FIC - De-stressing (Chapter 3/?)

Mar 12, 2013 01:45

Title: De-stressing (Chapter 3/?)
Author: wheelie47
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Noah and Reid
Word count: 3,045
Summary: Bad Boy!Noah and Reid have another encounter…
Another continuation scene following on from the story written for Neid Lil' Bang over at the theneid
LINK TO ORIGINAL STORY - Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Disclaimer: Don’t own characters, am not associated in any way with ATWT. No offence intended.
Notes: I’m stretching or more likely ignoring some facts… so just go with the flow!
Notes: Written for Valenti1965’s birthday.

Happy Birthday, Louise! Hope you enjoy your little present!

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4

Reid sat in the doctors’ lounge with his feet up on the coffee table, waiting for the microwave to ping.

This was just how he liked to spend his lunch-hour; no-one else around and the prospect of warm food in his stomach.

Now if only his pager would stay silent and the door to lounge stay firmly shut, he’d be a happy man.

“Ah,” he murmured to himself as the familiar ping of the microwave sounded in the silence of the empty room.


Getting up a little more quickly than he intended, Reid grimaced in discomfort as he could still feel the fullness of Noah Mayer from their encounter yesterday.

Yesterday he’d been fully into the experience, seemingly not caring that he’d let it happen in the first place. All that had mattered to him at the time was the way he’d felt when tall brunette had him bent over the end of a hospital bed and was pounding relentlessly into him.

But now in the cold light of the next day, the neurosurgeon could not believe he’d let it happen. If he’d been caught he would have been thrown out of the hospital, struck off with no hope of ever getting his licence back.

What had he been thinking?

Suddenly the aroma of the pre-packed processed food coming from the microwave made him feel sick to the stomach. What the hell was wrong with him? Normally food comforted him and he never had problems eating.

And why couldn’t he seem to get the annoyingly arrogant but undeniably attractive young man out of his head. He couldn’t get to sleep for thinking about him last night and had ended up jerking off to memories of their encounter in order to relieve some of his pent-up sexual tension.

Making a split decision, Oliver grabbed his coat, pulled it on over his scrubs and yanked open the door.

He needed to get out of the hospital for a while… when he was here he couldn’t seem to stop thinking about the dark-haired moody young man or their risky encounter in the room on the ground floor.

Maybe some fresh air would clear his thoughts.

Reid was about to do the unthinkable and actually take a walk in the hospital gardens.

Leaving the lounge full of the smells of his uneaten microwaved lunch, he strode off down the corridor…

Once outside, and much to his own surprise, he began to feel a little better. The sun was shining and the warmth on his back lifted his spirits. Even better was the fact that he had not bumped into any doctors badgering him for a second opinion, seemingly incapable of doing their own job, or any airhead nurse needing to clarify his instructions. And, to top it all, his pager had remained blissfully silent.

All that silence and good feeling was suddenly and loudly shattered by the guttural roar and the deep throbbing sound of a high-powered motorbike pulling up next to him.

Reid didn’t even need to look over and see who the owner of the machine was. In fact, he almost kept on walking and probably would have done if he hadn’t been certain that the infuriating man and his annoyingly loud motorbike wouldn’t have followed him anyway.

Turning sharply to face the man, he stopped abruptly. His mouth hung slightly open as he had to admit, despite his best intentions, that Noah Mayer cut an impressive figure sat astride the huge piece of chrome, black metal, leather and power with his leather biker jacket and his sunglasses on. His muscled thighs bulged in his jeans and the material was tight around his crotch, making Reid’s mouth water a little despite himself.

“Are you stalking me, Mayer?” Reid snapped, trying to feign annoyance but there was no denying his heart was pounding a little faster and his cock was sitting up and taking notice.

“Yeah, right. As if. Just passing through, Doc!” Noah smirked but he knew the affect he was having on the older man. “Thought you might like a ride.” He pulled his sunglasses down and peered suggestively over the top of them at the neurosurgeon, clear blue meeting intense blue. “And I told you to call me, Noah. Mayer is my father.” The bitterness at the last words was clear in his voice.

“I’ll call you Noah if you call me Reid instead of Doc. Deal?” Oliver stood his ground. He wasn’t going to be intimated by this young upstart. He kinda actually reminded Reid of himself when he was younger… not taking no for an answer and not deferring to self-important authority. Perhaps that’s why he was so drawn to him.

Noah considered for a moment then nodded, a slow smile spreading across his face. “I can do that. Deal.” This guy was amusing, annoying and intriguing all at the same time. He didn’t fawn all over him like some of the men and women around the bare-knuckle circuit. He stood up to him and came back at him with smart alec responses.

The guy irritated the hell out of Noah and aroused him at the same time. He was an enigma.

For long moments neither of them moved or spoke, content just to stare at each other. Both of them lost in their own thoughts, trying to figure out what exactly this thing between them was.

