Ten Days to a Tenth Anniversary, 1: Radio Times Top 10 New Series Stories

Mar 17, 2015 19:59

It comes to my attention (and yours too, I imagine) that on Thursday 26 March this year we will be marking the tenth anniversary of the post-2005 incarnation of Doctor Who. That's right - tenth anniversary. Assuming you are as shocked as I am by that number and are wondering where the last decade went, I will leave you for a moment to come to terms ( Read more... )

twelfth doctor, 50 years of who, tenth doctor, television stories, ninth doctor, eleventh doctor, 10 years of nuwho

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Comments 18

goingbronco March 17 2015, 20:03:45 UTC
I don't dislike the Vincent episode, but I never get why everyone loved it quite SO much...it is number 2! Not for me...


jjpor March 17 2015, 21:01:15 UTC
To be honest, I agree - it's not even the number 2 story in Series 5 for me. Mind you, that's the thing about anything asking fans' opinions - everybody's favourite story is somebody else's least favourite, and the other way around as well.


shyfoxling March 17 2015, 22:44:24 UTC
I remember being powerfully affected by it when it was first broadcast, but when I saw it again earlier this year while binge-watching DW on Netflix, somehow the oomph wasn't there for me.


philstar22 March 18 2015, 01:16:13 UTC
I can't explain why others love it, but for me it is a really cathartic experience. I relate so much to Vincent in that episode, so that scene where he gets shown that people in the future love him hits me every time.

I guess it just emotionally does it for me. And I felt the acting was really great. The monster was only so so, but everything else made up for that for me.


clocketpatch March 17 2015, 23:15:51 UTC
There are several on there that have me shaking my head. It feels like the people voting could only remember the finales/two-parters.


jjpor March 18 2015, 21:11:00 UTC
And historically, new Who season finales have been hit and miss at best. A couple of genuine head-scratchers there from my point of view, although I appreciate I don't speak for wider fandom or anything.


garpu March 18 2015, 00:14:52 UTC
It's a toss up whether "Time Flight" or "End of Time" is the worst episode for me. "Time Flight" at least has some of the Master's camp, even though it made Edward Said roll in his grave.

I think I would've put Dalek or "Doctor's Wife" up before the Vincent one.


jjpor March 18 2015, 21:41:50 UTC
I don't disagree - for me, Journey's End and The End of Time are the twin absolute low-points of modern Who. And I can't believe the Doctor's Wife doesn't get more love, but at the end of the day all of these things just come down to personal taste and opinion, I guess.


garpu March 18 2015, 22:06:59 UTC
Very true. I'm kind of glad there was some retconning of End of Time in Engines of War, among other media. It'll be interesting what happens when/if Big Finish gets access...


jjpor March 18 2015, 22:34:17 UTC
That's very interesting - I haven't read Engines of War yet or read anything about it, but I know I'll have to remedy that sometime soon, because the Time War and exactly what is supposed to have happened in it never ceases to fascinate me.


nonelvis March 18 2015, 00:40:48 UTC
"End of Time" made the list of best episodes. This is concrete proof some people are not watching the same show I am.

I largely agree with the list, even if I wouldn't put in that order, and it's missing some of my favorites (including "Midnight" and 'The Doctor's Wife," as it happens). I'd personally put "Girl in the Fireplace" first. But other than EoT and "Journey's End" (which I don't hate, but I dislike how certain characters are handled), the list definitely includes some favorites of mine.


jjpor March 18 2015, 21:45:32 UTC
It's all personal preference at the end of the day. I personally wouldn't put Girl in the Fireplace on my list, but I suspect some of my choices would not be widely popular ones (what's fandom's opinion on The Unicorn and the Wasp at the moment?). I think we can all agree, though, that The End of Time has no place in a halfway rational universe... ;D


nonelvis March 19 2015, 00:24:08 UTC
I have no idea what fandom in general's opinion of "The Unicorn and the Wasp" is, but I like it just fine! I wouldn't put it in my top 10, but I really enjoyed it.


a_phoenixdragon March 18 2015, 01:04:16 UTC
Dude...Doctor's Wife didn't make the cut?! Well...wouldn't consider that a good poll then!



jjpor March 18 2015, 21:46:11 UTC
Inconceivable! ;)


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