Jun 29, 2010 17:51

So I guess it’s been, like, a year since I made an actual Life Update-type post. Umm, oops? I took some extended breaks from the internet, but I’m pretty much back now, which I suppose means, it’s time for some Year in Review bullet points:

- I started T last June, and a year in I’m generally really happy with the changes, though I’m really ready for the back acne part of this second puberty thing to be over, thanks. I’m still trying to get a handle on proper facial hair management; this shit is harder than it looks. Do most guys actually learn this stuff from their dads? Because if everyone has to pick it up through osmosis and trial and error, I’m actually really surprised with the overall competence of the male population.

- I’m going back to school in September for my Optician’s certificate. I can’t say it’s something I’m super excited and passionate about, but it seems like an okay day job. I was on a mat leave contract at work and now that my coworker is back they can’t keep me on full time so I’m working part time this summer and will be able to continue while I’m at school.

- I’m not totally giving up on jewelry design, though. I took a basic metal smithing class through continuing ed at VCC this winter, so there’s a bunch of projects I could actually do now, if I had access to the right equipment. Unfortunately, the one place in Vancouver that was renting studio time to the public isn’t in business anymore, and I can’t see the landlady being open to me using even a small torch in our house. I was thinking about trying to find someone with a private studio who wants to rent it out once or twice a month, but I have no idea how to go about tracking someone like that down. Anyway, once I’m done my two years of optician school and put in a year or two in the industry, I’ll see where I am in terms of having enough work for a portfolio to apply to the full time jewelry program at VCC.

- I was sick for most of both February and May, and spent most of the intervening four months avoiding people, both on the internet and in real life. Mostly, what I did was catch up on all the TV I hadn’t watched for two years. I’m pretty much caught up on everything now, except for the second half of this season of Supernatural.

- I’m really ridiculously in love with Doctor Who and Burn Notice, though not in a fic-reading kind of way. I’m honestly a little scared that the fandoms can’t possibly compare to the awesomeness of the canons. If anyone’s got a really phenomenal rec, I’m willing to be proven wrong, though.

- I must admit that I’m not as fond of Matt Smith’s Doctor as I was of David Tennant’s quite yet, but Amy totally makes up for it. I love her so much, OMG.

- Fandom-wise, I’ve been cycling between popslash, Adam Lambert and figure skating. Currently, I’m mostly really obsessed with skating. I just really love this fandom so much in all its complete sparkly ridiculousness. <3 Because you can't take yourself too seriously and like Evan Lysacek at the same time!

- THAT SAID I would be very happy if we could move away from the kinkmeme format now, please. It defeats all the advantages of doing fandom on a lj-type platform and makes it really hard to keep track of everything.

- Also, I would like to state for the record that I really, really hate the word “stan”. (And yet, I’ve been spending so much time reading _skating recently that I keep using it in my head. Please kill me now.)

- The fact that this whole fandom has decided that Evan has pain and humiliation kinks (and keeps actually writing it well) makes me really incredibly happy, guys. Anyone who like boys with issues who don't know what they're doing trying to do BDSM (and I know some of you do) needs to read neery's Rituals right now. THIS IS THE SWANGOOSE DYNAMIC OF MY HEAAARRRRTT. I WANT TO READ THEM LIKE THIS FOREVER AND EVER.

- I have Backstreet Boys tickets for August! \o/

- One of the things I have learned this year is that I am willing to spend a lot more money to see BSB than Adam Lambert. I feel it's good to know these things about yourself.

So, that's me. How are all of you?
I'm going to be in Winnipeg July 6-19th for Folk Fest and the week after, so people there should tell me what you're schedules are like/if anything interesting is happening!
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