Fanwork-a-thon: FFVIII - Rinoa

Jan 29, 2008 14:09

Following the relative success of various fanwork-a-thons (mostly the Irvine one), and with a little bit of urging, I'm going to run one for Rinoa. 8D And the rules go like this:

1) You submit prompts, to this post, by around the 11th of February. It'll give you a bit of time to think. You can submit as many prompts as you like, and they can be short, e.g. "Squall/Rinoa; cold" or long, detailed and plotty. It doesn't have to be a fic prompt, either. If you have a good idea for an icon, but not the skills to make it, describe it; someone might be able to make it. The same goes for artwork and the like.
1b) It is fairly obvious that any prompt that would involve warping Rinoa's character beyond all recognition is out.
2) On the 12th of February at the latest, I'll post a list of all the prompts. You comment and say which ones you're doing, so people get an idea of who's doing what, although two or more people can write for the same prompt. They'll be posted in categories, but it's flexible -- if you see a fic prompt you want to do art for, that's fine!
3) By April 1st, you should have commented to the post with a link to whatever you've written, made or drawn. I'll collect those links and post them up in a list for people to browse through.

Okay, have at it! Anything (that contains Rinoa) goes.

Edit: Alright, submission period is up! The list of prompts is up here.

rinoa, final fantasy viii, fanwork-a-thons

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