Still Human Table of Contents / Originally posted at Neighborhood 99 on 12 February 2012
Yesterday, George woke up wanting to write another book. He's sure to be inspired by his winter vacation in Takemizu Village. His fascination with the occult leads George to approach a ninja. He convinces the masked assassin to share the secrets of his craft. Will George respect these secrets, or will he publish them all in his next book?
After a night of wild, pixel-butt woohoo, Thomas wakes up feeling bossy and mischievous. He wants to influence a Sim to prank someone.
And, look! At that very moment, Tamara King is bullying an elder named Alan King. She'll do nicely for a target.
“Dude! Don't let her get away with that,” Thomas says. “Show her who wears the pants in your family!”
“But we aren't family,” Alan explains. “People assume that we're related because we have the same last name. The hotel even assigned us to the same suite. But I've never met her before in my life! She blames me for the mix-up, and she's been giving me a hard time ever since I checked in.”
“Even more reason to man-up and prank her!” Thom retorts.
A prank, eh? Alan likes that idea. And if everything goes terribly wrong, he can claim it was just an accident. Alan makes up his mind. He goes upstairs to find Tamara.
Thom's hair (
Tennis) mesh by Newsea, re-coloured by Simgaroop
Mission accomplished! Now that that's taken care of, Thomas wants to relax in a bubble bath. His bathroom only has a shower, though.
No problem! Thom is still feeling mischievous, so he follows Alan upstairs to auto-bathe in someone else's room.
Looks like Tamara has had the same idea. She prepares to soak in the privacy of the Johnsons' suite.
At the top of the stairs, Alan suddenly loses his nerve. What if Tamara doesn't believe it was an accident? He ducks into the Trimbles' room to hide from both Tamara and Thom.
Thomas, however, is undeterred. Sneaking a bath still seems like a good plan. He carries on with a jaunty spring in his step. Better grab a towel, Tamara!
(Security is crackerjack, in this hotel. The staff must have locked eyes in another staring contest.)
In the end, Thom's better self prevents him from barging in on a lady.
Though I use that term loosely. Tamara is taking forever to use the tub, and she's making it filthy, too!
Since the coast is temporarily clear, Alan joins Thomas as he waits his turn. He starts wringing his hands. If only he had the courage to stand up to Tamara! Thomas gives him a quick pep talk.
Just then, Michelle Johnson enters her room and finds it full of strangers.
Luckily, she's a precocious child. Michelle joins the adults' conversation with confidence. In fact, she may be a bit too confident. Who makes smalltalk about algebra?
Suddenly, Tamara enters the room. Thom tenses. Alan screams. The kid clams up.
Thomas shields the senior citizen and the child.
He quickly takes control of the situation. If Alan won't prank Tamara, then he will!
Thom makes it look so easy. Alan feels emboldened by his example. Before he can change his mind, he lobs a water balloon at his tormentor. Splashdown!
Meanwhile, Thomas wipes down the tub and runs the hot water. He feels a certain satisfaction as he relaxes in his hard-earned bubble bath.
I thought the bath might calm him down. But no, Thomas is still looking for mischief. Now he wants to jump on the couch. Since the other guests are standing at the far end of the room, he assumes that nobody will notice him.
Everybody notices him.
In the afternoon, George and Thomas go to the Hot Springs for lunch and an energizing massage. They feel so energized, in fact, that they decide to take the Historic Walking Tour.
Huh. I wasn't expecting the
Electric Mayhem bus to show up. Aren't they supposed to be walking?
As they're hiking along the route, the tour group spots an intriguing handle in the ground.
Did George ask to be introduced to the ninja? Of course not! He elbows his way through the group and tugs at the ring. Thom grabs onto his waist to help him pull, and then another person grabs onto him. Soon, a human chain forms. They look ridiculous, but it does the trick: the door swings open! Body points all 'round.
(On the return trip, the exhausted tourists are grateful for the bus ride. The game has more foresight than I do.)
The bus returns them to the Hot Springs where they have dinner and freshen up.
While they're in the washroom, George does something strange. According to the icon in his queue, George should still be taking a shower. But that's not what he's doing. He strides over to Thom and starts berating him!
Now, I know that Sims will “complain” to each other, but that action shows up in their queue. I have no idea what George is up to, or why he's treating Thomas this way.
George's tirade doesn't last long, and Thom ignores him by focusing on the nice meal they've just had. When it's over, George smiles at his boyfriend as though nothing has happened. Thom looks a bit put-out by his performance, though.
In the evening, George and Thomas visit the Lucky Shrine Park.
They join Nicholas Barthelet and Darren Johnson for a game of mah jong. George wins the first round. Thomas closes his eyes and counts to ten so that he won't punch somebody. I'm glad he's developing self-control.
The last time George beat him at a computer game, Thom put his fist through the monitor!
I enjoyed playing the next sequence. It rained for a while, and everyone left the park except for the mah jong players. They played for hours without speaking, and all I could hear was the sound of rainfall and tiles clicking. Everything else was hushed. I let the game play out without fast-forwarding and just experienced the peacefulness.
Once the weather clears, the group is joined by an unexpected visitor. It's Michelle Johnson, the little girl whom Thom met, today. What is she doing here? It's one o'clock in the morning!
Thom gets up from the game to have a word with Michelle. She seems a bit lost, but isn't frightened.
In fact, she slips past Thomas to climb onto his empty chair and join the game!
Thom would like to continue playing, but he doesn't feel right about gambling with a child. He leaves Michelle in Darren's care and heads back to the hotel with George.
Thanks for reading!