Never one to dwell on a decision once made, Noah was the first to break the silence as he leant back in the saddle and delved into the saddle bag.

Fishing out his one and only - hardly used - helmet, he held it out to the older man. “So, are we doing this then, Reid?” He smirked as he emphasised the last word.

Reid, doing his best to ignore the way Noah smirked at him, looked at the helmet before looking around him.

Part of him couldn’t believe his was even contemplating this. But another part of him - the larger part of him that was fed up with the simpering idiots that were usually drawn to him - wanted to reach out and take the helmet.

What the hell! It wasn’t as if they would be gone for hours and he still had his pager with him.

Hoping he wasn’t about to do something he would regret, the neurosurgeon grabbed the offered helmet, shoved it on his head and swung his leg over the saddle behind Noah before he could change his mind.

Oliver hesitated before wrapping his hands around the slim hips in front of him, swallowing hard as the heat that radiated from the lean body seemed to seep through his clothing, sending pinpricks of arousal all over his body. He desperately hoped that Noah could not feel his awakening arousal; he didn’t want the man to think he affected him so greatly.

“You ready back there?” Noah asked and there was a hint of amusement in his voice.


Ignoring the jibe, Reid lent forward to be heard over the guttural roar as Noah revved the engine. “You should wear one of these too.”

“Awww, Doc! I never knew you cared!”

“Don’t be an idiot all your life, Mayer!” Reid was infuriated by the lack of the younger man’s regard for his own safety not to mention that he was suddenly back to calling him Doc. He saw people like him in the ER all the time… people who needn’t be there. He was trying to ignore the surprising fact that he was beginning to actually care what happened to this infuriating man. “I was thinking more of my own workload instead of your thick skull. Because one day you’ll take a corner too fast or someone will hit you too hard and you’ll be lying in my ER with something a damn sight worse than headaches and blurred vision!”

“Well, lucky for me that you’ll be there to do your job and patch me up!” Noah sniped back. He hated when people tried to tell him what to do. His father had tried to do that once too often too.

Without waiting for what he was sure would be another one of the doctor’s acerbic replies, Noah quickly accelerated out of the hospital grounds… making Reid hold on to his waist for dear life…

Less than 10 minutes later, Noah pulled into one of the city’s more secluded parks. He steered the bike to a sheltered and deserted corner of the parking lot that was partially hidden by a group of trees.

After parking up, Noah eased off the saddle, turned and swung his leg back over the bike so he was sat facing Reid.

The neurosurgeon, for his part, took off the helmet and placed it on the saddle in between them, hoping that the evidence of his arousal wasn’t obvious to Noah. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he had found the bike ride an exhilarating and intense experience. It was his first time riding pillion and he thought he would’ve hated it. He’d never been a fan of motorbikes, having seen the results of too many accidents in the ER. But there was something about sitting on a high-powered motorbike with his arms wrapped around the firm and lean torso in front of him that turned him on like nothing else before.

“So,” Noah began slowly as he removed his sunglasses and gave Reid a lingering look up and down, pausing to focus on his groin before making his way back up to lock eyes with that blue stare. “Here we are.”

Reid was lost for words as he felt his cock harden wilfully in his blue scrub pants under Noah’s smouldering glare. His mind raced. What to say? What to say? He breathed deeply. He could do this. He could make small talk.

He opened his mouth and then closed it again before blurting out the first thing that came to his mind. “So do you bring all the guys here?” What the hell was that? Where did that come from? Reid could have kicked himself at the smirk that spread across Noah’s face in response.

“All the guys? Are you jealous, Reid?”

“No! I have better things to think about than your stupid conquests.” Reid was angry at himself for the slip and the annoying blush that he felt rising up his throat. But was that how Noah saw him - as one of his conquests?

Noah’s smirk widened as he shook his head slowly before his smile disappeared.

“Actually, it might surprise you to know, I come here to think.” It was true, although why he was telling the older man this was beyond him. He found the quiet peace of this place relaxing. Here he thought about how things might have been if his father had been the father he should have been or if he’d followed his dream of making films.

Also, although, he hadn’t thought about it on the way over, he couldn’t help but wonder why he had brought Reid here in particular. Noah had never brought anyone else here before.

Reid stared at the young man intently and, even when he replayed the scene later in his own mind, he couldn’t explain what he did next.

He reached up and snaked his hand around Noah’s muscled neck, pulling him in for a kiss. This kiss wasn’t like the hard and hungry kiss they fought for dominance over in the hospital room. No, this kiss was slower, languid almost, as he angled his head to find just the right position so they fitted together perfectly.

A low groan rumbled at the back of Noah’s throat as he opened his mouth to let Reid’s exploring tongue in. They deepened the kiss as Noah’s tongue met Reid’s in slow and easy strokes, each man’s hands coming up to grip the other’s hair.

Pulling back for air, they locked eyes and an unspoken agreement passed between them.

With one hand, Noah released his hold on Reid to grab the helmet from in between them and toss it to the ground.

