Still Human 11: George and Thomas leave winter - and their luggage - behind them

Mar 04, 2012 17:56

Originally posted at Neighborhood 99 on 23 April 2011

Yesterday, George and Thomas threw a bon voyage party before going away.  Things got a bit out of hand, so it's a good thing they're leaving town for a few days.

First thing in the morning, George and Thomas clean up after the party.  They don't want to come home to a messy house.

Hair mesh by Rose, re-coloured by Simgaroop; outfit (Versace Tee) by All About Style

Hair mesh by Newsea, re-coloured by Simgaroop; outfit by Decorgal Designs (domain expired)

George wants to play marco polo, so they head to the gym.  That suits me fine: I want them to look as buff as possible on the beach.

The sun hasn't risen, yet, when they set out.  George admires Thomas in the early morning light.

At the pool, Sandy Bruty demonstrates the skills that made her the star of the aqua-batics circuit.  Esther Williams, eat your heart out!

Those skills don't save her from being tagged, though.  Here she is, calling out the next round.  This is the first time I've actually seen a Sim catch anybody, at this game!  It doesn't help that the players like to cheat by sneaking out of the pool.

After they dry off, George and Thomas hit the machines.  Brandon greets George, but George is preoccupied with Thomas.  Thomas doesn't notice him glancing over, though.  He needs to focus all his attention on pedaling.  George is always eager to work out, but Thomas is not a fitness fan.

Thomas wants to be friends with Julien Cooke, so when they get home, Thom rings him up to say goodbye.  It turns out that Julien is as eccentric as he looks: he doesn't own a telephone!  Yet again, Thomas has selected an emotionally-unavailable Sim.

Even on the first day of his vacation, George wants to talk about his job.

Thomas would rather talk about their trip.  And what do you know?  As he's talking, the airport shuttle pulls up.  Perfect timing!

Thomas doesn't wait for George - he grabs his bag and is first out the door!

George quickly finishes his breakfast and follows.  And they're off!

Their flight is uneventful, and they arrive safely on Twikii Island.  The sky is clear and birdsong fills the air.  The hotel shuttle drops them off at the Double Palm Resort.

Unfortunately, their luggage got off at a different stop.  In other words, I thought the clothing that Thomas bought would be available on their vacation.  I guess I should have “planned” their outfits in advance.

They cross the lobby to check in at the front desk.  The bellhop adjusts his hat before greeting the new guests.  Thomas spots him.  He looks a bit like Ash, and Thom is instantly smitten.

(The chambermaid is also on duty when they arrive, thanks to SimWardrobe's fix!)

Very Tikki Living curtains by Kate/Parsimonious

Not surprizingly, the first thing that Thomas wants to do is relax with a massage.

George feels a bit lonely in their room, so he calls Benjamin Long to let him know that they've arrived.

Bedding 003 by Avenida Sims; Very Tikki Blue plant by Kate/Parsimonious

They have lunch at the hotel.  As he approaches the lunch-counter, Thom checks out the cook.  Looks like he's interested in a dish that's not on the menu.

George only notices Thomas.

After lunch, they walk across the street to the Beach Boardwalk to pick out some lighter clothing.

They've only been here a few hours, but George is already satisfied with their vacation.  I'm glad you feel that way, Geroge.  This trip is mostly financed by your paycheques.  And it's about to get even more expensive as they re-buy the clothes they lost.

While Thomas browses for clothing, George picks out a souvenir to give to Amelia.

They get changed at the Boardwalk.  Ah, that's better!  George feels much more comfortable.  I can't tell whether he's basking in the sunshine, or breathing in the fragrant air.  Both, maybe!

Next, they head for the beach.  Thomas wants to take some pictures.  He snaps a shot of the fire-dancer's performance.

(This is the photo from Thom's camera!)

George wants to go beachcombing for treasure.  He finds a shell bracelet in the sand.  They picked the right vacation spot!

George wants to go on a tour of the island, so he makes arrangements with the tour guide.

Since they're by the water, George picks the glass-bottom boat tour.

(While they were gone, the theme music from the Doris Day movie was running through my head.  In fact, I'm even singing it while I write this.)

On the tour, George picks up a curious map.  I'm not sure how he could have found it on the boat.  Maybe another passenger dropped it?  We know from Day 04 that George has a finders-keepers policy when it comes to lost items.  I'm not too surprized that he's pocketed the map, instead of turning it in.

They have dinner at the Boardwalk.  Over a plate of Pineapple Surprize, Thomas tells Lindsay Hamilton about the cold, snowy weather from which they've escaped.

He also reminds George about the weather, back home.  George is tired of hearing Thomas talk about it, though.  “Enough about the weather, already!” he seems to be saying.  “Can't you see I'm trying to eat?”

I was hoping to have an Ash-free vacation, but Thomas can't stop thinking about him.  When they get back to the hotel, Thom gives him a call.  I'm not surprized that Ash is unavailable.  He's probably out with somebody else.  Either that, or he's screening his calls, to make Thom miss him even more!

George is exhausted, so he goes straight to bed.  Thomas still has lots of energy, though, and he wants to have a party.  I take that to mean he'd like to see some of the local nightlife.

Thom joins the other guests in the pool for a game of marco polo.  He gets everybody's attention with a spectacular belly-flop.  Sandy Bruty, eat your heart out!

Bonus Photo: I like that they looked at each other, even while Thomas was walking.

Bonus Photo: Cute boys over-dressed for the tropics.

Thanks for reading!

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