Community Information; Whedonland

Jun 25, 2009 16:33

Whedonland is a team community that is based off of the harrypotter school/sorting communities. There are four teams, which for the most part you can choose to join. You will be encouraged to participate in activities from all four fandoms (and dr horrible). This community is not for the new-to-lj folk. Please have some basic concepts of how communities are run if you want to apply.

Whedonland is not your average community. We offer a wide variety of activities, games, and contests for the members here. Most of these opportunities also feature a point reward for your team when you participate. The team with the most points will be awarded the WIN. So, please be active members; for the most part each week has so many contests and events, you won’t be able to complete everything, but it’s great if you can try your best to enter at least one challenge a week! We also place a high emphasis to getting to know folk. We have a community chat running at all times, plus discussions/parties!

1. Graphics Contests. These can be from icons, to wallpapers, to buttons. We have a number of talented graphics makers, and we get to see so many pretties!
2. Games. From word finds to soduku to random luck games and trivia, we have weekly games for you to participate in!
3 Writing. We have weekly writing contests, from Hiakus, to drabbles to longer contests of 1000+!
4. Giftgiving. We’re pretty loving around here, and have an entire comm. Devoted to giving gifts to each other!!!
5. Social posts, chat and getting to know one another. It’s great to find joss fangirls and boys that are similar to you. We have a community chat, team bonding, inter-team bonding and fun parties to enjoy! :D

1. You must be at least 13 years of age to join this community. This is a LiveJournal rule, and we honor it.

2. TyP LyKe DiS or generally be a prat, and you will be asked to leave. We’re grown ups here. Proper grammar is also a plus.

3. Do not spam our communities. Yes you are able to post. No we don’t want unnecessary posts, thanks. Don’t join just to pimp your icons or your comm. You can’t do that here.

4. Dr Horrible possesses the power to remove you from the comm. For any of the following: disorderly behaviour, spamming, disregarding the rules, continuous off-topic posts, or blatantly idiotic or frustrating behaviour to team members. You ARE warned. Dr Horrible will not remove members from the comm, without first checking with the Oracles (aka Team mods, Team reps and Mods of comms)

5. We reserve the right to remove folks who are inactive in the community. Participation is important, there are a limited number of spaces on each team, and we want to have active members in the teams, if you're unable to participate in something at least once a week, we want to fill that spot with someone who will. If you go on vacation, please let us know. We won't remove you if it's less than 3 months, but if it's more, please leave and come back when you're ready :D

6. On that note, every member is required to participate in something every week. If you’re not online that frequently, please don’t apply.

7. Although competition is encouraged, please do not BASH other teams. NEVER abuse a team member because they couldn't, or didn't participate in a certain activity. It's ok not to do everything. Inactive members will be removed by The Oracles, team members don't need to worry about this.

8. DO NOT post swear words in the main comm, just to keep this clean

9. NO character bashing in entries. While i don't mind if you discuss in your team comms what your opinions are on a character, entries must not bash any character or show your dislike Eg making and icon that says "so and so sucks"

10. READ THE RULES. no points will be allocated to people that do not read and follow the rules in a contest post. Please take the time to ask questions or check the FAQ’s if things are unclear for you.

11. Application Rules : Please have watched at least two shows...This is a WHEDONverse community, we are NOT specifically concentrating on one show...most of our contests/games will include ALL FOUR shows.

You can recive points for participating in activities. There will be a running tally of the points on the side bar, however points won't be allocated until the END of the task/activity/contest.
A summary of the points will be posted in the post that the task was originally posted in. You don't have to participate in everything, and there will be very few reminders.

DR HORRIBLE aka your evil taskmaster
I created this comm after participating at platform_934 I don't have a team, so i'm impartial! If you have any questions you can't take to your team leader, please drop me a line.

The Oracles
The Oracles are the team leaders and mods here at whedonland
The Oracles consist of equal members from each team.

Mod teams
prlrocks and innana1130 and scifi_tv_addict of Team Firefly
utkari02 of Team Buffy
babydykecate, smercy and xmaidelx of Team Dollhouse
lissapocolypse and anothercave of Team Angel

For Questions, Leaving and Other important stuff :D

to apply, you must prove you have read the rules. Please give me a favourite quote in the phrase section. It will be different for everyone, so if it's the same as the person above you, i will know you haven't read the rules. More rules are in the guides, which you can either read now, or once you become a member.


guide to contests : guide for beginners : guide to communities

!mod post, !rules

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