Obvious (Chapter 5)

Sep 21, 2006 14:28

Pairing: Skandar/Georgie & Will/Anna
Summary: Sequel to More Than Anyone



Standing in front of her creative writing class, Georgie held her poem in her shaking hands. Professor Connor had wanted her to read it to the rest of the students because he'd been so touched by the emotion it conveyed and had been disappointed with most of the other students' finished assignments. Everyone was staring at her, waiting for her to speak. Georgie wasn't sure she could do it. The wounds from Skandar's actions were just a week old and still very painful. Georgie still cried every day when she thought about it and holding that poem in her hands called forth fresh tears.

"Miss Henley?" Professor Connor said. "Are you alright?"

"What? Oh...I'm sorry Professor..." Georgie replied quietly. "I'm...I'm fine." Taking a deep breath, Georgie looked away from the words on the paper, as she knew the poem by heart and began to speak.

"Is it possible to love someone and hate them at the same time?
Because when I think of you…it seems as if that’s how I feel…
Confusion, frustration…I’ve cried so many, many tears…
It seems so obvious to me how I feel about you…How can you not see it?
The sleepless nights, the weariness…it’s all because I love you…
I love you…yet it seems as if you’ve forgotten that I’ve grown…
That it is a woman that stands before you now…
You’ve talked about how you’re searching for something…
Something true…I just wish…that you would finally see…
Me…I thought if I could have you for one night...
That my feelings would be conveyed and you in turn
Would love me the same...
Despite the passion I've shown you with a look...a touch...
And a smile...It's just never enough...Will it ever be enough?
I've tried so many, many times to move on...
But my heart just won't...it can't...let you go...
Yet holding onto you, to what we'll never seem to have
Is breaking it - shattering it to pieces...
And I can't bare the pain of it...
Sometimes I want the memories of us to fade...
So that I won't feel this aching anymore...
You've broken my heart...and my soul...
To a point from which I feel as if I'll never recover...
And I can't bare the pain of it...
Will it ever stop?"

Georgie brought the back of her hand to her lips, choking back a sob. She didn't want the embarrassment of breaking down in front of her fellow students, but she couldn't help but let a fear tears fall. Pulling herself together, Georgie realized the entire room was quiet. Glancing around at the people in front of her, she noticed that most of them, even some of the boys had tears in her eyes, but none of them knew how she felt. None of them could truly understand. Losing the battle against her emotions, Georgie rushed to her seat, grabbed her things and rushed out of the room, heading towards her apartment.


The Autumn air was crisp and the wind had been strong. When Georgie entered her apartment, her cheeks were still red and scratchy. All she wanted to do was put on her pajamas, drink hot chocolate and forget about the outside world. Glancing at her answering machine, Georgie saw that there was one message waiting for her. She hit the play button and listened as she took off her coat and dropped her bag on the floor.

Georgie...it's Anna again....Will and I are worried about you and we wanted to make sure you're alright. We haven't heard from you all week...It's making us a bit nervous...I know you're hurting, Georgie and I'm sorry for it...but we love you and we're here for you...so if you could just call us so we know you're okay...and you know you can come over whenever you like...although I have to warn you that Will and Colin have the flu it seems...It's all Will's fault, of course. Playing football outside in the rain...honestly...anyway, we miss you...I guess I'll talk to you later

Georgie sighed heavily when the message ended. She knew it was wrong to ignore Will and Anna and she truly hadn't meant to, but Georgie had been trying to hard to focus on her studies and trying to forget about Skandar that she completely lost a sense of anything else in her life. After taking a long hot bath, Georgie decided she would call them and apologize to them profusely. And since it was another long weekend with no assignments due, she toyed with the idea of spending the weekend with the Moseley's. Georgie missed them all terribly...especially Colin who could always make her smile. And she needed that more than anything right now.

