Fanwork-a-thon: FFVIII - Rinoa

Feb 12, 2008 10:58

Hey guys! Altogether we gathered one hundred and thirty-four prompts: one hundred and twenty six for fic, eight for art. :) Just to refresh your memories, here go the rules.

1) Pick from these prompts however many you like, and write, icon or draw. Although they're grouped into "fic", "icon" and "art" groups, if something inspires you, feel free to cross sections. The same goes for general/het/femmeslash. You can pick your own prompts to write for, if you so wish. Nobody is going to know, and more fic about Rinoa is more fic about Rinoa is more fic about Rinoa. Comment with what you've picked so people can see which prompts are under-represented and such. Despite that, people can pick the same prompts if they wish, or even do a couple of takes on the same prompt themselves. Unlike many ficathons, there is no minimum word count. If you think you can write a spectacular fic in three sentences, try it!
2) If you think I've left out one of your prompts or if you think I've mislisted one of your prompts, let me know ASAP. I've tried to strip personal comment out of each prompt, leaving just the prompt. I also stripped out one or two that I thought might lead to bashing-fic, which definitely isn't the point of this fanwork-a-thon. (Whether the bashing be of Rinoa or Squall. Or Quistis. Or anyone.) I will also not list any fics that end up being all "Rinoa is an idiot wh0re lololol". For obvious reasons, I think!
3) Once you've completed something for it, post it, preferably on LiveJournal, and then leave a link in the comments of this post.
4) On the first of April, I will post a list of all the things submitted in the comments here. I may include a section for late arrivals which I'll update for an indefinite amount of time, but don't count on it.
5) As with the Irvine fanwork-a-thon in the past, everybody must blame Sev (first_seventhe). I suppose I'm to blame too. Yeah. Blame me and Sev.
6) Pimping of this is very, very welcome.

1. Zell, Rinoa, lunch date.
2. Quistis, Rinoa, "safe".
3. Rinoa & anyone, "out of control".
4. Rinoa internal monologue - Alone
5. Rinoa masturbation - magical assistance
6. Rinoa's SeeD test
7. Saying goodbye - Seifer's death
8. Rinoa is Ultimecia (any playing with this is awesome)
9. Rinoa, Ellone, Edea (anything magic-heavy or meta-y)
10. Rinoa, Quistis (romantic or non, exploring the connection through Quistis' Blue Magic)
11. Rinoa and Zell, an in-game discussion about Squall; "why is he such a meaniehead?"
12. Rinoa and anyone: A mission gone terribly wrong. Rinoa can either be on the mission, or hearing about it afterward. Something dark: the real nature of SeeD. Characters wounded or dying. ANGST?
13. Rinoa, healing (magical, physical, emotionally, whatever.)
14. Rinoa, Seifer, pre-war, dreams only go as far as you want them to.
15. Rinoa, Edea, "Succession".
16. Rinoa, Quistis, "observations".
17. Rinoa + GF of your choice; explore the relationship of a new-found sorceress with the powerhousing munchkins that we all know and love. Summon magic meta gets bonus points.
18. Rinoa, Xu, "Juxtaposed".
19. Rinoa, "eloquence"
20. Rinoa, Squall "Exposition"
21. Rinoa, Selphie et al, Garden Festival time.
22. Rinoa, Seifer "Expectations" and or "Miscommunications"
23. Rinoa, Quistis, "Symphony" Bonus points for gratuitous use of a piano, here.
24. Rinoa, Zell, "Momentum"
25. Rinoa, Squall "A walk in the park" and or "A walk by my grave".
26. Rinoa reflective, "Decommissioned" and or "Superfluous".
27. Rinoa, Irvine, "Disconnect", "Forget-Me-Not" and or "Wish".
28. Rinoa, Anyone "Family".
29. Rinoa + any girl, gossip!
30. Squall/anyone with Rinoa observing from afar, "it was never going to work out".
31. Squall, Rinoa, break up, "let's be friends, okay?"
32. Rinoa, Caraway, "I'm not your baby girl anymore". (Please don't read that as "Dad, I had a sex change" -- though on second thoughts, it could be hilarious. Backfiring magic = sex change?)
33. Rinoa, "voices".
34. Rinoa, anyone, in which she stops using Heartilly and starts using Caraway again. Reasons why are up to you.
35. Rinoa, Seifer, post-game "I thought you'd be five hundred miles from Garden by now"
36. Rinoa and Edea: mothering, healing, White Magic vs Black Magic.
37. Crossover with any FF-Verse: Rinoa ends up somewhere else during Time Compression, before she finds Squall. Since it's Time Compression, her "visit" could last as long as needed.
38. Rinoa, Squall, "Daddy issues". Potential Rinoa-Laguna interaction for the win. Added bonus for Squall and Caraway glaring at each other in silence or whatever they would do.
39. Irvine, Rinoa - shopping for birthday presents for SOs
40. Rinoa, Caraway - rebuilding
41. Rinoa - sorcery and madness
42. Rinoa, Selphie, Quistis, Matron, Ellone - girls night out
43. Rinoa, Ellone - was never there (Rinoa angsts about not experiencing childhood with Squall and co., Ellone when she left Squall behind. They talk about this together.)
44. Rinoa - Bubbly
45. Rinoa - goes into hiding. although she DID help save the world, the world still fears sorceresses.
46. Rinoa- more behind her nickname, "Princess."
47. Rinoa, Zone. "magazine"
48. Rinoa, Laguna. "Julia"
49. Rinoa, Zell. "fight"
50. Ellone, Rinoa - magic at its finest
51. Edea, Rinoa - giving into the sorcery
52. Rinoa, flying on broken wings
53. Rinoa - catching crimson feathers
54. Rinoa - flying in blue skies
55. Rinoa - dancing on romance
56. Rinoa, Eden.
57. Squall and Rinoa have broken up, but Rinoa is pregnant. Awkward friendship between the two, but not getting back together.
58. Ellone, Rinoa; what does your soul look like?
59. Ellone, Rinoa; analyze me
60. Rinoa; wasted early Sunday morning
61. Rinoa; snap
62. Rinoa; deterministic
63. Rinoa; reflections
64. Selphie, Rinoa; the smallest things
65. Quistis, Rinoa; tea and sympathy
66. Rinoa, anyone, sleepless.
67. Rinoa, "thinking of you, wherever you are".
68. Rinoa, "a gift and a curse".
69. Rinoa, matchmaker!

