TF: In Retrospect

Apr 25, 2013 14:48

Rating: PG-13
Series: G1
Pairings: Shockwave/Ratchet
Summary: In retrospect, the spark bond had perhaps been a bad idea.
Warnings: Character death
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I've forgotten...
Authors Notes: From the meme prompt eerian_sadow suggested here.  This is an AU of that AU, because I'm not sure what exactly happens in that AU.  And yeah, I suck at titles.
Feedback makes friends. Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.

In retrospect, the spark bond had perhaps been a bad idea.  Shockwave could admit that now.  Not that he wanted to admit it.  If he was honest, he hadn't thought things through properly.  Which surprised him.  Normally, he planned for every eventuality.  But he hadn't planned for this.  The thought hadn’t even crossed his processor.

That his beautiful medic would take his own life.

He stared at the greyed form in his arms, but didn't really see it.  How Ratchet had managed to find and hide the energy blade, he didn't know.  Didn't understand.  He'd known, of course, that Ratchet wasn't happy.  Not happy with the spark bond.  Or rather, with the way it had come about.  From what he could feel of Ratchet's spark, he could sense that the medic had longed for a spark bond with him.  But that it had been forced on him after everything that had happened had made him bitter.  And suicidal.  Once Shockwave had realised that, he had made sure to limit the amount of time Ratchet spent on his own.  And limit the resources he came into contact with.  Which had been why when Ratchet had brandished the energy blade, Shockwave had been too shocked to react.  His optic offlined as he remembered the scene that had played out only moments before.

Ratchet paused, pulling out an energy blade he'd managed to find and hide and brandishing it.
"We can't always have what we want.”
"Ratchet..." Shockwave managed to gasp out his lover/mate's name, watching in horror as the medic let his chestplating open, soft blue light spilling out from his spark casing.
"You can't have what you want." Ratchet murmured sadly, activating the blade and turning it on himself.  Time seemed to slow down as Shockwave watched the blade pierce Ratchet's spark.  Ratchet's face twisted in pain, but he didn't make a sound.  Shockwave was too shocked to make any sort of sound.  Only silence dominated, punctuated with the hiss-fizzle of the blade as it caught in the energy of Ratchet's spark.  The blade clattering to the ground broke the spell and Shockwave moved in time to catch Ratchet's frame.

"Ratchet..." He whispered brokenly, optic focussed on his medic's spark, watching as it flickered and guttered in front of him.  He watched as the frame he held started greying.

He had been wrong.  And he told Ratchet that.  Not that it mattered now.  Ratchet couldn't hear him.  He stroked Ratchet's cheek, the feel of the cold metal under his fingers completely wrong.  His spark clenched.  It wouldn't be long now.

In retrospect, the spark bond had perhaps been a bad idea.

ratchet, gift fic, tf, shockwave, challenge

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