Vancouver 2006 Creation Con 3 - Sunday - JS, AT and Beau

Mar 29, 2006 21:56

This final segment contains spoilers for SG-1, so I'm doing it all under a cut tag.

Friday and Set Tour
Saturday Panels


We didn’t pay for the charity auction, so for once, we were able to sleep in to a reasonable hour. Then we hit the very sparsely populated alternate dealers room to check it out, and that took us about ten minutes. We ran into some old friends and chatted a bit, before grabbing snacks from the food court and going to John Smith’s panel at 1pm.

John Smith is an interesting guy. He’s obviously proud of what he has built, and talked some about how it’s all come together. I loved that they have been scavenging from other productions for years now, building up a huge collection of costumes and set dec (set decoration). The constant re-purposing is amazing, and the little stories of bargain hunting (“When Thirteenth Warrior filmed here, we went to them after and offered to buy their tents and costumes for a nickel on the dollar.”) made my inner shopper pretty much squee with happiness. Bargains really are a joy forever.

It was also clear that he loved showing all of this stuff off to the fans. To paraphrase, he said things like “I really like giving you guys this behind the scenes stuff. It’s too bad you couldn’t go out to the other site, where we have the Wraith hive ship and the Gou’ald mothership. I’d love for you to be able to get a chance to see that.”

By the end of his panel, it was clear that he was considering a two-day set visit for next year, if Creation can work the arrangements. (Yay!)

Amanda Tapping was the afternoon guest. She started work early with the chairity breakfast, then went to a special ceremony for a guy who was re-enlisting in the Navy for another 4 years. After that, she had her photo ops - all totaled, she did about 650 of those. And then, she went on stage.

Wow. She was just a ball of energy, zipping around the stage, bright and upbeat and looking great in her tight black T-shirt; just utterly fabulous. She handled the questions with real aplomb, too, including the tough ones like 'who's the best kisser.' ('Not Thor!' She said instantly. 'He's a horrible kisser.')

She also used Thor as her example where she was asked who she liked to work with on the set. *g* She did tell a great story about one of the puppeteers putting one of Thor's hands on her ass, and so she just instinctively whipped around and slapped him across the face, then, realizing she'd hit some one, she crouched down with an 'Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean---"

She stopped and gave us the look then, and we all howled with laughter. She has great comedic timing.

I can't remember the order that she gave her stories in, so I'm just going to go through the few I can still piece together. Jack's coming back and they are going to do more than just cameos with him, and yes, some of that will include some Sam and Jack stuff.

When asked what was her favorite scene that was cut, she talked about one they just did, where she and Vala "had this great conversation, where Sam's all dorky and 'we can be friends, if you want'" -- And she ducks her head and smiles shyly here -- "and Vala's all confused. Just remember that scene happened when you get to the ep, as it'll make some of the later stuff make a lot more sense."

I, of course, went to perving on Sam/Vala as that's the kind of girl I am.

She said she was a big Coronation Street fan, and how at the last con she went to near where they film, they got her a set visit. "So I was pulling pints in the pub, and running my hands over the cash register and thinking how cool it all was. And then they asked me if I wanted to meet the actors!" She then clammed up, and pulled herself in tight with wide anime eyes, shaking her head no.

It was really adorable. She did run into a couple of them, and they did an autograph exchange, as just as she was a huge fan of their show, the boyfriend of one of them was a big fan of hers. "And that was just so funny! Wow, X's boyfriend like's my stuff!"

When asked about blooper reels, she said something like "are you kidding? We laugh all the time. Just the other day"-- Mitchell, Teal'c, Vala --"and I are driving along in a van on a mission, and we're just cracking up and having a great time, and the guys are all 'excuse us, we'd like to shoot now.'" Then she transitions to very firm driving imitations. "And then they call 'cut' and we start cracking up again. If we did a blooper reel, it would be 27 hours long."

When asked why Mitchell was in charge of SG-1, she said "Yeah, I wonder that too." Then there is a whole little riff on the subject, followed by 'but it's not like Mitchell's really leading the team. In fact, there's an ep where Landry invites everyone up to his mountain cabin for a 'team building' thing, but do to one thing and another, only Mitchell arrives."

(This then meshes with Beau Bridges comments about the one-on-one that Landry and Mitchell have on the subject of leadership. Not that I remember those comments, it's just that with Sam the same rank, and Daniel and Teal'c not really into following orders, and the fact that no one can order Vala to do anything -- he's in kind of a rough position.)

Oh, and the reason that Amanda hasn't gone up in a Air Force jet and puked her guts up like Joe Flannigan has is because when she mentioned it, they said that they thought she wouldn't want to. She's talking to them about how much she wants to right now. *g*

Then I guess there was stuff, and the concept of a mass children's block party was broached as so many of the cast have young kids, which someone termed "Stargate: the next generation".

After her panel, she signed many autographs, and I went and relaxed for a bit, missing Cliff Simon and J R Bourne's panel (with special surprise guest, the actor that plays Major Paul Davis), the costume competition and the like. (The costume competition tweaked me in a way normal ones don't, and I have no idea why.) I was back in time for Beau Bridges panel, though, and it was something quite different than the others I'd attended.

('A bit boring, really' according to the Australian next to me.)

See, the fans were respectful. When they got to the mike, many of them called him 'Mr. Bridges.' Whereas Amanda was all hyper energy, Beau was calm, cool, and collected and everyone sat attentively and listened to him. It was like...focused. And the questions stayed safely on the good side, asking him things like if he would like to have his brother on Stargate, and his favorite memory of working with his dad. He told about the first movie he was in, and when asked if he'd ever 'squeed' over a star, he talked about naming his son 'Dylan, after Bob Dylan'. And how, at some big event, he'd seen Bob Dylan there and wanted to tell him that. So he'd been just reaching out to touch Dylan to get his attention, when Dylan's bodyguard got in his way and growled menacingly at him, making Beau jerk his arm back.

He also said that while he normally doesn't like the practical jokes, as he likes to get home to his family on time, he does occasionally do some of the goofy stuff, like doing his lines ala "Stargate: The Musical"

A thought which really kind of fried my mind.

The con wrapped up with the final autograph session, and I made my way back to the room and grabbed Zoe, dragging her back to the hotel café for dinner. And sure, there were fans that annoyed me, and things that grated on my nerves, and I had to hide behind my hands at some of the questions, but all-in-all, I had an utterly fabulous time.

P.S. - AT also told a couple of stories about filming Grace Under Pressure, but I think those are already covered.

[cons]stargate, sg1, meta, sga

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