where_no_woman's mod team could use a new member or two...you know, so it can actually be a mod team instead of just little ol' me. Modding duties consist mostly of keeping an eye on the moderation queue, adding the occasional tag, and assisting with running or promoting fests. We have had only one incident of wank/trolling in this comm's entire four-year history, so life as a moderator here is fairly drama free. Interested? Have questions? PM
igrockspock or email kantscategorical [at] gmail [dot] com and tell me why you'd like to be a moderator here.
2. Everyone sounded super excited about
Darwin fest when I polled the comm, but the prompt post only has 16 prompts. What gives? As it stands, I don't think there are enough prompts for a real prompt-and-claim fest, so if you'd like to see it happen, get over there and start prompting! Also, my life is super-busy right now, so if anyone wants to help out by promoting the fest on your flist or relative Star Trek comms, that would be great!