Title: Inertia - Part 21 of 21 [The Closer]
Rating: R to M (for mild descriptions of ladysex)
Ship: Brenda/Sharon
Disclaimer: Not mine; never were! No copyright infringement intended.
Summary: With Fritz gone, and her relationship with Sharon growing more serious, Brenda begins to wonder about just how close she's willing to get to the other woman
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Comments 23
I just loved this fic so much. I can't wait to go back and read it again in a few weeks. I'm excited to read it all at once. Waiting for each chapter was brutal :(
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I can't wait for your next project. Maybe a sequel ?!?! :)
I"m curious also why Laura came back, I don't think it was explained...or am I missing something as well? :)
Please write more for this fandom, you are a wonderful writer!
You're not the first person to ask about Laura, there WAS a reason - and I'd written the scene where they explained it, but it always just seemed like exposition shoved into some random scene and I just kept cutting it :S
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