[mod post] Valentine's Day Aftermath...athon PROMPT CLAIMING

Mar 12, 2012 19:20

Banner and art by the ever lovely
iraya_sama @tumblr!

  • You can claim up to 2 prompts.
  • It's first come first served. Claimed prompts have a strike through them in entirety. Make sure someone hasn't commented before you claiming the prompt you want.
  • Claim a prompt like this:
I am claiming the following prompt(s): 5. blah blah blah France blah blah England blah parfait blah blah
  • Don't contact the person who claimed the prompt you made, they're not writing/drawing for you.
  • Start creating as soon as you've claimed. Post your fanwork any time from now to April 1st.
A reminder that:

-Fic should be at least 700 words and at least given a once-over proofread. Betas not needed but are always nice.

-Art should be at least cleaned up/tidy, no rough sketches. Colour not needed but is always nice.

-Multichapter fics and fancomics would be cool, but oneshots and single art pieces are just as cool, don't hurt yourself.

-Please try to comment if you enjoyed something!

Also I forgot to mention... this is a FrUK community and event, so I'm going to assume that you all know that at the end of the day it has to be a FrUK fanfiction or FrUK fanart. I hope this is low-pressure enough, but also encourages you to get in on the action (/;o;)/ Most of all, I hope you have some fun with this.

If you have any questions, PM me or slap them down here.

More detail (because apparently I can't stop typing):

First of all, I want to thank everyone who posted prompts, every single one of you, it really was a group effort. Secondly, all prompts have mostly been copied and pasted as is, with a few exceptions of prompts that included 'bonuses'- the 'bonuses' were just tagged on the end of the prompt. Also messages to me were deleted lol.

Please do not go out of your way to contact the person who has claimed a prompt you made as they are writing/drawing for a loose prompt, they are not making a gift for you, though there is absolutely no reason why you can't profess your love and affection after they've posted their fanwork.

You may claim up to 2 prompts. I probably should have asked how many people were actually thinking of participating... but I think this is substantial? Depending on how many prompts are left over and how many fanworks actually get posted, I may open up the option to claim a third prompt, but at the moment it's up to 2 prompts. You can choose one prompt now, and then decide to choose another later on if you have time and the one you want is unclaimed.

One claim per prompt, you cannot claim a prompt that someone else has already. I'll try and update the list ASAP but go through the comments I haven't replied to yet to see if someone has already claimed the prompt you want.
  • To claim a prompt:
I am claiming the following prompt(s): 5. blah blah blah France blah blah England blah parfait blah blah

Claimed prompts will be striked through completely and the user's name will be placed next to it. As soon as you've claimed your prompt and you're sure no one else has before you, you may begin working on it, even if I haven't commented back and confirmed it's your prompt.

Your deadline is April 1st (this is not an early April Fool's prank). You're not going to feel my wrath if you don't get it done on time, heaven knows I'm terrible at them myself, and I know that school and work and life in general is an obstacle, but please try to get it in before April 1st.


1. one of them (whichever!) is actually already dating someone else, but finds themselves falling more and more for Francis/Arthur, feels terrible and guilty and awful, etc. yeah!!! (although if you could avoid any actual cheating I'd...prefer that) himarules

2. mime!France. I was thinking that it could be something like, Arthur is in Paris for work, where he catches mime!Francis' eye. Francis, in his attempts to ask him out, he follows him around the city and well, chaos ensues. Bonus if Arthur tries to call the police, but they just laugh when he tells them that he's being followed by a crazy stalker mime. hanakoanime

3. AU where Arthur is Marianne's (fem!France's) personal tailor/designer. Marianne frequently buys dresses and gets him to tailor them for her - a lot of their interactions happen during this. And despite everything they start to fall for each other. Bonus if Marianne teases Arthur about accidentally groping her when really, he's trying not to vindictively jab her with pins. Bonus if One day Marianne brings in a wedding dress and Arthur is distraught all throughout the fitting. iraya_sama

4. Richard Lionheart and Phillip II Augustus info- historians argue if their homosexual affair is a myth or not, but let's assume it wasn't. I would like to see France and England deal with a romance between their (future) kings. Bonus for both of them being relatively young at that time (especially England would be in the awkward-starting-puberty age in my headcanon)

5. Eurovision prompt! Past victories and future bets, how England and France traditionally spend the evening of the finals, ridiculous costumes and too-catchy songs. If you look at the list of past winners, 1960 and 1976 look particularly interesting, but feel free to use any year (or no in particular).

