A humble offering of fanfic.

May 27, 2008 01:13

Well, I decided to take part in
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round-robin, fanfic, doctor who

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Comments 10

chocoholic47 May 27 2008, 12:05:02 UTC
Hooray for you! Um, I'm gonna claim the next bit, before anyone else does.


tkurogrym May 27 2008, 16:32:47 UTC
Woot! Glad it's you. She's made the cliffhanger even worse, IMO, so I can't wait to see what you do next. *waits eagerly*


wildcard_47 May 27 2008, 17:03:31 UTC
Yay! Can't wait to see what you write! Good luck fixing this monster cliffhanger that I managed to make even worse...


dozmuffinxc May 27 2008, 14:52:29 UTC
Oh squee! I'm psyched now. This is really getting off, isn't it?

*waits with baited breath for chocoholic47's next installation*



tkurogrym May 27 2008, 16:31:15 UTC
I can't decide whether to laugh (this is soooo very Jack) or worry. And yes, you completely dodged the cliffhanger -- but that's how these fics work, often for the better. A dodge here, an extension there, and twist over there. Part of the challenge! And what you've really done is made the cliffhanger WORSE! I'm very glad chocoholic47 grabbed this one already ( ... )


wildcard_47 May 27 2008, 17:01:35 UTC
what you've really done is made the cliffhanger WORSE!
*laughs* I know -- I'm such a cheater! Dodged that minefield completely and made chocoholic47 have to come up with a solution involving all of the random items I mentioned. *grins* I'm so evil.

Also, thanks for the feedback. This piece actually turned out much better than I first thought it might. Jack's POV came easiest to me -- maybe all those extra episodes of TW have helped me hone in on the voice, or something. Anyway, I liked writing this. Can't wait to see what chocoholic47 comes up with!


tkurogrym May 27 2008, 19:34:44 UTC
You are most evil, evil, evil. Those random items. Yeesh. Tea, check. Towels, okaay. Change of clothes...?! I'm befuddled. Good luck to chocoholic47! "Half-formed plan," indeed!

As for POV, it's fascinating to see how different folks handle different POVs, and which come more easily. I don't doubt that the TW episodes are useful (they certainly honed my interest in Jack as a character), but there's also something challenging about writing pre-TW!Jack after having seen them. The core personality is the same, but his general tone is much less grim. I'm re-watching TEC/TDD and Boomtown at the moment just to pin down those voices in hopes of working on another Nine-era fic.

*snerks at icon* Very funny. Very appropriate!


wildcard_47 May 27 2008, 23:20:52 UTC
Those random items. Yeesh. Tea, check. Towels, okaay. Change of clothes...?! I'm befuddled.
Haha, well, squint hard enough, and there's some sort of "what are you, a midwife?!" joke begging to be spoken.

And yeah, this icon makes me laugh every time. I need more Jack icons in my stash, I think...


maypanic May 29 2008, 18:03:06 UTC
Nice! I can't read the first bit, as it appears to be locked, but this works pretty well as a stand-alone. Great Jack-voice, and I love the last line.


wildcard_47 May 29 2008, 18:22:19 UTC
Ooh, I'll have to tell Grym that she's locked the previous entry -- it's supposed to be open so anyone can jump in.

And thanks! I was excited to post this as it's my first official Who fic. :) Writing Jack is so much fun....


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