a play about muffins

Dec 19, 2012 11:05

This Amy Poehler quote about Tartuffe reminded me of high school English which reminded me of this play my friends and I wrote senior year. We mashed together some of the works we had to read that year into what is basically crossover crackfic. No footage, but I dug up the script. Just re-reading it makes me giggle.

(I was Oedipus, by the way.)

words under cut )

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Comments 4

throwingpens December 19 2012, 23:23:52 UTC
Did you do this for fun or for class? because some of my friends did this for class. Not this exactly, but the concept.

My senior year, we wrote a lot of silly bits but mostly had a notebook where we each drew a picture every day. (More often than not, it had me talking with (and debating) historical figures.)


whimsical_irony December 20 2012, 00:37:25 UTC
Yep, it was for some extra credit project that was supposed to be easy points but then we got way into it.


craponaspatula December 20 2012, 08:15:01 UTC
Am I high right now


whimsical_irony December 20 2012, 08:32:56 UTC
It's past midnight, TraegerBot.

... )


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