6. Circus!AU - preferably involving smut, with glittery costumes, trapezes and safety nets oatrevolution

7. Anything involving Young!fruk with fem!England, whether you use France or fem!France is up to you. iamme130

8. Foursome smut prompt: Established or semi-established FrUK inviting a second couple into their bedroom. PWP is perfectly fine, although an explanation of how it came to this situation would be nice. Second couple is completely up to you. qichi

9. France comforting England after Hong Kong's return to China. Being one of the last colonies England gave up, he would probably act very indifferently about the matter, and only show how much it affected him in private. lady_phenyx

10. Arthur takes a semester or a year in France - during his stay he gets a French boyfriend. But then he has to go home to England (what happens next is up to A!A)
11. Obligatory Doctor Who request! England as a Timelord and France (or Fem!France!) as his companion. Bonus points if France isn't a modern human, but instead from around the time of the French Revolution. Oh the fun they could have in time and space! shadow_of_egypt

12. AU, established relationship. Their cats are getting kittens. dunya01

13. in a Harry Potter au world settings, where Arthur Kirkland is a student in the house of Slytherin just minding his own business. He somehow manages to attract the attention of a certain foreign exchange student from Beauxbatons ( female!Francis ) through his mad skills in potion or something. Chaos ensues when male!Francis ( in Slytherin also ) is jealous and with the help of a ( just as also jealous ) female!Arthur ( house of your picking! ) try to get between the two. JUST NEEDS MISUNDERSTANDING and chaos and c-comedy, please-- no tragedy.

14. Eric's Song, by Vienna Teng has always made me think of FrUK. You can take a line, or the song overall, or even just the tone as your prompt. Be creative! snowshoebombay

15. nation/citizen romance: one of them is a country but the other is a citizen of the other country! (i.e. France/an Englishman, or England/a Frenchman) - how does this affect things? does it work out? quaintandlovely

16. Impromptu date - they run into each other in public one day. One thing leads to another, and they (perhaps without realizing it) end up going on a date. himarules

17. Human AU where one (or both) of them is in the closet and has to struggle with coming out to their family and other friends. ikkjevaksen

18. AU - Francis and Arthur has been chatting on the internet for years when they finally decide to meet comptine

19. The two go golfing. France is horrified to discover a whole culture where argyle is not only accepted, but actively encouraged.

20. Where France and England attempt to have sex in the open air, and traumatise a unicorn. England insists they stop and counsel the unicorn - that France can't even properly see - before they're allowed to continue.
21. Consensual 'dominance' fight, where it's agreed they can beat and claw the hell out of one another during one particular session in bed to see who gets to decide exactly how things will be going that night, with the 'loser' it's consensual overall pleasureable sex with each other; there's not exactly a loser collared - be it with a ribbon, a tie, an actual collar, whatever. (Bonus if the 'winner' wants the one in the collar to fuck him, and is very specific about how the other does it?) qichi

22. Francis, searching for some kind of sign from God, somehow ends up falling a little in love with a statue of a strangely expressive angel in church. archangelunmei

23. France gets England a pet rabbit. In the modern day. bobness1

24. Helping shift crap about in one of England's homes, America finds an old elaborate ball gown amongst other historical clothing. After much pushing and prying and siccing Canada on England, England finally tells its story - he'd worn it to attend a ball on France's arm in the past, after losing a bet to France. America and Canada freak a little bit - even taking height/age difference from then into account, the dress' waist is tiny. And they then resolve to get France to help them get England into such a dress again. lady_phenyx

25. Arthur is a tiny tea-fairy and can magically turn things into either a) tea, b) a tea-cup, or c) a teapot. He decides to go and educate a certain ignorant Frenchman about the wonders of tea - he originally plans to do so by changing all of Francis' wine to tea whilst the frog's out, but decides he'd much rather drink all the wine instead, since no-one's watching. What Francis comes home to is a very, very drunk little fairy, and...a rather different home.
26. Arthur finds a magic lamp with an especially irritating genie(-frog) inside. He gets the whole standard 'three wishes' sheebang - and 'refunds,' since his genie keeps deliberately getting the wishes wrong (just to piss Arthur off, and because the genie doesn't want to go).