Heading into her bedroom, Georgie stopped to look in the mirror. She leaned in closer trying to recognize the person in the reflection. Her face showed signs of weariness, but mostly of sadness. Georgie could even tell when she looked into her own eyes how distant and lonely she seemed. Wondering if she would ever be herself again, Georgie released the clip that had been holding her hair, letting it fall to her shoulders. With one last look at the girl in the mirror, Georgie headed towards her bathroom to start the water. Just as she ran her fingers under the faucet to test the temperature, there was a knock on her door.

Releasing a frustrated breath, Georgie got up to see who it was. When she opened the door it was the last person she expected to see.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she snapped.

"I...was worried. Will and Anna said you haven't spoken to them all week. Can I come in?" asked Skandar, hands in his pockets.

"No," replied Georgie and she immediately slammed the door in his face, locking it behind her. She turned and began walking back towards the bathroom, when she heard the doorknob turning. And before Georgie could do anything to stop him, Skandar was already inside.

"I have a key remember..." he said.

"Get out..." Georgie said angrily.

"I have something to say...I came here to apologize, Georgie...I..." Skandar began, but she immediately cut him off.

"I don't want to hear it...nothing you can say is going to change the fact that I want nothing to do with you..."

"About the other night I know what I did was stupid and I shouldn't have left you the way I did, but..."

Covering her ears with her hands and shaking her head frantically, Georgie yelled, "No, no, no...stop it...Please just leave me alone..."

Walking over to her, Skandar placed a hand on gently on her arm. Georgie in turn slapped him across the face.

"Don't...Don't you dare touch me..."

"Georgie, you have to listen to me," pleaded Skandar as Georgie took a step back from him.

"I don't have to do anything, Skandar. You used me...like I was another one of those girls...like I was nothing...I gave you everything and I actually thought that you...It doesn't matter...But I do want to say thank you for finally helping me realize how much I actually meant to you...For helping me realize that loving you was a waste of my time...of my life...Besides, I'm sure you want to protect your precious reputation...Can't have Hollywood's favorite bad boy going soft. That would certainly slow your late night activities a bit....we can't have that now, can we? And I'm sorry little Georgie Henley just couldn't satisfy you..."

"Is that what you...How could you even think that you don't matter to me?"

Georgie pushed past him, oblivious to the tears in his eyes and opened her front door once again. She turned to him once again. "I just want you out of my life, Skandar...I can't do this anymore...Please, just go."

Defeated, Skandar reluctantly handed Georgie his key to her apartment, but hesitated before walking out. "I'm sorry, Georgie. For what it's worth...I never meant to hurt you..."

"You broke me, Skandar. That's much worse..." replied Georgie softly. And then she closed the door.


"Anna...my throat hurts," Will whined as she came into the room.

"You're worse than Colin...and I really don't want to hear it...you're the reason you and your son are ill..." scolded Anna, taking a seat on the bed beside her husband.

"I told you I was sorry..." he croaked.

Touching his forehead she frowned. "You've still got a fever. If it doesn't break by tomorrow, I'm taking you to the doctors..."

"What about Colin?"

"His fever broke early this morning...but he still isn't feeling like himself...and he's nowhere near the big baby you are..." Anna smirked, brushing Will's sweaty bangs from his forehead.

Will pouted as if he were a mere child. "You're mean..."

"I'm sorry, darling..." replied Anna. She leaned down, kissing her husband gently. "Better?"

"You're the best nurse I've ever..." but Will turned his head quickly, unable to finish his sentence as he released a sneeze.



"Mummy..." came Colin's voice from the doorway. Anna and Will turned to see their son rubbing his eyes and sniffling.

"Come here, buddy," Will beckoned. Colin made his way slowly over to his parents and climbed into bed next to his father.

"I don't feel good..." Colin said, reaching out for his mother.

Anna pulled her son into her arms rubbing his back soothingly. "I know, baby...Mummy hates it when you're sick just as much as you do..."

Pulling the blanket down, Will said, "Why don't you come rest with me, Colin? Dad's sick too and could use the company."

Making sure Colin was tucked in, Anna leaned down and kissed her son's forehead and than Will's. "I'm going to get you both some juice...but I think you should both rest...I'll bring up a few movies for you to watch on the tele..."

