BSG ShAgathon story: Adjustments

Feb 14, 2007 08:13

Title: Adjustments
Author: Widget
Pairing: none
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be (otherwise Lee would be dressed in that towel permanently! Mmmm…towel). No money is being made.
Spoilers: Up through episode 3.5 “Torn” though it is AU
Summary: It’s all about making adjustments
Notes: Helo ficathon fic for ysrith who requested Helo/crew, genfic with the prompt “They made *him* CAG...” Many thanks to the wonderful romanticalgirl for kickass beta efforts. As always, any errors are mine, all mine.

The sound of the phone ringing barely registered as Karl studied the fuel distribution schedule in front of him. It wasn’t until Dee - Lieutenant Adama, he reminded himself - called his name that he looked up.


“Commander wants to see you, sir.”

Karl frowned. He was about to ask if the Admiral had said anything else, but stopped himself. The old man wouldn’t pull him out of CIC mid-shift unless it was something important. And you didn’t keep the Admiral of the fleet waiting.

“Very well. Hoshi, you have the comm.”

The other man acknowledged the order, rising smoothly to take his place at the command console as Karl headed out of CIC towards the Admiral’s quarters.

Karl pushed his way through the hallways, feeling a little like a fish swimming upstream. After months of walking empty, echoing corridors, he was still having to adjust to the sudden press of people, crewmen and civilian refugees filling every nook and cranny of the ship. He was grateful for their presence, for what it meant, of course, but it was still an adjustment, just one of many.

They were all trying to adjust. Some changes were just easier than others.

The crowds thinned out as he got closer to the Admiral’s quarters. Karl quickened his stride into a slow jog to make up for lost time.

The marine guard stationed outside the hatch gave him a curt nod which Karl returned, before opening the hatch for him.

Karl paused just inside the threshold, eyes darting first to the Admiral’s desk, then to the low leather sofa nearby where the old man was seated. He wasn’t surprised to see Lee sitting in an adjacent chair, forearms braced in his knees as he leaned forward as if in deep conversation. The two of them had been holed up for the last couple of days, working out a plan to integrate the personnel from Pegasus with that of Galactica, both those that stayed behind and those that had headed dirtside. It was a logistical nightmare and Karl didn’t envy them the task one bit.

Karl drew himself up and snapped off a sharp salute. “Captain Agathon reporting as ordered, sir.”

Both men looked up wearing identical expressions. Karl almost smiled at the uncanny resemblance, but maintained his composure.

“Have a seat, Captain.”

Karl took the seat to the Admiral’s left, facing Lee who gave him a small, encouraging smile.

“Care for a drink?” the Admiral asked.

Karl eyed the decanter and the pair of tumblers resting in the table half full - or half empty if one was an optimist. The liquid was clear; water, not alcohol, but then this was a work meeting and they were all still on the clock.

“Yes, sir, thank you.”

The Admiral poured his drink and topped off the other two glasses, before setting the bottle down and leaning back against the couch cushions. He rolled his glass carefully between his palms for a moment before pinning Karl with his gaze in a way that made him instinctively sit up straighter.

“Major Adama and I have been going over the rolls, trying to figure out how best to integrate and distribute personnel.”

Karl nodded. No news there.

“After careful consideration, we’ve made some decisions.”

The old man paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. Karl felt a sudden unease creep along his spine.

“And what have you decided, sir?”

“Effective immediately, Major Adama will be assuming the duties of Executive Officer.”

Karl frowned. “What about Colonel Tigh?”

“Colonel Tigh…” Karl could hear the waver in the Admiral’s voice. It was almost imperceptible, but after four months of serving at the Admiral’s side, Karl had gotten pretty adept at reading the man’s moods. “Colonel Tigh has elected to retire from the service.”

Karl nodded slowly, not knowing what to say. It seemed inconceivable; Tigh was as much a part of Galactica as the old man himself. But Karl had seen the broken shell of the man who’d returned from New Caprica, shy one eye and a wife. You didn’t just get over something like that. Looking at the way the old man’s shoulders curved inwards, he knew that Tigh wasn’t the only one who was having difficulty coming to grips with the fallout.

Karl shot a look over at Lee, wondering how he felt about the change in duty. It made sense, of course; after Adama, Lee was the ranking officer. As Commander of the Pegasus, he’d been second only to the Admiral and having to go back to serving under Tigh would no doubt have grated after the relative freedom of having his own ship, his own command. But Helo also remembered the way father and son had clashed during the planning of the rescue op back to New Caprica. At least then there’d been some distance between them, a way for them to retreat to their own corners to lick their wounds and gain a little perspective before the next encounter. Karl wondered how they’d fare living in one another’s pockets once again without Karl or the irascible Tigh acting as a buffer. It would either be a success or a recipe for disaster and only time would tell.

Lee quirked a brow at him and Karl gave him a sheepish grin at being caught out. “Congratulations, Major.”

“Thank you, Captain,” Lee replied with juts a hint of wry amusement.

Adama shifted in his seat, capturing Karl’s full attention once more. “Obviously with Major Adama stepping into the XO position, you will no longer be needed to fulfill those duties.”

“Yes, sir,” Karl said, feeling a strange mixture of relief and disappointment. He’d expected the former, but not the latter.

