[fail private to Remus]

Aug 02, 2011 22:59

Hey, Remus.

...when you get a chance, is it okay if I talk to you?

Nothing urgent, I just -- there's some things I want to say.

im kind of an idiot sometimes, moony moony moony

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why_so_me August 12 2011, 13:25:13 UTC
[Sirius is looking at the ground, though he can tell Remus must be looking at him expectantly. He feels awkward as hell, but he knows he needs to say this.]

I just...about what happened. With Snape and the Shack, and everything. [He swallows, and he seems to try and say everything without stopping to breathe, as if pausing might mean he'd lose his nerve.] I'm just...I'm sorry, I am so sorry. It was stupid and awful and I shouldn't have done it, but mostly I shouldn't have done it to you, and -- and I'm not going to try to make excuses for doing it, because there aren't any ( ... )


lycanthropy_101 September 6 2011, 18:59:32 UTC
[Maybe Sirius won't put his head forward to rest on Remus's shoulder, but Remus has no problem doing so to Sirius, resting his head on the other boy's shoulder and finally relaxing a little into the touch. They aren't anywhere near where they used to be, and Remus doesn't know that they can ever make it back to there, but. He needs this, he needs to know that they're okay, even with Sirius having hurt him as he did]

...I missed you. [His voice is quiet and soft] I was worried about you. I still am.


why_so_me September 7 2011, 15:00:22 UTC
[At hearing this, Sirius is all too tempted to just hug Remus as tightly as he can and never let go. His chest aches with affection and guilt and how much he's missed the other boy.]

I've missed you do. [His voice nearly catches as he says it.] You don't need to worry about me. I'm alright.


lycanthropy_101 September 9 2011, 22:55:29 UTC
Sirius. I know you. Of course I have to worry about you... [He does nothing even resembling letting the other go]


why_so_me September 10 2011, 20:11:51 UTC
[Sirius chuckles the tiniest bit, still clinging as much as ever.] Somehow I didn't think that would stop you. You worry too much.


lycanthropy_101 September 11 2011, 02:30:02 UTC
[He shrugs] Maybe I do. I'd rather worry and be able to keep an eye on you than not.


why_so_me September 11 2011, 05:22:49 UTC
Sounds like you. [Teasing, slightly:] Guardian Moony, watching in the night that all Marauders do not wind up unhappy or in trouble, or, worse, wind up in lots of trouble that they planned themselves.


lycanthropy_101 September 11 2011, 22:00:52 UTC
Not just in the night. Watching any time that I have to. If I watched only in the night then I'd only catch half of the trouble that you lot get yourselves into...


why_so_me September 14 2011, 03:35:15 UTC
[He chuckles, still wrapped around Remus as much as ever.] You must get very little sleep, then, Moony.


lycanthropy_101 September 14 2011, 17:22:03 UTC
[Remus shakes his head] I really don't. Not really. [Especially since he'd been fighting with Sirius. God, he was used to being able to slip over and sleep with him, and then... Well. He'd just have to get used to sleeping alone again, wouldn't he. He could do it. He'd slept alone most of his life, up until last year]


why_so_me September 15 2011, 10:56:39 UTC
[Sirius can sense that he's maybe stumbled onto an area of thought that he shouldn't have, something he shouldn't have brought up given the circumstances. But a stab of wistfulness shoots through him when he thinks of being able to fall asleep with Remus curled against him, warm and comforting.]

You need to sleep sometime, oh watchful one. Or you'll have no energy to chase us when you catch us up to no good.


lycanthropy_101 September 16 2011, 23:27:08 UTC
Or watch your back and make sure that you're in the clear instead of in the trouble that you always seem to find yourself in.


why_so_me September 17 2011, 02:39:17 UTC
Remus, I'm pretty sure we're all in trouble more often than we are not, and the times when we're not are usually reserved for eating, sleeping, and using the loo.


lycanthropy_101 September 17 2011, 15:56:12 UTC
[Remus shakes his head] It doesn't have to be like that, you know. There are plenty of things you can do for fun that don't involve detention... [You need to think about consequences more, Sirius. That's what got you into the mess you're in right now, after all]


why_so_me September 19 2011, 03:40:19 UTC
[He catches that undertone to Remus' voice, and feels a stab of guilt.] ...yeah. Maybe. There's always Quidditch, after all.


lycanthropy_101 September 20 2011, 14:05:38 UTC
[Remus nods] There is Quidditch. And school work. And hanging around with friends. I'm not saying that you all need to behave all the time, butt you don't need to be pulling pranks to enjoy yourselves. You know you don't.


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