TF: More Random SRS Business

May 09, 2014 13:15

Rating: PG-13
Series: G1
Pairings: Sideswipe/Ratchet/Sunstreaker
Summary: 10 sentence challenge.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: Written for the twins_x_ratch Wrench of Inspiration #52 prompt 3 - Writing challenge... 10 sentences. One sentence for each of the following: rubble, hop, bowling, depth, fork, peer, insistent, awkward, famine, sparkling
“Come on, come on, where are you?” Golden hands scrabbled desperately through the rubble, stopping only as they touched dirty white plating.
“Oh Primus…” Ratchet just stared as Sideswipe hopped into the medbay, closely followed by Sunstreaker who was holding Sideswipe’s damaged leg and looking like it had a very bad case of cosmic rust.
Ratchet could do nothing but watch (with something approaching pride) as his lovers bowled through the enemies as though they were nothing to reach him.
“Look, I know you like me that way, and I’m really grateful for it, but I’m so out of my depth here, you wouldn’t believe it… and if you mention those rumors from medschool, let me tell you right now, they were just that - rumors!”
“And if I get him to admit it first, you have to fork over all your waxing supplies and go without for a month.”
Ratchet peered round the crate, then leant back against his lovers, relieved that First Aid hadn’t spotted them.
The young medic was insistent in his demands that the two frontliner twins sit down now and shut up, else he’d weld them to the berth and offline their vocalisers.
Sunstreaker shifted awkwardly as Ratchet kept staring at them, the medic not quite able to believe that they’d just declared their love for him in the middle of the rec room.
With Ratchet gone, it felt like they were starving, lost without his attention, hungry for his touches.
Ratchet stared at the sparkling in his arms, its twin in Wheeljack’s arms, quite unable to believe he’d helped create such perfect beautiful beings.

ratchet/sideswipe/sunstreaker, tf, challenge

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