2 @ 50

Nov 05, 2016 21:54

After posting about the fiftieth anniversary of William Hartnell's departure and the very first regeneration/renewal last week, it seems only right this week to remark upon the fiftieth anniversary of Patrick Troughton taking up the Time Lordly mantle.

On this day, in 1966, the Second Doctor had his first outing in Power of the Daleks, which has ( Read more... )

53 years of who, second doctor, daleks, history of doctor who, doctor who actors, doctor who news

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Comments 10

acciochocolate November 6 2016, 03:29:57 UTC
Thanks so much for sharing that link!


jjpor November 7 2016, 20:56:17 UTC
You're welcome. :)


newmoonstar November 6 2016, 05:28:34 UTC
Aww, what a nice interview with Anneke.


jjpor November 7 2016, 20:57:28 UTC
I enjoyed it too. I like how candid she is about her time on Who.


gaiamix November 6 2016, 08:56:34 UTC
And now I'm imagining Polly in a mask sneaking into a Doctor Who episode just in time for Twelve's regeneration into Thirteen.


jjpor November 7 2016, 20:58:39 UTC
How do you know she wasn't there, in disguise? :)


gaiamix November 8 2016, 13:35:50 UTC
Maybe she wore a brown wig to pretend to be a Clara Echo...


wunnerwmn November 7 2016, 18:58:40 UTC
I look forward to seeing it. Somehow that animation makes the Daleks a bit more creepy, I can't put my finger on why.

Since I don't get BBC America I'm hoping to be able to see it through their site by the end of November. A DVD will be available on Jan. 14th including the color version only through Barnes and Noble, so I'll try to grab a copy there.

I've only seen Troughton a few times - the episode "The Mind Robber", of course "The Three Doctors" and "The Five Doctors", as well as "The Two Doctors" which sadly was my least favorite Sixie story. I'd love to see more of him though, he was a delight. Animation will do for now. :)


jjpor November 7 2016, 21:02:40 UTC
Perhaps it makes them seem more real, in some strange way, when everything is "fake," including the surroundings and human characters?

I hope you enjoy it, anyway, when you get the chance.

The Mind Robber is magnificent, isn't it? Very trippy and strange, but that's part of its unique appeal. It's become more and more of a favourite of mine every time I've re-watched it.

Troughton is often the very best thing about the multi-Doctor stories he appears in. I even like his somewhat horrifying portrayal of the Androgum-ised Doctor in Two Doctors, despite the rest of the story being all over the place in many respects. Such a good actor.


a_phoenixdragon November 7 2016, 21:29:53 UTC
Thank you, thank you for this post!



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