Obvious (Chapter 7)

Sep 24, 2006 21:35

Pairing: Skandar/Georgie & Will/Anna
Rating: PG
Summary: Sequel to More Than Anyone



"I love that movie..." Georgie whispered. She and Skandar had just finished watching Anastasia starring Ingrid Bergman and Yul Brenner. Lying on the couch, Georgie's head rested in Skandar's lap as he gently ran his fingers through her hair.

"Yes I know...hence the reason I bought it for you..." replied Skandar smirking.

"I knew there was some good in keeping you around," giggled Georgie.

Leaning down, Skandar asked, "I'm sure you could think of a few other things."

"Maybe..." Georgie brought her hand to the back of Skandar's head pulling him towards her. He gently brushed his lips against hers. When he pulled away, Georgie sighed contentedly. "I still have to get used to that..."

"What?" questioned Skandar, as he continued to stroke her hair.

"Being able to kiss you whenever I want...I know it's been a little over a month...but still..."

"A happy month though?"

"Beyond happy...even if you didn't spoil me as much as you do..." replied Georgie. She took Skandar's hand, the one that wasn't caressing her scalp, and laced their fingers together.

"I like to spoil you..." Skandar rebutted.

"So you say...but it really isn't necessary..."

"So you say...but I think it is..."


"Look who's talking..."

Resting their entwined hands over her heart, Georgie smiled. "It's nice isn't it...just being together like this..."

Squeezing her hand gently, Skandar replied, "I think so...I love you, you know..."

"I love you, too...Skandar...if I ask you something, will you be honest with me?" asked Georgie.

"I'd never lie to you..." Skandar replied.

Georgie bit her lip, thinking a moment before continuing. "Are you...sure that giving up your career is what you really want? I mean...acting has been your dream and I don't want to take that away from you...You can still have your career you know, without all the late night activities..."

"I've lived my dream already, Georgie...I love acting...but I'm tired of it...All the traveling, press conferences, premieres, parties...the same incessant questions...Maybe I'll change my mind later, but I need to get away from it all...I want to spend my time with my family...Colin's my godson and I think I missed half of his life being away filming...And I've missed Will and Anna...and you...I've missed so much of everyone's life...and I hated it everyday...This is what I want Georgie...and having you makes me happier than I've ever been..."

"Promise me that if you change you're mind about any of it...you'll talk to me..." Georgie demanded softly.

"I will," promised Skandar.

"Good..." Georgie said sitting up, releasing her hold on Skandar's hand. "Now what shall we do for the rest of the evening?"

Yawning, Skandar answered, "It's late...sleeping sounds good to me..."

Raising an eyebrow, smirking, Georgie brought her hand to rest on Skandar's knee, trailing it slowly up his thigh, "How tired are you?" she inquired playfully.

Skandar grabbed Georgie around the waist, hoisting her into his arms and headed towards the bedroom. "Who said anything about being tired?"


"William Moseley, you have to go to the doctors..." Anna exclaimed as her husband came out of the bathroom. He'd been in there practically all night throwing up, but it was the second time this week. It seemed that the flu had taken over his body again, but Will refused to do anything about it.

"You're going to wake, Colin...be quiet, Anna..." Will said.

"Don't you dare try and avoid the subject. If Colin wakes up, he'll see what a stubborn git you're being...I've told you all week that you needed to see a doctor but you keep putting it off...It's not as if you have anything else to do, Will..."

Pressing his fingers to the bridge of his nose, Will replied, "It's a wonder I don't have a migraine with all you're nagging and hanging over me every five seconds..." He grabbed a tissue from the dresser, blowing his nose and groaned at the bitter taste that still remained in his mouth.

"Excuse me for wanting to make sure that you're not seriously ill..." Anna snapped. "You need to go and get you're prescription refilled or something...the generic medications you've been taking obviously haven't worked...this is getting ridiculous..."

"Anna, shut up!" Will yelled angrily.

Anna narrowed her eyes, glaring furiously at her husband, but before she could respond, she heard her son's voice from down the hall.

"Mum?" he called.