27. Fairytale interpretation! Any fairytale with the boys cast as characters, be it serious or parody, as long as it's either a long, long time ago, or in a land far, far away. (Bonus love if they're not the 'main' characters of the fairytale, but the story focuses on their point of view.) lost_hitsu

28. France(Francis)/Britannia Angel(Arthur): basically, wingsex. France liking playing with the wings/having to work around incorporating the wings into sexy fun times with the difficulties they can bring.

29. Anglo-French interaction during the Opium Wars with China.

30. Human au - 70+ year old Francis and Arthur meet at an old age care home. lost_hitsu

31. Francis and Arthur goes to an art exhibition together, but cannot agree on which artist is the best bittercritic

32. Fruk as seen from the POV of a human they are working with. I had Howard (England's assistant) in mind, but prompt is open for any human coworkers of either England or France. seraphoftales

33. Channel tunnel. Various historical plans and how France and England felt about them, final project, the moment when the tunnels got connected, or current use of the new connection.

34. Fantasy AU based on this comic. Mage!England and Vampire!France find an egg with two babies inside - demon!Alfred and angel!Matthew. Awkward family time ensues. souslelys

35. Anything concerning the joined development of Concorde airplanes. Smut is optional but very welcomed. oatrevolution

36. France and England in a safe D/s relationship, who is the sub and dom is up to you. Prompt is, one of them actually using the safeword. Long aftercare please!

37. England or France inviting the other to a cultural festival in their own country.

38. Arthur as an actor in Shakespearean England, Francis a visitor from France so enchanted by his performance that he comes to every play. shalker

39. France and England giving random love advice to a troubled human they come across. And by giving advice I mean bickering and biting and not being helpful at all. seraphoftales

40. Francis is a landscape painter who in his search for the perfect shoreline disturbs the life of a grouchy lighthouse keeper Arthur. iraya_sama

41. Historical AU: Arthur is a tailor, Francis one of his rich and permanently unsatisfied customers. Taking measurements and other UST moments please, smut very much appreciated.

42. Fem!fruk, anything concerning hair. Combing, cutting, pulling, dyeing, complicated hairdoes, anything goes. bittercritic

43. vampire hunter!francis chasing after vampire!england. <3 suddenlyapples and gentlemancrow

44. Usually it's England who's jealous of France for getting all the attention, but...England is known as the Erotic Ambassador. So can we have various nations hitting on England, spreading rumors or wondering just how the cranky old man could be the 'Erotic Ambassador' and pumping France for details? Go crazy with it, just please if they're together keep them faithful.

45. England is really stressed out, trying to do all his regular work on top of getting ready for the Olympics this summer. France decides it's time for him to relax, at any cost.
46. England has a corset piercing and France likes to play with it. shadow_of_egypt

47. An AU scenario where the land-bridge connecting the European mainland and the British Isles never disappeared under water.

48. AU: If all the sea were land, and all the land were sea, what would the nations whose human names are 'Francis' and 'Arthur' be like?

49. France and England meet while their nations are at war. Which war and why they meet is up to the filler. Did they arrange to meet, or just run into each other? Are they tired of the war and resentful of their bosses, or ready to wring each others' necks? Go wild!

50. "I'm the only one who's allowed to tear you apart." snowshoebombay

51. canonverse or human au- England always makes a big deal about how many people France has bedded. One day France notices numerous (literal) notches on England's wooden bedpost.

