Vancouver 2006 Creation Con 2 - Saturday Panels - JF and MS

Mar 28, 2006 22:35

I know that there are some tiny SGA spoilers in this one, so I'm putting in a cut tag. It's a wrap up of the panels on Saturday.

Saturday Panels

We went to lunch at the Asian food court connected to the hotel. Zoe got mango bubble tea with her meal, which I had never had before, and I got green onion pancakes made with rice flower and wonton soup. (I haven't had those kind of pancakes in years, and when I saw them, I just had to get some. I thought I should have something with more protein in it or something, but I just kept coming back and finally gave in. This was only the beginning of my ''I should have packed some power bars like Rodney" episodes, where I wander around foggy and indecisive, knowing I am hungry, yet unable to decide on anything.)

Gary Jones was hysterical in his panel. His background in improve and stand-up was clear, and he told great stories. ('Though he's a bit cynical, isn't he?' said the Australian on my left.) Man, I can't even recount them as a lot of it is in the telling. He told us the story of his name, the way Peter Deluise has him repeat lines 'as Kirk' (so doing a Kirk impression), and so on.

Then it was Joe's turn, and as you can tell from the photos that other people took (people much closer to the stage than me, and people with much better cameras than mine), he looked great. He slouched and stretched and twisted around in his chair looking at people; he stood, he sat, and sometimes he wandered around. (I, of course, checked out ever single sprawl and tummy flash to the best of my ability, just in the interest of research, of course)

(When seeing how many pictures I had of JF, all son would say is 'you really like Joe Flannigan, don't you?')

Hmm. What Joe said at his Q&A has been pretty much covered. I'm not sure how wide spread the question from the 'Sheppard Whumper' was, but Joe obviously loved the word. He said something like: "We just finished filming some Ronon whumping, in Sateda. He's fighting this huge Wraith and just gets thrown against the wall, the floor, all over the place, over and over and over again." Then he smiled kinda mischievously and said something like: "I really like whumping as long as it's Ronon getting whumped."

(Don't we all, Joe. Don't we all.)

He did some 'preemptive' -- and there was that smile again -- negative comments about Epiphany and how it wasn't a great episode. I get the feeling that he's gotten a lot of hassle about it and felt really bad for him, stepping out and saying 'yeah, my story kinda sucked.' Having written sucky stories myself, I had far too much empathy over that.

There was this weird thing where this German woman asked what kind of perfume Sheppard wore, and Joe had no idea what she was talking about. We know she was meaning 'after shave', but Joe didn't get that, and so got off on a track about Sheppard's sweat.

I think I lost some time then, thinking about Sheppard and sweat.

I came back about the time that Joe mentioned that his hobbies were currently limited to 'extreme reading.' And heli-skiing, "which is really no more dangerous than extreme reading."

It became kind-of a catch phase for his Q&A, and every time he tossed it in, it got a laugh.

Someone asked about if there was ever a time that Sheppard just had the urge to step forward in a kind-of Western way, and do that whole sherrif-ish "Now I'm in charge here' thing. JF blinked a little at that, and said no at first, then changed his mind, as he sort of does that in Irresistible. "But everyone's kinda acting weird then."

i.e., it sounds like an Alien Pollen ep.

He also told the story of how when his wife was pregnant, he'd gone climbing Mt Rainer, and taken his goggles off because they were foggy, only to realize that his eye was frozen. "And in that moment, I realized that I was an asshole." I think he also said that he hasn't done mountain climbing since.

Uhm, sorry, that's all the JF stuff I remember. Mostly I sat there watching him and thinking "oohhh, pretty." He was really sweet with his fans.

(When he was in the elevator after he first arrived, he was telling people that he had to leave exactly at 8pm as he had to catch a plane for a meeting the next day. (my guess is that the Creation people indicated that this would be a reasonable thing.) At 8, he was still signing autographs, and there was still -- I dunno -- a couple of hundred people still in line. He had someone call and re-arrange the meeting, so he could stay and finish signing autographs, so no one would go home disappointed.)

(And his eyes were really green)

Martin Gero talked next and I cannot for the life of me remember what he talked about then that hasn't already been covered. Maybe the bit where he sees Rodney as a smarter and less socially adept version of himself, which is why he loves to write Rodney. Not to mention that he and Sheppard are know...incredibly similar. He was a hoot, both on stage and as a tour guide, even though I can't remember a thing.

Oh! He's also an old X-Files fan, and on the tour he mentioned that when he was talking to MP about playing Caldwell, and mentioned that it wasn't a large role, Mitch said: "Are you kidding? I get to command my own starship. What guy doesn't want his own ship?"

I did mention that I sat in the Commander's chair on the Daedelus, right?

I think we managed a break before the last speaker, as I wasn't interested in the auction or any more music vids. We did slide into our seats right as the Sat. charity auction was finishing, with all of the proceeds going to Make-a-Wish. The last item up was a walk-on role for SG-1/SGA (one or the other at producers discretion) and a personalized set tour, meeting the cast. Basically, the same package you get if you win the 'get in the gate' sweepstakes, but for only 1 person. You have to provide your own airfare and lodging.

It went for 9K. (The producers -- aka John Smith -- was so please with that amount that the next day, at the Sunday auction, they offered that package to anyone that would match the amount. A total of 4 people, including the original guy, bought themselves a role, raising 36K for Make-a-Wish just from that alone.)

Meanwhile, the evening's headliner was Michael Shanks. He had a 6-day-old newborn back home, and I was really impressed at his ability to hold it together while obviously suffering from 'baby brain'. The day was getting long for me, and he'd already done 650 photographs, and then would have the autographs plus the 'desert party' to go to that night. He talked about the "women of sci fi" calendar he and Christopher Judge had put together, and gave away a few copies of that; I'm afraid that the rest of the Q&A for me is a blurr. The panel ended a little after six.

After standing in line for quite a while, I got all of my autographs and slumped off to the bar at around 9:00, where the poor bartenders were completely overwhelmed. People drifted away at 10:00, which is when the desert party opened for the people who had tickets to that. Zoe, Cass, and I stayed in our comfy chairs and had a couple of drinks before crashing later that night, where I embraced blissful sleep.

ETA: Someone else's JF photos from the con, as I am lame and have not posted any of mine.

[cons]stargate, sg1, meta, sga

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