TF: Flames of Desire

Aug 18, 2013 22:08

Rating: PG-13
Series: G1
Pairings: Jazz/Inferno
Summary: Inferno wants Jazz. Jazz knows Inferno is interested in him. And why is it always up to Prowl to give Jazz a push?
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: This is for the tf_rare_pairing weekly requests weekly requests, prompt Jazz/Inferno: burning for you. Yes, I’m still alive. And I apologise for the corny title. If you can come up with a better one, I’ll write you a drabble with a pairing of your choice!
Feedback makes friends. Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.

He watched the mech, he couldn’t do anything but. Jazz was so flashy, so stylish, so… perfect. Everything that Inferno wanted. And likely, that Inferno couldn’t have. As gregarious as the fire truck was, approaching the third in command of the Autobots for… well… it was something he couldn’t do. Anyone else, he didn’t have a problem approaching. Frag, even Red Alert he could approach, wink at and ask if he fancied a quick frag in the security office. But Jazz… Jazz was a different matter entirely.

“He’s doin’ it again.” Jazz murmured. Prowl looked up from his datapad and stared at Jazz.
“And I ain’t sure what I should do about it.” Jazz slumped in his chair, wincing as he saw Inferno look away hurriedly. Prowl glanced over at Inferno and pursed his lips.
“I think you need to do something about it.”
“Tell me about it mech.” Jazz groaned.
“I already did.” Prowl murmured, dropping his optics back to his datapad, a small smile playing on his lips.
“You’re no fragging help.”
“I have already told you what you should do.” Jazz just huffed in reply and sank a little lower in his seat.

“Jazz.” Prowl looked at him, a fond, longsuffering look on his face.
“Do you like him?”
“Well, yeah… but…”
“But nothing. If you like him, I see no reason why you shouldn’t pursue a relationship with him.”
“Aside from all the regs.”
“Regulations have been mostly dropped since our arrival on Earth.” Prowl pointed out.
“You have an answer for ev’rythin’ dontcha?” Prowl inclined his head, saying nothing.
“Fine.” Jazz threw his hands up dramatically. “I’ll talk ta him.”
“Good.” Prowl returned his attention back to his datapad, satisfied that Jazz was finally going to do something about Inferno.

“Jazz.” Inferno’s voice gave away his surprise.
“Inferno.” Jazz shot him a trademark wide smile and pulled out the chair opposite Inferno. “Me thinks we need ta talk.”
“Yeah. I’ve noticed you lookin’ at me.” Jazz said, staring straight at Inferno so he could gauge the large mech’s reaction. Inferno gave a one shouldered shrug.
“Yeah. I can’t help it. Yer one fine lookin’ mech, Jazz.”
“What are you going to do about it?”
“What can I do about it?” Inferno shrugged again. “Though, with the way you’ve come over here, I’m thinkin’ I might be in with a chance ta do somethin’.
“I’d say you might be.”
“I don’t want a pity frag or nothin’ like that.” Inferno warned. “I like ya Jazz, and I ain’t gonna ruin our friendship for what could happen.” Jazz nodded, a little mollified.
“Good, ‘cuz I ain’t the sort of mech to go berth-hopping.” He grinned as Inferno stared at him. “Public opinion and personal preference are two completely different things.”
“Yeah, I’m getting that.”

“Awr, Jazz, yer such a tease.” Inferno groaned. They’d left the rec room to have a more private chat, and things had taken a turn for the amorous. Jazz had Inferno pinned to the berth (as pinned as a mech half Inferno’s size could pin a mech Inferno’s size to the berth) and was doing interesting things to his grill.
“You complaining?” Jazz grinned, wriggling his fingers and getting another moan from Inferno.
“I’m burnin’ fer ya.” Inferno reached for Jazz, pulling him close for a kiss. This time it was Jazz’s turn to moan. Inferno’s hands held him close, letting him feel the heat emanating from his chassis.
“Wow.” Jazz murmured, stretching to nuzzle against Inferno’s neck cabling. “I really got you heated up.”
“Yeah.” Inferno moaned, arching as Jazz nipped a cable. “Tol’ ya I really liked ya. Been thinking about this sorta thing happening fer a while.”
“Yeah, jus’ didn’t want ta do anything because…”
“Regulations?” Jazz quipped.
“Yeah, them. Among other things.” Inferno shrugged, which jostled Jazz. “But we ain’t gotta worry about them now, right?”
“Right.” Jazz grinned and kissed Inferno. “We’ve got other things to worry about now.”
“Like raising your temperature even more!”

And fade to black.. because Red Alert’s manning the cameras at the moment. Spoilsport.

rare pairings, jazz, inferno, tf

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