"Coming darling..." Anna called back. Glancing at Will irately one last time, Anna left their bedroom, slamming the door.


Will didn’t wake up the next day until late afternoon. Between being up all night sick and then his fight with Anna, Will knew that he hadn’t actually fallen asleep until the wee hours of the morning. Glancing at the clock to see the exact time, Will noticed a note sitting in front of it blocking his view. Sniffing, Will reached out and grabbed the piece of paper.

Colin and I went to visit Georgie and Skandar. Didn’t want to bother you all day with my nagging and hovering.


Sighing, Will placed the piece of paper back on the side table and sat up. He rubbed his hands over his face, sniffing. His nausea had gone away, but his head was now throbbing, he was beyond congested, and his body ached. And to top it all off, his wife was absolutely furious with him. Will knew that Anna had been right about seeing the doctor again, but he didn’t like doctors and never had. And he tried to avoid them at all costs. Stop being such a baby...All their going to do is examine you briefly and refill you’re prescription, he thought.

“I know...I know...” Will said out loud to himself. Stumbling out of bed, he grabbed the cordless phone and dialed his doctor’s number. “Hello...yes...I’d like to make an appointment for today please...”

After Will finished speaking with the doctor’s assistant, he decided to take a hot shower to clear his nose. And thought about how he could make amends with Anna.


Skandar and Colin were playing football in the park, while Anna and Georgie sat on a blanket talking about the night before.

“He’s always been extremely irritable when he’s sick...” Georgie said, “but he shouldn’t have talked to you like that...you were only trying to help...”

“Yes I know...he’s lucky I didn’t slap him...” replied Anna.

“I can do it for you if you’d like...” offered Georgie.

Smiling, Anna shook her head. “No...but I could change my mind...So was your Friday evening as eventful as mine?”

“We had a movie night...He bought me Anastasia so we watched that and had pizza...”

“That was sweet of him...”

Blushing slightly, Georgie gave Anna a shy smile. “He spoils me rotten...”

“I’m glad to see you both so happy, Georgie...Will and I were worried for awhile there...” Anna said.

“I know...And I never really got to thank either of you for being there for me...You both, ever since I can remember, have always taken care of me...always...and I don’t know if I’ve ever properly thanked you for it...”

“Don’t be silly, Georgie...we know you appreciate it and you’ve been there for Will and I on countless occasions. We love you and you love us...that’s enough...”

Anna and Georgie turned their heads when they heard Colin’s hysterical laughter and began giggling themselves when they saw he had Skandar pinned to the ground, tickling him. Skandar, however broke free of his godson’s grasp and returned the favor.

Georgie continued to watch the scene before her. Anna turned her gaze towards her friend noticing the large smile on her face. “I think Skandar will make a great father...”

Eyes widening, face turning several shades of red, Georgie looked at Anna who was laughing at her. “I...suppose...one day...Anna that’s not funny...You know how easily I get embarrassed...”

“I couldn’t resist...but I stand by my statement...”

“I think he will, too...”

They watched Skandar and Colin, who were engaged in a rather amusing wrestling match, for a few minutes more before Anna spoke.

“Oh...I meant to tell you that Will and I have decided on names for the baby...”

“Really...that was quick...It took you months before you decided on Colin’s name...” Georgie stated.

“I know...this time was much easier for some reason...but if it’s another boy it will be Liam Xavier Moseley and if we have a girl it will be Lorin Amelia Moseley...”

“They’re lovely, Anna...really...”

“What’s lovely?” Skandar asked coming towards them with Colin on his back.

“The names we picked out for the baby,” replied Anna.

“Can I tell Uncle Skandar, mum? Please...” Colin pleaded.

“Go ahead, darling,” smiled Anna.

“If I have a little brother it’s going to be Li...Liam Xavier?” Colin began and looked to his mother to make sure he had pronounced the name correctly. When Anna nodded he continued, “And if I have a little sister its going to be Lorin Amelia...”

“Very good memory, sweetheart,” Anna said.

