May 04, 2011 09:24
Had I not been wearing a helmet during bike polo last night I'm pretty sure I would be dead. I split the back of my helmet for about 2 inches and shattered parts of the front. I got up and was just a little dizzy. Did sit the rest of the night out, though.
Mar 25, 2011 23:56
I would have sex with Philip Seymour Hoffman and Travis Shettel. No questions asked.
Mar 07, 2011 16:40
I should really just move back to Florida.
Jan 08, 2011 12:17
I finally slept last night. Also, I'm attractive enough, now, to pick people up at a bar on a regular basis. These two things seem to be somehow related.
Dec 22, 2010 10:20
I was thinking about anal sex. You probably shouldn't eat garlic before or right after.
Nov 20, 2010 11:02
If I was in a traveling punk band I think I would only consume raw vegetables and 40s.
Nov 15, 2010 10:53
Please can you make beatiful babies together?
Oct 07, 2010 15:02
When I get really sad I listen to a lot of Nirvana.