"Thanks, mummy..." Colin said, kissing her cheek.

Heading downstairs, Anna heard Will sneeze loudly from out in the hall. "Bless you, William," she called over her shoulder. Placing a hand on her stomach, Anna whispered, "I hope you're a girl because I don't know if I could handle three Moseley men..."


Georgie knocked on the door of the Moseley residence, waiting for someone to answer. Normally, she would have unlocked the door herself with the spare key they had given her, but she'd forgotten it. She was still quite furious with Skandar for showing up as he did. And it only made the hurting worse. The entire week, Georgie had been trying to forget his dark, intense eyes and how they saw into her very soul that night. And she tried to forget his hands and how they felt on her body. Georgie wanted to forget every detail of the handsome man who had captured her heart, but when Skandar had shown up at her apartment, despite her pain, Georgie felt an overwhelming need to touch him. Please, I just want to forget, she thought sadly, just as Will opened the front door.

"Hello there stranger...forget your key again?," Will said groggily, as he gestured for Georgie to enter.

"Hey...," replied Georgie, "You sound terrible..." she added.

"Thanks...Anna's upstairs giving Colin a bath...he's sick, too..."

"I heard...and apparently it's all your fault..."

Will let out a rather loud sneeze, before replying, "So it seems..."

"Bless you..."

"Do you want some tea?"

"I'll make it..." Georgie said heading into the kitchen. Will slowly followed, completely drained because of his sickness. He and Colin had done nothing but sleep, yet he was still so very tired.

"I hate being sick," groaned Will, sitting at the table as Georgie searched for the teabags.

"Men turn into sniveling, whiny children when they're sick...why is that?" asked Georgie.

Rolling his eyes and wiping his nose with a tissue, Will answered, "You're just as bad as Anna. No sympathy. Evil is what you both are."

"I have no sympathy for men...they're all...bastards..." Georgie said, standing on her tip toes to reach two tea cups.

Standing from his chair, Will walked over to help, he being much taller than Georgie was. He grabbed three tea cups, figuring Anna would like some tea as well, and set them on the counter.

"Thanks..." Georgie began "And...I didn't mean you...you're the farthest thing from a bastard...I just..."

Watching Georgie for a moment, Will noticed the dark circles under her eyes. She seemed pale, tired, and very sad.

"You haven't been taking care of yourself..." Will stated. "When's the last time you've actually eaten something..."

"It's so hard, Will..." she whispered, wiping a tear from her eye.

"I know, Georgie..." said Will, reaching out for her.

Shaking her head and wiping a tear that had fallen, Georgie said, "Please...don't...it just makes it worse."

"You can't keep doing this to yourself, love. You should talk about it..."

"I'm sick of talking about," Georgie snapped. "I've talked to Anna about it...I embarrassed myself in front of my class by reading a poem about it...And I can't stop crying over him...I don't want to talk about it anymore...I just want to forget that I ever met Skandar Keynes..."

Placing an arm around Georgie's shoulders, Will kissed the top of her head. "I know you probably don't want to hear this...but we've always been very honest with each other. I don't think you'll ever be able to completely forget about, Skandar. He's been an important part of your life for a very long time and I think you'd regret completely cutting him off. Would you truly be alright with never seeing him again?"

"I don't know...it's just so hard and...I don't know..."

Sighing, Will nodded in understanding. He hated seeing either of his friends so upset, but knew it was up to them to reconcile. Abruptly pulling away from Georgie, Will began coughing harshly, placing a hand on his chest.

"Will...are you alright?" asked Georgie, who brought a hand to feel his forehead. "You're burning up..."

"Could...could you get me a glass of water?" he croaked painfully.

Hurrying to the sink, Georgie used one of the teacups and filled it with water. She handed it to Will and he sipped it slowly.

"Go rest on the couch...I'll bring your tea out to you..."

Sniffing, Will massaged his temple with his fingers as he headed towards the living room.
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