I love London. No, really.

May 01, 2008 20:37

Here's a funny from yesterday's free paper which makes me giggle each time I read it.

Right, so the "London Lite" has a back-page section called 'Texts', in which people text in their complaints, random thoughts, and observations throughout the day and have them printed in the paper. Any subject, any topic -- it's basically a place just to ramble or ( Read more... )

austria, newspaper, life, travel, london

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Comments 13

maypanic May 1 2008, 20:10:08 UTC
So awesome that your Mom got to come visit and see where you've been living. Austria! Oh, it's gorgeous. I was only there about 18 hours (and asleep maybe 7 of those)so I have no tips except take LOTS of pictures!


wildcard_47 May 4 2008, 08:39:11 UTC
Oh, lots of pictures were taken! And the best part about them is that (because we took the Sound of Music tour right off) the entire album looks like a Rodgers and Hammerstein musical.

Not to mention that Austria is pretty darn gorgeous in its own right -- so picturesque!


elvenlaughter May 2 2008, 00:27:14 UTC
YOU might be upset about coming back, but your roomie counts down the days for me every time she sees me. You should see her... it's quite amusing.
Looking forward to seeing you, dearie!


wildcard_47 May 4 2008, 08:40:13 UTC
Well, I'm not upset about coming back, but it is definitely going to be strange to come back to my sleepy hometown after living here for three months.

And I am very excited to see you all! Hopefully I can make it down to school before you take exams.


elvenlaughter May 4 2008, 14:04:51 UTC
From today it's what, 8 days? I start exams on the 15th, so you'll just make it.


chocoholic47 May 2 2008, 00:58:15 UTC
The "texts" section of the newspaper sounds quite amusing. The example you provided made me grin, actually.
Yet again, your amazing sightseeing experiences fill me with happiness that you are seeing such cool stuff and jealousy (of the friendly, competitive-like sort) that I am unable to. ...Yet....
Agreement with Elvenlaughter: I am thrilled beyond belief that there are 11 days until we are again both present on the same landmass. However, I completely understand your sadness of leaving lovely London. (Yay unintentional alliteration).


wildcard_47 May 4 2008, 08:41:39 UTC
Yeah, the texts part of the Lite is probably my favorite -- the rest is all "news" and celebrity gossip, but that's kind of fun to read too, in a silly stalking way.

I can't wait to come home and see you! It has been far too long. I wish I could take the city with me, though, then I'd have the best of both worlds! :)


dozmuffinxc May 2 2008, 01:54:23 UTC
Ahh! Chaucer's grave? Thrice over are you scorned for having these experiences without me!! Sooo... jealous... but I suppose it's a good thing. You've definitely taken advantage of your time there, and you're going to come away with some of the best memories. Sad that they must be "memories" and not everyday occurences, of course, but think of the stories you'll have to tell! I can't wait to hear them all.

You're going to love Austria! Not that I've ever been there, but you really can't go wrong with the "Sound of Music" tour, right?? Promise me you'll sing "The Hills Are Alive," at least a verse, when you're out there! I'll never forgive you if you don't ;)


wildcard_47 May 4 2008, 08:44:15 UTC
I know -- I'm so proud of myself for being able to do all of these things and to really take advantage of what the city has to offer. I'm looking over my pictures/journal entries and am very impressed that I did that much in an entire semester. (But on the flip side, my schoolwork got so neglected, haha.) I can't wait to see you and share all my newest adventures.

Austria was WONDERFUL. I have so many pictures to show you....and they pretty much all promote singing a verse (or twelve) of "The Hills Are Alive" and all the other songs.


dozmuffinxc May 4 2008, 14:28:43 UTC
Squee for pictures! I can't wait. Then, someday when I actually go to these places, I can be all like "yeah, that's the so-and-so. Oh, and that over there? Yeah, seen it."

Hehe. Homework is overrated. Especially when you're in LONDON! But really, isn't the "experience" what Elon's all about? The work is important, but if it isn't catering to the broadening of your perception of the world, well, who needs it??


tkurogrym May 3 2008, 03:30:01 UTC
So, yes - Snape fans are a supportive, if vaguely disturbed lot. *coughs* Although I'd prefer my Snape a bit more canon than Rickman. (I do seem to be a lone voice whining in the wilderness in that regard, however!) Either way - very amusing texts ( ... )


wildcard_47 May 4 2008, 08:49:42 UTC
Yay for the CCI update! So exciting....I keep getting the emails and can't wait to come back and see all the folks (and animals) at the center. Yearling tigers! And baby servals......aw! :D

I loved Austria. Wish I'd been able to make it to Vienna, but we definitely saw a lot of beautiful things in Salzburg. It was a fantastic trip.

It's so weird to be talking about leaving London. I just can't even comprehend that I've spent three months here already and am ready to head back. But I am looking forward to seeing everybody I left in the States...that will be the best part of coming home, I think.


elvenlaughter May 4 2008, 14:07:37 UTC
BTW - I'm going to be stowing away in your vehicle next time you head to CCI... I want to take a tour, and then do volunteer training... and YOU will be my butler, for I hath no transport of mine own!


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