a british game show...

Aug 30, 2009 09:16

I want to remember what this game show was called:

It's a british game show, the host as I recall was a bald black man. In the game show they brought two families to play these games against each other and I remember in the end I think the winning family answers some kind of question MAYBE to win a trip or something?
Argh I can't remember it!

british, !found, tv, play, game, african

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Comments 7

turnthisaround August 30 2009, 06:13:29 UTC
family feud?


sheisyasmeen August 30 2009, 06:18:53 UTC
unfortunately no, but thank you! :)


darth_tigger August 30 2009, 08:04:15 UTC
Can you remember any more details? Two families play games against each other and the winners win a trip is a pretty good description of about every game show we had in the seventies and eighties and of plenty of current ones! Can you recall how long ago it was on/made, whether they were in a studio answering questions or outside or doing something physical? And if the questions were intellectual, knowledge, puzzles, silly?

I can't think of any game show hosted by a bald black man I'm afraid. So my main guesses are: Ask The Family (if it's a straight quiz show to see who's cleverest, and if it's pretty old) or Family Fortunes (more light-hearted, and questions based on questionnaires given to the public. Been going since the eighties and still going, having had several different hosts).

Hope that helps! Let me know if you remember any more details and i'll have another go!


sheisyasmeen August 30 2009, 14:33:20 UTC
Turns out it's Friends Like these! Thank you so much, though! :)


darth_tigger August 30 2009, 14:40:31 UTC
So glad it's found! And I'm now kicking myself for not remembering Ian Wright had presented a game show!


redscharlach August 30 2009, 12:42:54 UTC
Perhaps Friends Like These, from the days when Ian Wright was the host (scroll down the linked page for a pic)? It was two teams of friends rather than families, but the rest sounds similar.


sheisyasmeen August 30 2009, 14:32:08 UTC
Oh yessss! Thank you! I used to watch it when I was little so I thought it was two teams of families!


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