Colin smiled and hopped down from Skandar’s back to go and sit with Anna. Skandar sat down beside Georgie, kissing her cheek lightly when he did so. He then turned to Anna, “I do really like the names you’ve chosen...They’re different...I like names that are different...”

Georgie laughed. “You’re opinion might be slightly biased about that, don’t you think?” she asked.

Skandar shrugged his shoulders and jumped slightly when he felt his cell phone vibrating in his pocket. He raised an eyebrow when he looked at the caller ID. “Mrs. Moseley, you’re husband is calling...” he said before flipping open his phone.

“I don’t want to speak to him,” Anna said before Skandar answered.

Opening up the picnic basket they had brought, Anna handed Colin a sandwich and juice trying to ignore the conversation that Skandar was having with Will.

“Yes, she’s here...and no she doesn’t want to talk to you...I’ll tell her...Yeah, we played football...and then he beat me up...okay...alright...later, Will...”

“What did the sick idiot have to say?” questioned Anna, handing Skandar a drink.

Skandar laughed at Anna’s comment before responding. “He wanted to know if you were still with me and Georgie...I told him you didn’t want to talk to him and he said to tell you he was sorry...and then he asked what Colin was doing...and then he laughed when I said his son beat me up...and then we confessed our undying love for one another and hung up...”

Georgie took a piece of her sandwich and threw it at Skandar’s head for his exaggeration of his conversation with Will, eliciting laughter from Anna and Colin.

“Such hostility...” Skandar said in a mockingly serious tone.

“You’ll get over it...” rebutted Georgie leaning over and kissing Skandar’s mouth.

“Not in front of me! Please...Mum and dad are bad enough...So gross....” exclaimed Colin covering his eyes.

Gesturing between her two friends, Anna said, “You two really are as bad as Will and I...”

Skandar snorted, “I didn’t think that was possible...”

“Oh, leave them alone...” Georgie said. “Honestly...”

Pinching his girlfriend’s cheek, Skandar asked, “Isn’t she cute when she’s cross with me?” When he released his grip, Georgie narrowed her eyes at him.

“Uh oh...Uncle Skandar I think you better run...” Colin said.

Stifling a giggle, Anna added, “Fast...”

Jumping up from the blanket, Skandar sprinted across the park with Georgie close behind.


Anna struggled to get through the front door when she returned home from the park. Mostly because she was carrying her sleeping seven year old in her arms. Kicking the front door shut with her foot, Anna made her way into the living room and found Will lying on the couch. Glancing at the coffee table, she noticed there was prescription medication in a small bag sitting there. Must have went to the doctor’s, Anna thought.

“Bloody moron...” she whispered affectionately.

“I heard that...” Will said hoarsely from his place on the couch. He opened his eyes to see his wife staring at him, holding Colin in her arms. “I thought he was too old for naps...”

“He played hard today...I’m going to put him in his bed...” Anna said quietly as not to wake her son.

“I’ll do it...” Removing the blanket from his body, Will got up from the couch and took Colin from his wife’s arms. “I’ll be right back...why don‘t you make us some tea...” he said, kissing Anna’s cheek.

“Alright...” replied Anna.

Upon entering the kitchen, Anna’s eyes widened at the sight of a rather large bouquet of roses covering practically the entire dining room table. She noticed a card situated in the middle of the array of flowers and walked over to grab it.

I’m sorry about last night. I know you’re just worried about me. I didn’t mean what I said...if it weren’t for you’re nagging and hovering...who knows where’d I’d be...I love you, Anna Moseley. I love you very much. Please forgive me.


“Oh, Will...” Anna sighed.

“I went to the doctor’s...” came Will’s stuffy voice from behind her. Anna turned to see him leaning against the entryway of the kitchen, arms crossed.

“I know...I saw the medication on the table out there,” Anna said gesturing towards the living room.

“And he told me I should have come to see him sooner...” Will added

“Really? Who would have ever thought?” Anna replied.

Chuckling, Will walked towards his wife, wrapping his arms around her and kissed her forehead. “I am sorry, Anna...It’s not your fault I’m sick and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you...”

