African band with music videos on YouTube

Sep 20, 2010 18:57

I saw two music videos for this band on YouTube; I'm pretty sure the band was African and that their name was something really ungoogleable (like, "The Band"). The first video was like the trailer for a Black martial arts film, and every time the hero/lead singer did something awesome there was a voiceover and his name came up on the screen. The ( Read more... )

music, !found, music video, african

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Comments 2

kjorteo September 20 2010, 18:04:29 UTC
Just a Band -- Ha-He is the first one. It is known primarily for turning Makmende into a popular internet meme. Don't know about the second, though.


busaikko September 21 2010, 01:06:46 UTC
Thank you so much! Not remembering was driving me crazy. I really appreciate the links as well.


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