TF: Professional Behavior

Jun 24, 2011 11:58

Rating: PG-13
Series: Movieverse
Pairings: Ratchet/Jolt
Summary: Mentoring under Ratchet, Jolt learns something new.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: For the tf_rare_pairing  June Challenge prompt - "It's a patented technique."
Feedback makes friends.  Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.

“I’ve had just about enough of your slag!” Ratchet growled at Sideswipe, reaching in and tweaking something.  Jolt could do nothing but watch as Sideswipe’s optics flared in shock before dimming completely.
“Ratchet?” Jolt said his mentor’s name hesitantly.  The smile Ratchet gave him as he turned round did nothing to ease his nerves.
“It’s all right Jolt, he’s perfectly fine.”
“It’s a patented technique.  A very good way to keep the peace in the medbay.”
“Jolt, don’t worry.” Ratchet patted the younger mech on the shoulder.  “Now, let’s get his repairs finished so we can wake the slagger up.”


“You did well today.” Ratchet complimented Jolt as they cleaned up the medbay.
“Thank you.” Jolt shifted a little uneasily.  “Ratchet… about what you did to Sideswipe…”
“Ah…” Ratchet stopped what he was doing and turned to face Jolt.  “Don’t think for one moment that a Decepticon could do that just as easily.  In fact…” Ratchet lowered his voice.  “I can actually only do that with Sideswipe.  He has a sensor cluster just under his armor that sends him into immediate overload and then stasis.” Jolt spluttered, not entirely sure how to react to that.
“That’s… that’s not very professional.”
“No, but then Sideswipe isn’t exactly a model patient.” Jolt nodded and shifted uncomfortably again, obviously torn about his next question.
“… so you wouldn’t be able to do that to me?”  Ratchet smiled.
“Oh, I would.  But in a much more pleasurable way."

jolt, ratchet, rare pairings, tf, challenge

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