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Comments 106

umbreon_blacky May 2 2010, 03:30:38 UTC
Two weeks. Two weeks at the very least. Not that Blacky should have been keeping track. People were always coming and going, and she should never have expected Raiden to be any exception. To have parted on such awful terms, though... That was what hurt the most.

It was curious that he'd have left an answering machine in his office, though. Especially since he wasn't calling back.

Oh well. There was nothing to do but wander the halls and look for ways to keep herself preoccupied. She'd get over it eventually and move on. The same way she got over her trainer. That is to say, not at all.

She definitely wasn't expecting to run into the janitor himself.


whitedeviljack May 2 2010, 03:43:54 UTC
Raiden might of been an expert at avoiding problems and running away from things but he knew eventually he would see Blacky. He knew he had to. Just man up and talk to her and this was all just such a bother and he didn't want to do it and oh crap there she was...

At first, he simply stood there, in the doorway to his office and stared at her like he was staring at a ghost. He had just finished re-listening to the messages again for probably the fifth or sixth time and was leaving to get a drink.

"Oh." But she was currently in his way. Did it really have to be like that? He looked neither angry nor upset, just uncertain.



see I told you I had some lamegay ready umbreon_blacky May 2 2010, 03:50:33 UTC
...Was that really him? She was lacking in sleep lately, but not enough to be hallucinating just yet. A sharp, formless pain gripped her chest when he spoke. She should say something in return. Demand an apology. Forgive him. Give her own apology.

Instead, she just stared up at him, torn between rage and relief.

And then...

... )


I LOVE IT FOREVER FFFF adoribu lamegays whitedeviljack May 2 2010, 04:51:25 UTC
"..." There was no reaction for a few moments. Whereas he tried to feel blank, she looked like she was feeling an overwhelming amount of everything. Obviously to the point where she could do nothing more than what she did and latch on to him.

At least she wasn't smacking him or something.

Raiden raised his hands tentatively and finally brought them around to her back and held her, positive he'd screw everything up with words so he said nothing.


bestsweater May 2 2010, 04:55:51 UTC


Brock had seen that distinctive mop of blonde hair (and that distinctive mop) around campus once again, but waited until the janitorman looked a little less preoccupied before approaching him. He was sure that Raiden had been on some kind of amazing adventure vacation, and he wanted to hear ALL ABOUT IT.

So when the moment seemed opportune, Brock approached the blonde and raised a hand in greeting. "Welcome back!"


whitedeviljack May 2 2010, 05:19:32 UTC

THIS WAS THE BEST well actually it was kind of an average day if you excluded the fact this was the day the blonde had just come back from a fantastic journey of brooding, introspection and many bar fights.

And of course, cleaning had barely been done while he was away. There was only so much ground those little cleaning robot helpers Lash had made could cover. "Oh, hey, Brock." Raiden also raised a hand, acting like he had been gone only a day or two. "How's it going?"


bestsweater May 2 2010, 06:49:07 UTC
"Not too bad." Brock said, reaching the janitor and leaning against the nearest nearby wall. "How've you been?"


whitedeviljack May 2 2010, 07:08:38 UTC
Normally he'd reply with an automatic, 'Fine' for the sake of not discussing in detail how not fine he may or may not of actually been, but a soft, "Been better." came out instead. Probably because deep down Raiden, secretly, had an amazing talent for whining and complaining about things that could have been better.

"How about you? I got your message. I also heard something about a... it sounds like the green house got trashed?" Raiden had come back to it looking amazing and beautiful, it was almost hard to believe.


things_go_boom May 3 2010, 06:57:57 UTC
"I was wondering when you'd get back."

A little farther from the now probably not sleeping Raiden, Lash sat, legs crossed on the very bare floor, watching him like a creep. It was now early morning, and the light entered the room. Sunny day. She wouldn't tell him, of course, but each day she'd open the door, hoping he'd come back (and she had used his keys for that, sorry). In an odd way, the afro girl understood why he had left for a while, as it sure beat hiding away in lockers. But like she'd tell him. Nope. No sir. Instead she just grinned, her smile a little less vicious than it normally was. Did she feel a tiny bit guilty about telling him everything last time? Naaaah.

"Get up, sleepy head. You're already an hour behind schedule."


whitedeviljack May 3 2010, 14:36:44 UTC
For a moment, Raiden thought he was hearing Lash's voice in a dream, stirring him back into consciousness. His eyelids fluttered open at the morning light and he rolled over and... yep. There she was.

Nice to see you too. It was nice...

If this were a year ago he might of jumped, yelled and screamed for her; Get out! You're invading my privacy!... or something like that. Lash had done this to him so many times by now he was just beginning to accept it.

Very begrudgingly. Raiden groaned and rolled on his side, away from the girl. "Schedule for what? School's on break and so am I." Even if he was probably going to go around later and mop floors that didn't need to be mopped anyway just to have something to do, and to keep his mind from wandering in dark places again.


things_go_boom May 3 2010, 19:30:21 UTC
"I thought janitors didn't get breaks," she replied with a giggle, getting bored of sitting standing still, lying down and twiddling her thumbs. "By the way, I have a video of when I launched all of the vacuums into Leon's office. It's a riot let me tell you, teehee."

She had no idea why she was here, really. Now that she knew he was alive and not dead, maybe she was just hoping he'd say something such as hey Lash guess, what I found some answers but honestly considering how her own soul soul-searching had gone, didn't expect much.

"Nice dodge by the way. Turning on the sprinklers I mean. Did you see me when I waved goodbye?"


whitedeviljack May 3 2010, 21:53:28 UTC
"Janitors get breaks. I don't get breaks." He corrected with an indignant grump. Lash's presence here was PROOF ENOUGH of that... but she seemed to be changing the subject around anyway... maybe she wasn't here to boss him around and make him do chores after all.

And that video sounded tempting and probably would be a riot to watch. A sick, twisted riot.

"..." He pouted, knowing Lash wouldn't be able to see it. He did come back very briefly to turn on some sprinklers and then sped off again. He hoped no one saw but it didn't really matter much at this point anymore, did it? "No, I didn't."

He finally rolled on his back and stared at this ceiling. "What else happened while I was gone...?"


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