New admiral_adama ficlet!

Jul 13, 2007 17:54

I was a bit surprised that our Admiral didn't hesitate to come up with a response to this past week's theatrical_muse prompt:

ReligionConsidering that Bill's either an agnostic (according to RDM) or an atheist (according to EJO), religion has had a surprisingly large impact on him ( Read more... )

theatrical muse, fic, adama

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Comments 3

alesia027 July 14 2007, 13:22:05 UTC
Did you see the Galatica TV interview with EJO yet where he talks about Adama being spiritual and growing more since the attacks but less religious? I thought it was a very insightful view of the Admiral.


karihan July 14 2007, 16:18:02 UTC
Yep, I just read it ... and there Eddie's calling Bill an agnostic too! *chuckle* I guess he eventually came over to Ron's point of view ...


alesia027 July 14 2007, 19:23:44 UTC
Yea, I thought that was pretty funny myself. I couldn't help but think of his comments in previous interviews about Bill and religion, while reading this one. Could it be that everything that has happened to our Admiral has moved him from that atheist to agnostic POV? I keep thinking of the line he gives to Gaeta in Rapture (I think) about the Gods' screwing with them and him not being amused.


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