Title: Imps
Fandom(s): Axis Powers Hetalia, Harry Potter
Genre(s): AU, Gen, Humor (what passes for it)
Character(s)|Pairing(s): Fem!Prussia, Fem!England
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Word Count: 640
Summary: A post-Voldemort world with Elizabeth Kirkland and Giselle Beilschmidt as dear school chums at Hogwarts. Slytherin never knew what hit it.
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Comments 8
But now I have read it and you write the most perfect England/Prussia scenes of any author and you give me more ideas for art so this is like a creative punishment circle :D I proper snorted at the end, the acid green teeth probably glowed in the dark too.
Aww... If only I could write England + France as well. Because France is one of the most bloody infuriating of characterizations to pin down properly..
I've even looked into how to incorporate Oz and NZ into this world (including how they're related to Elizabeth). There very well may end up being a family tree published at one point.
Hee. Much to the consternation of everyone else in the Slytherin girls' dormitory. "Dammit, Beilschmidt, stop grinning!!"
That'd be so cool. Old pureblood family? :)
Hahahahhesyguyfs waking up in the middle of the night, feeling you're being watched there's just these glowing green teeth above your head...
http://fav.me/d5idmas herp
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