Multifandom kink meme

Dec 31, 2008 12:03

In spirit of the new year to come…

Hey everyone,

I’m throwing this journal entry open to be a multifandom anonymous kink meme.

Comment to this entry with whatever you’d like to see and hopefully someone will take it up. If anything inspires you, have fun taking up the challenge of doing it Any fandom, any kink, any pairing, any rating are welcome here. The kinks can be smutty or not so, for a list of example kinks go here.

Please put the fandom in the subject line and, time permitting, I can link them up later on top of the post for easier fandom searching.

Anon commenting is on but if you do want to go in signed, go for it.

Please, feel free to pimp :)

Please don’t be flaming other peoples kink requests or responses.

Have fun!

Alien Nation prompts here

Angel Prompts here

Buffy Prompts here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

Buffy/Angel crossover prompts here

Chuck Prompts here

Constantine (movie) prompts here

Crossover: SGA/Torchwood prompts

Doctor Who (classic) prompts

Due South prompts here

Eureka prompts here

Firefly prompts here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

Hellboy prompts here

Heroes prompts here, here

Kyle XY prompts

Leverage prompts

Magnificent Seven prompts here

NCIS prompts

One Tree Hill prompts here

Robin Hood prompts here, here, here

Stargate Atlantis prompts here, here, here

Stargate SG1 prompts here, here

Supernatural prompts here, here, here

Superman prompts here

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, prompts here

The Sentinel prompts

Torchwood Prompts here, here, here

X Files prompts

Page 2 is here. It's not showing too well for some reason...

kink meme

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