Karl had never asked for the responsibility, never would have dreamed he’d ever be a command officer. Karl knew about the performance reviews in his personnel file, he’d heard the assessment enough times over the years from instructors at the Academy and former CAGs he could practically recite it verbatim from memory: Agathon is a competent pilot. Hardworking, congenial, affable. Gets on with his fellow pilots, but lacks drive. A follower, not a leader. No real command potential…

Karl had made peace with that truth a long time ago. And really, who would want it anyway? Long hours, a mountain of stress, more responsibility. It wasn’t even like there were any perks these days. There were no pay raises, no private quarters, no pension…Command was vastly overrated. Except…

Except Karl had kind of enjoyed it.

When Adama had tapped him to replace Tigh as XO, Karl had thought the man was mad. Or desperate. He quickly realized he was both, and that neither of them had much of a choice. He was pretty much all the Admiral had to work with. Karl been scared out of his wits, but the old man needed him. The fleet needed him. And while he’d never been particularly ambitious, he was never one to walk away when someone needed him.

So Karl became XO. He even became a pretty good XO, all things considered. He’d never asked for it, had never wanted it, but in the end he’d done his best. And his best had turned out to be pretty frakking good.

But that was then. And now, well, time to adjust.

“You did a fine job as XO,” Adama said, his expression serious. “You kept this ship and her crew together and functioning. You showed exceptional leadership skills during a difficult period.”

“Thank you, sir,” Karl replied, genuinely touched by the Admiral’s words.

“That’s why I’ve decided to make you the new CAG.”

Karl blinked. Surely he’d misheard. “Sir?”

“You’re the new CAG,” he repeated.

“But what about Kat…Lieutenant Katraine?” he corrected himself.

“She performed well as interim CAG, but you’re senior to her. If I hadn’t needed you to act as XO, you would have been CAG months ago. Kat’s a good officer. She’ll understand.”

Karl hesitated before asking the next, inevitable question. “Sir, what about Captain Thrace? She’s senior to me and now that she’s back…”

Adama’s expression turned stony. “Captain Thrace has not as yet been cleared for active duty nor has she been a serving officer for the past year. I have some…reservations about her fitness for duty.”

Karl nodded slowly. He understood what Adama wasn’t saying. He’d seen Kara holding court with Tigh in the pilot’s rec room, drinking and sowing sedition, betraying the Admiral and their oaths of service with every poisonous, mutinous word they uttered. They’d once been steadfastly loyal, their devotion to Adama unwavering. But that was before. Karl didn’t know what had happened to Kara down on New Caprica, probably never would, but he’d seen enough to know that she wasn’t the same anymore. Tigh wasn’t the only one who’d come back broken.

Karl darted another glance at Lee, not entirely surprised by his flinty expression, a perfect mirror to his father’s. There was another story there, one that Karl wasn’t privy to, but he knew enough to realize that Lee was no more eager to have Kara back on duty than the old man.

Some battles were worth fighting, but this wasn’t one. Karl wasn’t even sure Kara would want him to fight for her and if he even should under the circumstances.


Adama’s voice shook him from his thoughts. “I’m sorry, sir. I…I’m not sure what I should say.”

Adama gave him a small, sly grin. “I believe the correct response is, ‘thank you, sir’.”

Karl couldn’t help the snort of laughter that slipped out. “Thank you, sir,” he replied dutifully, doing his level best to ignore the smirk Lee shot his way. “I won’t let you down,” he added on a more serious note.

“Of that I have no doubt.” Adama rose and Karl and Lee stood as well. “Congratulations, Captain Agathon.” He extended his hand and Karl shook it in his. Adama’s grip was strong and sure.

“You should meet with Captain Katraine as soon as possible to insure a smooth changeover. You’ll report directly to Major Adama from now on.”

Karl nodded. He knew the drill, of course. The only difference now was that he’d be on the other side of the table, giving reports rather than receiving them.

“I believe you have a shift to finish in CIC, Captain. You’re both dismissed.”

“Yes, sir,” Karl said. “And thank you, sir. For everything.”

Adama nodded, a faint smile cracking his otherwise serious demeanor.

Karl exited the Admiral’s quarters, Lee a step behind. It wasn’t until the hatch closed after them with a metallic clang that the reality of what had transpired finally sank in.

They made me CAG.

“It really is the end of the worlds,” Karl muttered, shaking his head in disbelief,

Lee chuckled, clapping Karl on the shoulder. “You’ll do just fine. See ya later, CAG.”

Karl grinned at the emphasis Lee placed on his new title, amused but oddly affectionate and watched as Lee turned and headed down the corridor. Karl didn’t move right away, just continued to stand outside Admiral’s quarters, pondering the recent conversation over in his mind. Adama made him CAG,the CAG for frak’s sake. He turned the title over in his mind, weighing the feel, the heft, the import of it.


Captain Agathon, CAG.

A slow smile stretched across his face. Yeah, he liked the sound of that. Another adjustment, but this was one Karl thought he could come to love. Whistling under his breath, he turned and headed back to CIC. Duty called, but later, later he would see his wife. He couldn’t wait to tell Sharon the news.

Karl’s smile grew impossibly wider.

Yeah, he could definitely get used to this.


ficathon, fic, bsg

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