alexis prep school Barbie.

That night before Montana goes to sleep she gives her Brendon and Spencer dolls an extra squish to apologize for making them mad at each other, then she closes their ears up real tight as she says ‘make these dolls quiet for me so no one else will ever see.’ When she opens her eyes back up all the dolls are still and quiet except for Brendon and Spencer who she puts at the foot of the bed under a small blanket that her Gammy also made for her.

bandom: panic, band fic, crack, fandom: j2, omg, new fic, wtf

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