Still Human 07: Thomas is a poor judge of character

Feb 24, 2012 19:36

Originally posted at Neighborhood 99 on 14 April 2011

Yesterday, Thomas met a long-lost relative, a strange animal with glowing eyes, and a co-worker who has designs upon his virtue.

Speaking of the co-worker, Ash stayed so late, I thought he was planning to join them for breakfast the next day.  He left early in the morning, but it wasn't long before he was calling the house.  When Thomas picked up the phone, however, Ash asked for George.  Maybe I was wrong about Ash.  Or maybe he's just pretending to like George better, in order to get Thomas's attention.

But I can't worry about Ash's little games, at the moment.  Thomas has rolled a curious want.

Thomas is a Popularity Sim, so I'm not surprized that he wants to make friends.  I am surprized, however, that he wants to be friends with Komei Tellerman.  He hardly knows Komei - in fact, I can't even remember how they met - and there are other Sims whom he knows much better.

Komei doesn't want to be his friend, anyway.  This is how he responds to Thom's friendly invitation for a visit.  Thomas feels the rejection keenly, yet he keeps rolling this want.

Hair mesh by Newsea, re-coloured by Simgaroop; outfit by Decorgal Designs (domain expired)

George gets along better with their neighbours.  Amelia Penn stops by and rings the doorbell.  They greet each other with a kiss on the cheek, as though they are already old friends.

(In the background, another challenge Sim, my Lonely Shopkeeper Alan Merchant, casually slips into the picture.)

While he's preparing dinner, George happens to think about Thomas.  He can’t really explain it, but suddenly he knows: George will always be best friends with Thomas.

Amelia is his guest, tonight, so George isn't taking any chances on dinner.  He prepares a tray of Insta-meals, the dietary supplement that is scientifically-proven to be more satisfying than real food.  It's easy to make, too.

Hair mesh by Rose, re-coloured by Simgaroop; outfit by All About Style

Amelia doesn't need science to tell her that Insta-meal tastes awful.

Amelia's hair mesh by Peggy, re-coloured by Piggi's Sims (not available at Blacky's?)

Meanwhile, the real cook arrives home: Thomas has been promoted to Fast Food Shift Manager!  He wears his uniform with pride.

George's bad cooking doesn't bother Amelia, though.  In fact, she finds it rather endearing.  Later that evening, they become best friends.

I'm a little concerned about Thomas, though.  I don't really approve of the Sims he likes.  There's Ash, who just seems to be looking for a good time.  There's Waylon, who might be his long-lost relative, but who also might be a jailbird.  And then there's Komei, who is mean to him.  Is Thomas genuinely kind-hearted, or is he just a poor judge of character?

Thanks for reading!

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