Third Doctor fun things :)

Nov 30, 2015 22:54

I didn't have time to write a fic or embroider that UNIT logo onto a bag like I wanted to, but this was my tribute to the Third Doctor at this year's Chicago TARDIS convention: A marionette!

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52nd anniversary fanwork-a-thon, fan crafts, third doctor

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Comments 14

liadtbunny December 1 2015, 16:01:41 UTC
Aw, the pic of the puppet and Katy Manning is lovely:)


newmoonstar December 7 2015, 04:46:02 UTC
Yeah, it's a great shot, I'm so glad to have it!


lost_spook December 1 2015, 17:48:50 UTC
Aw, both you and the puppet look fab - and, awww, Katy's smile!! ♥


newmoonstar December 7 2015, 04:32:18 UTC
Thanks! And yes, Katy Manning is precious and her smile is made of sunshine, I can now officially confirm. ;)


jjpor December 1 2015, 20:55:35 UTC
The puppet, the cosplay and Katy Manning too! :D Excellent stuff. Thanks for sharing with the comm and I will post a link over on the Dreamwidth comm too for those who want to check it out.


newmoonstar December 7 2015, 04:48:20 UTC
Glad to contribute some fun stuff to this great comm- I'm already thinking of what I could make for next year. ;)


wunnerwmn December 1 2015, 23:53:27 UTC
Awesome! I just watched a Pertwee story the other day so this is pertinent to my interests. :) How nice of Katy Manning to pose for you! Please post the official photos when you get them.


newmoonstar December 7 2015, 04:38:30 UTC
Katy Manning is the nicest and most cheerful person ever- she even signs autographs with little x's for kisses around her name, it's so cute!

And I'm hoping the official photos will be online soon!


ghost2 December 3 2015, 01:16:21 UTC
I saw you, really briefly, at the con! Wish I'd had a chance to say hi and get photos. Your marionette is great.


newmoonstar December 7 2015, 04:29:41 UTC
I'll probably be posting more cosplay pics from the con over at dw_cosplay pretty soon, if you're interested. Also your Sara Kingdom icon is awesome! There is not enough appreciation out there for how great Sara is.


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