Face the Raven Reaction and Discussion Post [SPOILERS!]

Nov 21, 2015 20:15

Well, Series 9 of NuWho nears its conclusion with what has been described as being essentially the first part in its three-episode finale. What is going to happen to the Doctor and Clara (nothing good, I suspect), and which old acquaintances of theirs will be making a reappearance? Find out in the ornithological shenanigans of Face the RavenAnd ( Read more... )

face the raven, twelfth doctor, television stories, series 9, television

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Comments 19

clocketpatch November 22 2015, 00:40:23 UTC
I haven't seen it yet (shan't until tomorrow) but I sure am interested. Rigsy was a favourite last year and I'm very happy to see him return. It alsobrings us closer to the 'Peter Capaldi without guest actors' episode which I am VERY excited about indeed and I'm guessing this episode will lay down the set-up for. I've got a theory it's all going to happen inside the Confession Dial and can't wait to see if that idea pans out.


clocketpatch November 22 2015, 18:24:40 UTC
Okay, so that theory is jossed, but that was an amazing episode. The memorial at the end had me in tears.


kaffy_r November 22 2015, 05:31:59 UTC
That was an excellent episode and I think it's an excellent way for Clara to exit the series; sometimes epic endings don't look epic, nor do they need to look epic. They just need to be meaningful. And Clara's death meant something.


dbskyler November 22 2015, 06:11:27 UTC
I loved it. It was intriguing all the way through, and even with all the foreshadowing we've had, I didn't expect Clara to actually die until that scene where they were all saying that she was going to have to die. And then her goodbye with the Doctor was just wonderful.

I had to go look up the writer after the episode was over, and it's someone I've never heard of! Get her back to write more episodes!


persiflage_1 November 22 2015, 06:16:59 UTC
Can't talk, still crying.


dbskyler November 22 2015, 06:45:14 UTC


persiflage_1 November 22 2015, 06:52:21 UTC
*hugs back*


ravenskyewalker November 22 2015, 07:39:07 UTC
{{hugs you, too}}


ravenskyewalker November 22 2015, 06:27:54 UTC
Oh, wow. I had read enough non-specific spoilers to decide that I was absolutely going to stop doing it and not read (or listen to) any fan reaction until after I'd seen it for myself. I have a bad, anxious habit of thoroughly spoiling myself so I know what I'm getting myself into. I'm glad I stopped... but kind of wish I hadn't read even the non-specific spoilers ( ... )


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