
Nov 10, 2007 16:51

Will sleeps long and deep, briefly waking throughout the day and night as his body struggles against the fever.

Much later he wakes more fully realizing he's hungry but is too worn to get food so stays in bed, feeling weak and trying to remember what he said to Kate.

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notthatpotter November 11 2007, 04:47:06 UTC
There is a James.

A James, who happened to see Will come in and go straight up the stairs before he could say anything last night.

In any case, there is a James by his bedside, looking rightfully worried.


will_scarlett November 11 2007, 04:48:29 UTC
The door as unlocked and Will's not awake at the moment though he's kind of aware of James there and opens his eyes slowly and gives a big smile,

"Missed ye, James, was gone too long."


notthatpotter November 11 2007, 04:56:37 UTC
"Hullo, Will."

James pauses.

"Are you okay?"


will_scarlett November 11 2007, 04:58:32 UTC
"Aye, I just got sick cause I was 'elpin' some other sick folks, an now I 'ave to stay in bed an get better. Time took too long in Nottingham."

Will doesn't want to make James sick, but he hates seeing him so worried and sits up and gives James a good hug.


notthatpotter November 11 2007, 05:06:14 UTC
James returns the hug - tightly.

"How much time?" he asks.

For him, it's only been maybe a few days at most since he's seen Will. (And Will's note is still in his pocket.)


will_scarlett November 11 2007, 05:07:35 UTC
Will just hugs as tightly,

"Few weeks, been carryin' the arrow round with me e'erywhere 'opin' to get a door."


notthatpotter November 11 2007, 05:11:16 UTC
"M'glad you found the door," James says, his voice a little muffled by the fact that he's buried his face into Will's shoulder.


will_scarlett November 11 2007, 05:13:26 UTC
James' hair is getting petted since Will's not letting go anytime soon and there might be some quiet tears,

"So am I an I'm 'ere an safe, James. Canna e'en leave my bed 'fore a few days else Guppy'll get angry at me."


notthatpotter November 11 2007, 05:19:28 UTC
James pulls back a bit, a small sort of smile (that may or may not resemble defiance) on his face.

"Good," he says. "I'll come visit you every day and play games too, if you want. I know some good ones."


will_scarlett November 11 2007, 05:20:47 UTC
"Would like that, will make the time pass quickly. An ye 'ave to tell me what's been 'appenin' 'ere while I've been gone."


notthatpotter November 11 2007, 05:24:23 UTC
"Will do," he says, nodding. "I had to take care of Lily once when she was sick, so I know how to do things."

He looks a lot less worried now that he knows he can do something.


will_scarlett November 11 2007, 05:26:12 UTC
"Aye, bet she was glad to 'ave ye there. So what sort o'games do ye know?"

Will's not quite letting go of James yet though moved from a hug to just keeping a hand on his arm, he missed him lots.


notthatpotter November 11 2007, 05:33:58 UTC
"Well," James starts, "there's Wizard's Chess, for example. Uncle Ron's the best at it, but I'm still pretty good."

James isn't sure he can understand just how much time has passed for Will with such hardship, but he doesn't mind being close to him either way.


will_scarlett November 11 2007, 05:35:31 UTC
"Ye didna 'appen to bring any food up with ye, James? I've seen chess though ne'er played it."

Will only partly realizes and so moves his hand, its just its been a while and James happier is always good.


notthatpotter November 11 2007, 05:39:21 UTC
Will being happy is just as important to James, as well.

He shakes his head. "No, sorry...I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I forgot. Should I get something for you?"


will_scarlett November 11 2007, 05:40:40 UTC
"Well, depends, when did ye last eat, James?"


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