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Comments 7

a_phoenixdragon October 16 2015, 21:13:19 UTC
Definitely gonna hafta read this!!! *Laughs* Looks like fun! Thank you for sharing!



gallif_migrant October 19 2015, 06:18:09 UTC
I'm already writing a fic showing how Ace!Doctor and Oscar (McCoy companion) met. I like this idea, since I can basically create a whole new set of stories for these Doctors.


gaiamix October 19 2015, 12:59:00 UTC
You'd think the Aldred Doctor met Spoony the same way the McCoy Doctor met Ace.

As in, Aldred!Doctor and Mel would arrive on an ice planet where Spoony is stranded in working at a waiter, but then Mel departs with Sabalom Glitz and Spoony with the Aldred!Doctor.

Though I see no way it could be different, or if there's no Mel and instead Aldred!Doctor was travelling with Dali Brown for a while. Or maybe Mel could even swap with the Valeyard.


gallif_migrant October 19 2015, 17:27:30 UTC
I actually thought we were allowed to create different backstories for the companions (also, I haven't seen Dragonfire), so I basically made my own "Aldred Doctor and Spoony meet" story. You can assume, based on the story, that Dali has already departed. I'm still thinking about how Mel fits in.

Way I see it, having different regens will make the Arkytior!Doctor have a completely different life. How does Ian and Barbara react to a young girl being haughty and condescending them? How will the Doctor change, considering that she lost her grandfather much earlier than in Theta!Doctor timeline? Do the Time Lords try harder to get the Doctor on trial, considering it's now a teen girl who has stolen the TARDIS, and is changing history?

I think that, with all these differences in just the first body, Arkytior!Doctor has had a very different life from the original timeline. And so, I figure there will be a lot of differences to how s/he and her/his companions meet.


Roleswapped Companion backstories gaiamix October 19 2015, 20:37:57 UTC
Basically, Spoony has the same parents, birthplace, and surname as Ace, basically replacing her in the timeline. Just, he has a different personality and interests and thus grows up differently, becoming a jester instead of a waiter with a thing for explosions. So yeah, he's still born in 1970 because Ace was. Though you could easily create new backstories for them and have them be separate characters and maybe even separate surnames ( ... )


Re: Roleswapped Companion backstories gallif_migrant October 20 2015, 01:32:03 UTC
Wait, are you the original poster of the AU on Dreamwidth?

I kinda want to create new backstories for them, though still stick with the main character traits. And I was referring to the first trial, in the Second Doctor's timeline. I actually think maybe you shouldn't draw up a timeline--maybe let people create their own continuities. Switching the characters' personality creates new oppurtunities for canon, and I feel that just making everything the same somwhat constricts that. This being said, The events should be roughly the same--the Daleks are still around, and so are the Cybermen (in the "Aldred meets Oscar" story I wrote, I mention Cybermen.)

But I like the idea of Steven knowing bits of the Doctor's history. And what if Steven reads how he's supposed to leave the Doctor...now that could be intriguing.

Edit: And I like the Doctor's character arc.


Re: Roleswapped Companion backstories gaiamix October 20 2015, 10:00:33 UTC
1: Yes, there's only one Kaiko Espurr Mikkusu, and that's me ( ... )


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