After a long labor, but an easy delivery, Ariel Faye arrived on Thursday, July 30th at 9:39 AM. She weighed in at 7lb 1oz and is 19 1/2 inches long. She was scheduled to be evicted on Tuesday, August 4th, a few days before her due date because I had gestational diabetes, but we are very glad she decided to come on her own. Labor started early
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Josh took his first trip out of the country (except for Canada) this November. We went to Barcelona, Spain, for a week in mid-November. We took and easy and spent time wandering around the city on foot, taking in the architecture, the history, the art and the culture. It was fabulous
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Ha, I took an accent test and unsurprisingly my accent is "The Northern Accent" which is described as "Your accent is specific to New York State, the Great Lakes Area, and Western New England."
This is a fascinating article from the Washington Post that crunches the numbers for the economics of the US based on the president in office. Do the Math
By Michael Kinsley Sunday, August 1, 2004; Page B07