Title: Inertia - Part 21 of 21 [The Closer]
Rating: R to M (for mild descriptions of ladysex)
Ship: Brenda/Sharon
Disclaimer: Not mine; never were! No copyright infringement intended.
Summary: With Fritz gone, and her relationship with Sharon growing more serious, Brenda begins to wonder about just how close she's willing to get to the other woman
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Comments 23
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Oh - and I corrected the title glitch, thanks for letting me know!
So now they've got Tommy (as in Tommy Delk...hehe), I find it pretty sweet that Sharon puts up with the cat and maybe even secretly loves it.
You should also write more sexy-times because you're pretty good at that :) I love the idea with the broomstick, that's hilarious and I can totally picture how they make Gabriel put it on her desk.
Anyway, this was wonderful, a truly beautiful journey and I really hope you're going to write something new soon because I'm already feeling the withdrawals :P
...and how awesome is Doris Day? I can't believe you're into all this!
And yes - Doris Day is amazing/adorable! She sang, she acted, she was charming and she was surprisingly sexy in that 'has no idea how cute that is' way... I almost have to wonder when someone says they DON'T like her!
(puts hand up) Can I ask a question? And its okay if the answer is 'because I said so' btw :) ... Why did Laura come back? Is there a ref/exp I missed? I may have been a little distracted during the whole hospital debacle.
Oh and am completely envious of your ability to put together a playlist for this btw. Agree, yay for Doris Day :)
Re: Laura, there WAS a reason - and I'd written the scene where they talked about it, but it always just seemed like weird exposition so it just kept getting cut until finally it ended and she was still home.
As for playlists - I LOVEloveLOVE them! I adore them, and have lists for everything from 'Sunny Tuesday Afternoons' to 'Music for When Your Left Molar Hurts'... Not so surprisingly, Doris Day is probably featured in both of the playlists above.
Also, *again* yay for playlists - I am totally listening to them right now as I work on the final chapter of 'Physics'. Thanks again for posting them :D
I hope you like some of the songs - or at the very least, don't HATE them :) Knowing you're working on the last chapter makes me excited to read it...
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