70. Squall/Rinoa; butterfly caught
71. Squall/Rinoa; graves
72. Squall/Rinoa; misting all my lenses
73. Squall/Rinoa; midnight in a perfect world
74. Squall/Rinoa; mezzanine
75. Squall/Rinoa; glow
76. Squall/Rinoa; bloodstain
77. Squall/Rinoa: any exploration of the sorceress-knight bond.
78. Squall/Rinoa, "touch".
79. Squall/Rinoa, Hunter.
80. Squall/Rinoa, "what's left of love".
81. Squall/Rinoa - Gravity of Love
82. Squall/Rinoa having a break up fight in his office, and hitting the PA button by accident
83. Squall/Rinoa - first time (does not have to be smut)
84. Squall/Rinoa, dreams (magic is cool here)
85. Squall/Rinoa, "the little things" - adjusting to life after the war
86. Squall/Rinoa in which Rinoa does not decide to stay at Garden with Squall - I'd like something where maybe Rinoa goes back to Timber, for example, to use her newfound fame there; or maybe to Esthar, to work on Sorceress-y things. Squall can either stay with Garden and try the long-distance relationship thing, or he can choose to leave BG and follow Rinoa (either as a SeeD, or he quits). Just a different look at them trying a relationship under new circumstances.
87. Squall/Rinoa, no fairy tale endings
88. Squall/Rinoa, "dancing" (or not).
89. Squall/Rinoa, "you don't always have to wrap me in cotton wool".
90. Squall/Rinoa. Rinoa demands to be allowed to go on missions with Squall, who at first refuses, but finally gives in. Difficulties/chaos/near-break ups ensue!
91. Squall/Rinoa - Undivided Attention
92. Squall/Rinoa - a love that can break easily
93. Squall/Rinoa/Coffee.
94. Squall/Rinoa/Quistis - Rinoa's too successful at talking people into things for her own good.
95. Seifer/Squall/Rinoa, "getting what I want".
96. Seifer/Rinoa, guilty sex.
97. Seifer/Rinoa, a scene before the game; "are we actually going to have a first date?"
98. Seifer/Rinoa - never forgetting what once was
99. Seifer/Rinoa, Caraway. pre-game, "caught in the act"
100. Irvine/Rinoa: holiday preparations. togetherness from shared traditions.
101. Irvine/Rinoa, post-tragedy, preferably with angsty consolation sex.
102. Irvine/Rinoa, "what you need".
103. Irvine/Rinoa - Indulgence
104. Irvine/Rinoa - giving into the flirt
105. Zell/Rinoa - unreasonable
106. Zell/Rinoa, "It just sort of...happened."
107. One-sided Caraway/Rinoa, masturbation at the most. "She looks too much like her mother"

108. Selphie/Rinoa - Irvine watches (must be angsty)
109. Shiva/Rinoa, "worthy".
110. Rinoa/Ellone
111. Rinoa & Ellone, or Rinoa/Ellone; experiments, bad dreams; Rinoa wants to go back in time to see her mother; add two Sorceress' powers and stir
112. Rinoa/Matron- ...I got nothing. Do what you will
123. Rinoa & Quistis, or Rinoa/Quistis; "lessons learned"; blondes and brunettes; "what do you remember of your mother?" Girlsmut an added bonus. XD
124. Quistis/Rinoa, "you don't know the half of it".
125. Quistis/Rinoa - unrequited (on either side)
126. Quistis/Rinoa, in bed together (they came for the Squall-mocking, stayed for the making out).

127. Rinoa steals one of Squall's shirts.
128. Rinoa wearing something new and fancy for a SeeD ball (how much shorter can she get her skirt this time?!).
129. Rinoa + anyone else, a night out.
130. Wedding picture! Everyone likes wedding pictures. Bonus points for including a rather sulky Squall.
131. Rinoa does something mischievous. Or is practising her innocent expression.
132. Rinoa wearing any article of clothing from the other cast members (ex. Squall's jacket, Irvine's hat, etc.)
133. Sorceress!Rinoa
134. Rinoa and Angelo, something cute!

rinoa, final fantasy viii, fanwork-a-thons

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