52. human au - Arthur opens a bakery/pie shop and is absolutely rubbish at it (sub par baking/cooking and bad customer service). Francis is his only regular customer who never actually buys anything. bobness1

53. Pokemon au - one of Arthur's Pokemon and one of France's take a liking to each other, and suddenly an egg appears that they have to hatch together. When it finally hatches, they don't know who should look after it and find a compromise.

54. Human AU: Francis is an erotica writer who takes pride in the sensuality of his work, and Arthur is his cover artist whose drafts/proposals are downright obscene and pornographic. Cue Francis criticizing Arthur for not bringing out the beauty from his work, and Arthur's argument of 'porn is porn'.

55. France introduces England to some of the dragons in France e.g. the Gargouille in the Seine River, the Tarasque in Provence

56. France drawing England like one of his French girls bulletthestars

57. human au - single fathers accidentally switch kids: Francis is Matthew's father, Arthur Alfred's. Both father lose their kids in the super market and take home the wrong kid without knowing because they're so relieved they're not totally shit fathers and are rushing home. archangelunmei

58. femfrance having pregnancy troubles (trouble getting pregnant or trouble during pregnancy, physical and/or emotional, up to you) and arthur being with her every step of the way chibitsunade

59. human au - Francis is the tattoo artist who is responsible for Arthur's first tattoo (the six-string near his hip), and Arthur keeps going back for more. mikkary_bones

60. au where Francis is the one who can't cook & falls in love with chef!arthur after taking his cooking class. Francis keeps sending him badly baked stuff but Arthur likes them anyway because he has a crush on the french dude. happy dorky ending? sex is ok if you want but not a requirement :) azurewatabi

61. crack almost death fic. Francis is a doctor & should have known better than to fall in love with his friend's patient who is dying - but not really because there was a mix up somewhere.
- Arthur actually believes he is dying lol
- the friend is Antonio & some files got mixed because he used his office for sexy times
- angst & fluffy end?

62. AU Rough Sex
Arthur has been dating Francis for a while & got curious about having rough sex. problem is, Francis takes pride in *making love* & slow sensual has been his thing since forever.
- Arthur convinces Francis to try it some how, at first Francis is unsure but gets more into it
- dirty talk is welcome but not a requirement

63. involves the English -French split of foreign policy the inter- war years of 1919-1930 when English politicians weren't too keen on completely crushing the Germans and the French was all for making sure Grmny never raises again. This is a historical era not many people touch ( more like none at all, except brief mentionings). Including of Keynes and the Rurh Crisis is would be fantastic ( as well as some sly Orlando Italy during the Paris Peace Settlements). England and France can be their country self ( the inclusion of the refusal to renew defence treaties is just ~~~) or Arthur and Francis, part of the their delegations to international conferences/ work in the foreign ministry. This prompt involves some research or taking related history in school zalia

64. France and England discuss the significance of roses.

65. Fem!France, preferably AU; the five times England asked France to dinner, the one time she accepted. chibitsunade

66. Francis (or fem!France) and Arthur try to have a relationship, they really do, but for some reason it just doesn't work out. devidev

67. pokemon au- babyengland has a swadloon and france has a hard time telling the difference dunya01


68. a love triangle between England, Scotland, and fem!France. The story can take place in the canon verse or a human AU, so long as it involves Scotland longing for fem!France, while England denies having feelings for her, but is secretly jealous whenever he sees the two together.

69. Angel!francis and human!arthur please! this could be a guardian angel situation or something else, it is up to the filler! hanakoanime

70. Over the years France and England have played so many pranks on each other that they have become the unofficial 'nuclear powers of pranking' and have been forced to declare a pranking detente. Somehow this gets out and the other nations don't believe it, esp. countries like America that see them as 'old men'. Queue the prank war, with France and England eventually teaming up against the other nations to show them why they're the nuclear powers of prank wars. (Canonverse much preferred, please.)

71. At the end of the Napoleonic wars, France as a country was nearly dissolved. England was the one who stopped this from happening (since England had become the dominant world power by then). mikkary_bones

72. Letter format fic: collection of letters England and France exchanged throughout the centuries of their shared history. azurewatabi

valentine's day aftermath... athon 2012, i am here for party times, !mod post

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