Guide to Challenges & FAQ's

Aug 25, 2009 15:08

Challenges are posted at the three comms wlwolframhart, wlmaidenhead and wlbronze

They have different challenges posted in each com, wolframhart = writing, maidenhead = media and the bronze is for games.

01. wlbronze
These are games. There are up to two - three games each week, and although there are many different ones, the most common are luck games, and word games, and trivia.

Each game will require you to post your answer in the comments. All comments are screened which allow you to post your answer without anyone seeing it. Unless specifically stated, your answers will go to the post where the game is posted.

Often, with things like wordfinds and jigsaws, you may need some sort of imaging editing software. This is so you can cross out the words and submit your answers. If the challenge allows for it, sometimes descriptions are allowed in lieu of being able to submit a picture. Also you have the option of printing things out, scanning them, and submitting the finished result to a comment.

You need to upload your image to a hosting site such as tinypic, or photobucket.

Other things, like the luck games, just require you to comment with your answer.

Always, always include your team name in your comment!!

Once the game is over, the mod will make a summary of who entered and how many points. Make sure you check this, because often our mods do accidently miss people out, or occassionaly assign the wrong number of points.

02. wlmaidenhead (media) & wlwolframhart (writing)

Both communities are run very similar.

Basically there is an initial entry post, of which you enter your submission of either graphics or fic. This will be based on a theme/prompt/image, and each contest will be slightly different, so please read the rules. Comments are screened here, and in general, you won't be told if your submission is wrong. If you do have any questions or want further clarification, please let us know.

Posts will be set out like this (information in brackets is a sample challenge)

Challenge (drabble contest)
Due Date (23rd August, 5PM GMT)
How to submit (Comment here with your drabble. comments are screened. Please inlcude your team name)
THEME (your theme is "buffy/angel : the ship" this can be a drabble relating to any part of the buffy/angel ship, inlcluding angelus)
Specifications 100 words, maximum. Can be less than 100 words.
Further questions (please respond to the questions thread in this post)

Graphics range from icons, to wallpapers, and fic can be from 100 to 10000 words!
Once the allocated ending time is done, your submissions are all posted for voting!

DO NOT SHOW YOUR GRAPHICS/FIC TO ANYONE, until voting is over. you will be eliminated.

Please remember to ask questions if you're not sure whats going on - we are there to answer!

03. Voting.

Please pay attention to the voting. This will be between picking your one favourite for the category, or more. It's pretty straight forward, you just respond with your picks and your team name to the comments.

Can i vote for my own entry
There are many reasons for this, but in short, if your entry is so good it deserves your own vote, you don't need to vote for it. This comm is pretty popular, and there are hardly ever ties. It's just not nessacary to vote for yourself!

Can i submit work i've already made
Unless specified, this is for new work that you have never shown to anyone before. It's an insult to other competitors and other teams if you don't put in the same effort as others

What is gift-giving
It's where we set up a post for people to list their likes, and for everyone else to make gifts for them. Icons, graphics, sig tags...etc...
If you think you could make something for someone, feel free to participate!

Can i use a generator to make...
unless it is specified that you can use an online generator for your entry, you may not.

I can't do this challenge...
I'm sorry. But there will always be challenges that some people can't enter. Its almost impossible to please everyone here, and it's nice to have a variety of challenges so people don't get bored. If there is a challenge that the majority of people cannot participate in, then it won't be repeated.

Spoiler policy - Challenges
No content from new episodes can be included in challenge entries up to a week after the episode has aired.

For example, The First episode airs on the 25th of September. You may not enter any content relating to these episodes until 3rd October, after the next episode has aired.

Spoiler policy - Discussion
Discussion about the episode can happen straight away, but EVERYTHING regarding to the episode MUST be under a cut.

Spoiling people will be grounds for removal from this community. And I'm not lenient when it comes to spoilers, as i always am a day behind watching shows. SO post spoilers, discussion and anything else, but just Under the cut, people!!!

Can I get a Beta?
YES. If it's a non-voting challenge, you can get anyone to beta, however if it's for voting, we prefer you show it to one person only, preferably non-members of whedonland.

why do bugs keep biting maidel
Because she is stupid enough to stay living in a silly country, when she really should move to New Zealand

why are so many of these members crazy?
It's actually programmed in due to so many hours watching Joss shows. Really...we're not crazy, anyone that thinks we are, they are the crazies...TACOS.

guide to contests : guide for beginners : guide to communities
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