You must begin all over again

Nov 23, 2006 00:25

Guess what? I'm updating! :O
Silvia, you snapped me out of my laziness (I'm a decent commenter, but a BAD updater). Lol. This is going to be just a little randomness about fandoms and such, but try to see the desperate effort to make my name still worthy (a bit) of being in your flist. :D

Follow your instincts - And choose the other path )

lost, firefly, myself, bsg, house, josh holloway, randomness

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Comments 40

animotus November 23 2006, 07:54:48 UTC
Frà io scrivo in italiano perchè questo è l'unico lj dove posso farlo!;P Firefly è spettacolare, maledico ogni giorno la Fox per aver bloccato questa serie solo alla prima stagione!Ha dei dialoghi brillanti, i personaggi tutti molto belli, le ambientazioni così particolari tra il vecchio west e il modernissimo spazio.....non ti perdere Serenity (il film) mi raccomando!;D BSG io la colloco al primo posto nella classifica delle serie tv, questo sì che uno show di alta classe!House lo adoro e odio la coppia da te citata, Hugh Laurie è davvero un attore brillante!Riguardo a Lost io non ho assolutamente perso interesse e lo vedo ancora con molto piacere, dopo queste prime 6 puntate jack per me è cresciuto ancora di più, Ben lo adoro e Desmond lo voglio sposare!Ora vado perchè devo lavorare!Ciao!&herats;


whatismuch November 23 2006, 11:25:04 UTC
L'italiano va benissimo! Io posto in inglese ma come vedi non è che sia troppo brava, quindi quando posso rituffarmi nella nostra cara lingua madre approfitto al volo. :D Io con le serie interrotte ho una luuuuunga storia, diciamo che in genere se prendo a seguire una storia accade che quando si arriva a meta' della seconda stagione entro in panico e spero di non leggere le ormai classiche (per me) news su una possibile conclusione per motivi di ratings e affini. -_- Anch'io per Lost sono ancora presissima, ma devo dire che il focus principale sta nei personaggi (secondo me il primo arco di episodi ha segnato una grande crescita per molti personaggi, si rivede un po' del vecchio Locke, e mi piace come hanno fatto evolvere Jack, Sawyer e Kate), mentre nella prima stagione era un 50 e 50 tra i personaggi e le loro storie, e la mitologia. Diciamo che non sto più lì ad analizzare ogni minimo indizio, ormai siedo e aspetto dove vogliono andare a parare. :) Concordo su Desmond che mi piace molto (beh non al tuo livello :D , ma lo trovo ( ... )


mariarita November 23 2006, 11:42:28 UTC
Ti piacerà il mio nuovo post @ italian_jewels! Ieri ho finito le icone di HOUSE! :) A me piace un po' di + House e la Cuddy insieme..non so perchè! ;)

Cmq..dovrestil aggiornare il tuo lj + spesso..vogliamo tutti sapere un po' + di te!!! :)



whatismuch November 23 2006, 12:06:09 UTC
A me piace un po' di + House e la Cuddy insieme..non so perchè!
Yay! Mi sento meno sola adesso grazie ai vostri commenti! Il 90% dei fans di House che sono anche shippers tifa per lui e Cameron. Io non ho una "coppia" nello show, però in genere mi piacciono le coppie in cui ci sia equita' e comprensione reciproca e un bel po' di banter, quindi dovendo scegliere..

Aspetto il tuo post di icone su House! :)

Proverò ad aggiornare più spesso, ma ti assicuro che non ho molte cose interessanti da metter giù. Ieri avevo inserito un paragrafo lunghino sulle ultime cose accadutemi, ma poi l'ho cancellato perché persino io nel leggerlo lo trovavo noioso. XD

Un bacio di rimando!


whatdemydid November 23 2006, 17:32:01 UTC
Hai aggiornato *_* sogno o son desta ( ... )


whatdemydid November 23 2006, 18:42:39 UTC
ah ed aggiungo questo,anche se non mi piace House... dtesto proprio House e cameron come pairing O_O . Più che altro mi fanno impressione... Cioè lui potrebbe essere suo nonno, ma a parte questo... non ho non hanno niente cui spartire


blindbeats November 23 2006, 18:33:41 UTC
Josh: Gambit? Im not into XMEN world but I'd love to see him in a big movie no matter the plot... just to be drooling for 2 hours in front of a widescreen! LOL.