Leaning into her husband’s embrace, Anna rested her head against his chest. “You know...if you weren’t so stubborn, I wouldn’t have to nag you...”

“I know, love...I’m a bloody moron, I know...”

Anna smiled, snuggling closer into Will’s embrace. “The roses are beautiful, William. Thank you...”

“You’re welcome...so am I forgiven?” Will asked, rubbing Anna’s back gently.

Pulling back slightly, Anna kissed Will lightly. “I’ve never been able to resist your charm before...” she replied.


Georgie was dancing around in Skandar’s kitchen, wearing the shirt she had taken off of him hours before, singing to herself, as she spooned ice cream into two bowls.

"I have two lips to tell me that I am loved...and he'll kiss me 'til I can't move at all...he makes me happy when I feel too much and when my hands are cold he warms them up..."

Nothing could ruin the complete feeling of euphoria that filled her. She was happy and in love. And Skandar loved her back. After all those years of longing...fate had finally decided to stop playing with her heart. Placing the ice cream back in the freezer, Georgie picked up the two dishes and headed down the hall.

When she entered their bedroom he was just where she had left him. Skandar was lying on his stomach, both hands underneath his pillow and his face was towards the wall. Smiling, Georgie placed the ice cream on the bedside table, and crawled onto the bed.

"Skandar..." she whispered into his ear, but he didn't even move. She said his name again, but this time trailed her finger along the spine of his back.

"Hmmmm..." Skandar mumbled. He removed a hand from its spot underneath the pillow and waved it dismissingly in the air.

Georgie smirked. One thing she had learned from spending most of her nights with Skandar was that he was nearly impossible to wake up. Feeling mischievous, Georgie leaned down and nibbled on Skandar's ear gently. Skandar moaned in his sleep and finally turned his face from the wall towards Georgie, but his eyes remained closed.

"Georgie...I love you...but I'm sleeping..." Skandar said.

"But I brought you ice cream..." replied Georgie. Skandar opened one of his eyes to see his girlfriend pouting and sighed.

"Alright...I'm up..."

Although in reality it took Skandar a few more minutes before he was actually sitting up in bed. Georgie handed him his ice cream and sat cross legged beside him, her bowl in her lap. Looking towards the desk in his room, Skandar noticed Georgie's laptop and school books were spread across it.

"Did you get any work done?" he asked.

Georgie nodded swallowing a bit of her ice cream, "Yeah...it's mostly just busy work...I've just got to worry about my Senior Project for English and Creative Writing...if I fail I won't graduate since its my major..."

"I really don't think you'll have to worry about that, love. You're a brilliant writer..." Skandar commented.

"Maybe...but I've got writer's block and I'm at a total loss for ideas...It's beginning to get quite frustrating..." Georgie said.

"You'll figure it out, Georgie...I have faith in you..."


Skandar nodded in response and then brought his hand to his mouth to stifle a yawn. "Sorry."

"Are you really that tired?" Georgie asked.

"Yes...and it's all your fault..." answered Skandar waving his spoon at her.

"If I recall...I wasn't alone in the bed..."

"But you started it..."

"Are you complaining about it?"


"Then shut up..." Georgie said finally.

Skandar chuckled. Setting his bowl aside, he looked at Georgie. "You know...you've got a bit of ice cream on your face..."

"Really? Where?" Georgie put down her bowl and wiped at her mouth with the back of her hand. "Did I get it?"

"You missed it...let me help you," Skandar said. Leaning forward, Skandar kissed Georgie's forehead, then her cheek, her nose and then the corner of her mouth.

Wrapping her arms around her boyfriend's neck, Georgie raised an eyebrow in question. "There's no ice cream on my face, is there?"

"Nope...and have I ever told you how adorable you look in my shirts?"

"Do I? I'm sorry I can't say the same about you..." giggled Georgie.

"Funny, Miss Henley..."

Skandar pushed Georgie back onto the bed and hovered over her. His hand slowly went up her shirt and he traced slow circles on her stomach.

"Didn't you say you were tired?" asked Georgie.

Grinning widely, Skandar replied, "I thought it would be best not to waste the rest of our ice cream..."
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