I guess a huge apology is owed. Last week was such a long and sleep deprived week for me that I kept waking up too late to take pictures and never stayed in my outfit once I returned from school. Also, I had a MASSIVE bug bite of some sort (more like a tumerous growth) on my leg which caused my outfits to be a little less amazing and was another
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I love love love the fact that it is now October!! Time for a new default icon!! This one is appropriate because of the current weather status where I am. It's been raining and pouring on and off for days! But today was not too bad.
graaaah i am posting twofold today because i forgot yesterday. to post, but i did take my picture yesterday so here it is today.
i forgot everything that happened really yesterday, because my attention span is not really that long to begin with and i am still sick. i do believe i have been sick three consecutive times with the same thing, rather than
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Today in history I learned that Herbert Hoover was the president at the start of the 1920's economic depression. I did learn something at school...I guess it's not that useless.
99 refers to a plate being split between more than one customer in the restaurant business! See that, you learn something new everyday!
Here's the belated outfit for Friday. (Yes pretty much all my Friday outfits will be late considering I work till ungodly hours.) Oh and check this out I might be working Sunday too! Ay dios mios!!
ugh i am back and i am sick, sick sick. sore throat, runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezes galore. i got the package deal. it was gross. in printmaking i could not stop sneezing, and it was nasty.
well, here is me today in my goodwill shirt that i got while shopping with my friend who is not the most enthusiastic goodwill shopper. me: oooh, look at this shirt her: but somebody WORE that shirt before
that is the point. but its okay because i love the shirt enough for the both of us.
The title for today is dedicated to Stephanie. [Yes, you get your own personal shout out.] Who by the way looked extremely fabulous today with her awesome shirt/jacket combo. She should be on this blog too ya know!! So now I'm requesting that you photograph your daily outfits BCS cause you looked supafly today.