Yay for Firefly! Havent u alredy felt in love with Mal? *dies* I recently joined BSG epps but they didnt give me access yet :( I hope to start downloading eppys soon ;D

Word on House! AND OMGGGGGGGGG!! I DONT SHIP HIM WITH CAM AS WELL! *rejoices* Team Twin won again! LOL, I ship Chase/Cam and House/Cuddy... though Im hearing people ship her with Wilson now :O

Lost? it seems so away from my world at this moment, I gotta rewatch the first 6 eppys... dunno why but there are things that dont match for me (related to skate mostly) I guess its all writers fault but now that I got a lot of free time I tend to see things that didnt notice when I was all squeee-ing :/ Meh, I feel so bad for doubting about my show!


whatismuch November 23 2006, 19:41:00 UTC
Exactly! I would love for him to get the role not because an X-Men movie will lead Josh to an Oscar :D , but it would increase his popularity. :)
Oh, and yeah, the drooling plays a part in my hopes too... *grins*

I love Mal! And don't worry about the BSG community, I requested to join and were accepted only after a while too. :) They're slow -_- , but in the end it works.

Wow, I have no idea there were so many not-H/C shippers! *feels less alone*
I can see Wilson with Cameron, maybe... but Cuddy? :/

*gasp* May I ask you why do you think some Skate things didn't match in the mini-arc? I'm still on a shippy high and see everything perfect and so fullfilling that I could be really biased about some stuff, so now I'm curious. :)
I hadn't rewatched all the six episodes in a row yet, and the only thing that really irked me a little at first was the end of Every Man For Himself, but then in I Do the writers seemed to state so clearly that Kate was finally seeing her and Sawyer's feelings and everything he has been doing for her all ( ... )


blindbeats November 23 2006, 23:02:35 UTC
Huddy is really great! love their interaction though I feel sorry for Wilson all the time, he's a great man after all but he's all alone like House :/ Well I just need to make OTP's everytime that I start watching a show LOL the only show I didnt start shipping nobody was Supernatural! :O Wow ( ... )


whatismuch November 24 2006, 00:16:52 UTC
Wilson is adorable... so adorable that sometimes I have visions of him as a stuffed toy... o.O Lol, I'm sick. Anyway, I like every character on House, and it feels good! Usually I have my "annoying person" in every regular cast, lol ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

whatismuch November 24 2006, 00:25:53 UTC
Gotta love House/Wilson! Their interaction is just amazing. And I'm very glad to see a lot of Huddy love/liking in my flist! =)

I will watch Serenity for sure! I've only heard awesome comments about the movie.
And Booo! to all the networks who cancell great shows like that.


shiparker November 23 2006, 23:35:32 UTC
Awww, you're pimping my stuff. I'm sorry I can't give you a commission because I'm broke... well, not really but my saved money is for my Lost S1 DVDs ( ... )


shiparker November 23 2006, 23:59:44 UTC
And Huddy is WAY better than HC. I seriously still don't get, as a human being and an independent woman how a relationship where there is no respect or grown up appeal people. Women, they appeal women! Because we don't find much men that ship so it must be women that likes the way Cameron is House lap dog. I love House, but the way he treats Cameron it's way nasty. If I were her I would act like Cuddy or make him shut the fuck up a long time ago... but noooo Cameron pin over House while he treats her like shit.

But hey, I also don't get JK. If there is something a value in a relationship is respect and equality. Off course people love when Jack shouts at Kate and House says something hurtful to Cam. BECAUSE IT'S LOVE!!! I think Huddy is probably the most interesting House ship and I seriously believed they were cannon. But on internet I discover HC were a couple people want and I was :O. Oh well, let's hope the writers go with Huddy. And then Wilson can get Cameron, after all he was the only person that read her paper ;).


whatismuch November 24 2006, 01:49:23 UTC
Oh my... you just crushed the possibility that I will give you a reply making sense with that YouTube link ( ... )


shiparker November 24 2006, 03:06:12 UTC
LMAO what a perfect video! The song, Ana and Jack crying, Sun crowding people, Vincent... Tom's face! I can't type or being serious while I'm laughing like this!

HAHAHA, this video rocks so much. I still burst into hysterical laugh when I remember Sun and the Losties running to see the SK sex. Brilliant stuff!

Their "character themes" were very well explored: Control for Jack, Running away for Kate, Ignoring Feelings for Sawyer. I understand "sci-fi" people who complained about the mini-arc though, because if you don't like those three characters, and were waiting for big answers... well, I guess those six episodes didn't give you a lot.Yeah in terms of characterization it pretty much rocked, but in terms of SCI FI it didn't give any answers. At the same time I feel for the SCI FI guys I think it's best this way because they're building slowly the plot just like S1. The cliffhanger should be something about the island but they didn't build anything plot wise so it made no sense to them drop a storyline. I think Ben's surgery is not ( ... )


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