Jun 29, 2010 17:51

So I guess it’s been, like, a year since I made an actual Life Update-type post. Umm, oops? I took some extended breaks from the internet, but I’m pretty much back now, which I suppose means, it’s time for some Year in Review bullet points ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

hadespuppy June 30 2010, 01:35:35 UTC
I'm leaving Winnipeg at a ridiculously early hour on the 7th, so we shall have to get together on the 6th. Possibly after thegiantkiller gets in at 2:30.

Also, Meaghan was trying to get hold of you apparently, so she told me to tell you to email her or find her on facebook or something.


wilde_stallyn June 30 2010, 01:57:49 UTC
I get in at 7:00 that evening.

Ooookay. I don't think I have her email...


wilde_stallyn July 6 2010, 08:10:58 UTC
Um, so, did you want to hang out tomorrow evening or is that too late for you?


hadespuppy July 6 2010, 08:15:12 UTC
I think I can manage something. It may involve you watching me pack, but I will try to avoid that.


belleweather June 30 2010, 02:31:43 UTC
LOL. I have just discovered that I am willing to spend more money to see Adam Lambert than just about anyone other than U2 or Peter Gabriel. This puts him in very august company in my world and makes me a bit ashamed of myself. (In my defense, almost all of my other favorite bands still play $20 bar shows, so I can measure my love in spazzy fangirlness and not money.) Still. Adam tix. 7/17. So excited. Sort of wondering if he'll be actually shagging Tommy on stage by then or not, the way things are going... ;)


wilde_stallyn July 1 2010, 02:58:36 UTC
He's not actually coming up here on this tour. He played a one-off show at the casino back in April and the tickets were like $90 or something ridiculous. I was hoping he'd come back during the tour, but no such luck. :/


nopseud June 30 2010, 03:06:20 UTC
I'm sure you'll have an awesome time at the Backstreet show. It's definitely my favourite of their shows that I've seen.


skylar_inari June 30 2010, 12:30:48 UTC
I want Backstreet Boys tickets. :/ But I don't want to go alone because I am a coward and I am having difficulties convincing my sister of the awesomeness of this idea. Weirdly, I think I am getting somewhere with convincing my mom. I'm totally awesome, maybe going to a concert with my mom but omigod I don't care.

And my throat hurts. What? You wanted real news (not that I have much blah blah blah roleplaying blah blah blah anime blah blah blah work = my life, with a side of video games) at seven in the morning? Ha! *IS SO EXCITING*

Following my regular boring life, I don't have many plans, weekends are probably better for me, if you want to meet up (if not, I am okay, I am pretty fond of my boring life), and I'll need to double check to make sure I'm as free as I think I am. *is useful, really*

(And I am amused that you linked your flist. IDEK.)


wilde_stallyn July 1 2010, 03:43:25 UTC
I'm going to be at Folk fest the first weekend. We could get together Friday night on the 16th, or the Saturday or Sunday afternoon following.

(A lot of people on my flist seem to do that. I don't really know why. *is a sheep*)


wilde_stallyn July 14 2010, 18:32:07 UTC
So, um, do any of those times this weekend work for you?


give_areason July 14 2010, 19:29:02 UTC

I like comment notifs. They are very dear to my heart. As they should be considering the number of RP journals I have...

And yes, I am far too lazy to log into my IRL journal at the moment, so you're getting the journal I was under anyway.

Ugh. Due to LJ fail, I was all OKAY. WELL. I GUESS MY TIMING ISN'T RIGHT. And have plans of the mostly-online sort with peoples and cancelling is... kinda crappy thing to do. :/

So uh. Well. That sucks. Boo. I am sorry?


eversor_deus June 30 2010, 20:03:35 UTC
Good to hear from you! :D Second puberty sounds very unpleasant. I'm pretty sure I'm still going through my first one. *pokes skin*

(gotta get ready for work, so only a quick reply from me)


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