Using the hand that was still intertwined in Reid’s hair, Noah pulled the neurosurgeon toward him to lock their lips together in a more ardent kiss as his other hand snaked sensuously down Reid’s torso to squeeze his cock through his scrub pants.

Reid moaned into the kiss at the feel of Noah’s hand on him. He couldn’t believe that here they were sat on Noah’s bike, in a parking lot, and he was letting the other man feel him up.

Nor did he want it to stop.

He gasped, letting Noah’s tongue slip further in, when he felt the younger man slip his fingers under the elastic waistband of his scrub pants and into his underwear to curl around his hard cock.

After several twisting and pulling strokes, Reid moaned at the loss of contact when Noah’s hand left him only to gasp in shock when he felt his scrub pants being tugged forward and his erection being pulled out. The feel of the gentle breeze and of Noah’s calloused fingers on his cock out here in public where anyone could happen across them was shocking and exhilarating at the same time.

Pulling back from the kiss, he looked down as Noah continued to work his fist up and down his length. He knew he should stop this but the feeling and the sight of the daring act was just too overwhelming.

What was this guy doing to him?

Noah couldn’t care less where they were. He’d lost count of the amount of encounters he’d had with the police. They came with the territory.

But the fact that Reid was as into this as he was turned him on so much.

He was beginning to think he’d met his match with the good doctor.

Reid looked around quickly to make sure that the lot was still deserted before he crossed yet another line with this arrogant but alluring young man. He pulled Noah back into the kiss, opening his mouth wide and throwing himself whole heartedly into the lip lock as he lost himself in the feel of Noah’s hand on his flesh and his lips on his.

“You really can’t get enough of this, can you?” Noah breathed out as he nibbled at Reid’s bottom lip, pulling on the flesh.

Reid groaned in disapproval when Noah’s hand left his cock for a second time but he pulled back from the kiss when he heard the unmistakable sound of a zip being yanked open.

Looking down, he watched in lustful awe as the younger man delved into the opening and pulled out his own hard and leaking cock from the confines of his jeans and grey boxer-briefs.

Noah jacked his impressive hard flesh several times before scooting forward closer to Reid, circling his large hand around both of their cocks.

The neurosurgeon groaned and closed his eyes at the erotic feel of Noah working his fist up and down both their lengths. The friction of his calloused hand and their hard flesh sliding against each other, lubricated by both of their pre-cum mingled together, had him in danger of coming like a teenager who’d just discovered what his dick was for.

Reid opened his eyes when he felt Noah’s fingers touch his chin, and he found himself looking straight into the intense gaze which had turned several shades darker with lust.

Crashing their mouths together with a clash of teeth, Noah slipped his tongue into the moist warmth of Reid’s inviting mouth.

He was soon plunging his tongue in and out of the other man’s mouth to the frantic rhythm with which he was working their lengths.

Reid groaned with the intense need for release as he rocked against Noah's hold.

Noah understood the need because he keenly felt it himself. “Come for me. Come for me, Reid,” Noah breathed out against the doctor’s kiss swollen lips.

That was all Reid seemed to need to push him over the edge and, with a breathy moan, he jerked all over Noah’s fist, cock and the front of his scrubs.

“Fuck!” Noah grunted as the sight and feel of Reid coming had him spurting his own climax.

Breathing heavily, Noah brought his fingers up to his mouth to taste their combined release before leaning in and kissing Reid in an open mouthed kiss so he could taste them too.

Lost in the kiss, Reid almost didn’t hear his pager beeping. But at the back of his mind, the sound pulled on his consciousness insistently.

“Duty calls, huh?” Noah asked in clear disappointment and, much to Reid’s surprise, he reached into the saddle bag, pulled out a cloth and cleaned them both then almost tenderly tucked Reid back into his underwear and scrubs before seeing to himself.

Noah reached down and handed the neurosurgeon his helmet.

As Reid took it from him, he looked up at Noah. “So… um,” he began uncertainly; it was a long time since he had felt nervous about anything. But suddenly he didn’t want this encounter with the younger man to be their last. “What do you say that…er…. next time, we actually do something like… I don’t know… normal. Dinner maybe?”

He found that he was actually holding his breath waiting for the response.

Noah’s lip curled in a slow burner of a smile. “Dinner, huh? Like a date, Reid? My, I’m honoured that the good doctor wants to see me again,” he teased as he donned his sunglasses.

But as he stood, turned and swung his leg over the saddle to face the handlebars again, he found himself looking forward to his next encounter with Reid. He hardly ever saw the same guy twice, preferring the un-attachment of one night stands. But here he was considering a fourth encounter with the same man.

And not just for sex or getting off either.

This was to be a date.

He found himself grinning at the thought as the Harley roared to life and he felt Reid’s hands grasp at his waist again when he steered them out of the parking lot and back toward the hospital.

Chapter 4

alternative universe, atwt, fanfiction, reid, noah

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