[mod post] Valentine's Day Aftermath...athon PROMPT POST + info

Feb 29, 2012 11:45

Hello, lovelies! I am terribly sorry for such quiet from your mods.
comptine will be busy the next few weeks and I have just started university myself, and... I sort of completely forgot about the Challenge Cycle- that will continue! I've still got the next prompt and everything, so that will be posted after... well that's what I'm getting to now.

Banner and art by the ever lovely
iraya_sama @tumblr!

We are doing a Valentine's Day aftermath...athon! And it will work in an extremely similar way to how the
aph_fluffathon used to work, meaning, you post prompts, claim prompts, then post your fanworks. You don't know who has made a prompt, so you aren't actually writing a gift for anyone, just writing a prompt, and it's alright if you aren't able to complete your fanwork (because I'm terrible at keeping up with how the school year works so yeah, you could be doing 340967309 assignments and exams or something).


First. Prompt submission post is made- that is THIS post: anyone can submit prompts. Although this is a 'Valentine's Day aftermath...athon' event, you don't have to restrict your prompts to that. Please stop posting prompts by March 9.

Second. A prompt claming post is made: Number of prompts you can claim will depend on the number of prompts we get, so keep 'em comin'. Happens on the 11th of March (Sunday). It's first come, first served- and as soon as you've claimed your prompt(s) and I have acknowledged your claim, you may begin creating your stuff.

Third. Your fanworks are posted. Start posting from 11th of March (Sunday) and stop on 1st of April (Friday)... hey look April Fool's Day).


-As long as the pairing is FrUK, it can be anything; fluff, angst, drama, crack, canonverse, AU, crossover, historical, character study, smut, kinks, whatever. Truthfully 'Valentine's Day aftermath...athon' is just a snappy title, so, you know, go wild.

-Please don't be overly specific with your prompt, and on the other end of the spectrum, please avoid one worded prompts- try to give the potential filler something to work with, and you can also specify any ship(s) you would not like to see in a potential fill, but as this is not an exchange, please do not be too detailed.

-All prompts will be assumed to allow R, Mature/Explicit, NC-17 (whatever you want to call it) content unless otherwise specified.

-You may use images, quotes, songs/audio in your prompts, provided you give a source/link to the material.

-Here's some examples of suitable prompts:
  • Impromptu date - they run into each other in public one day. One thing leads to another, and they (perhaps without realizing it) end up going on a date.
  • The pair spend some time together sightseeing in a country that is not France or England. No NC-17 content please.
  • England coaxes France into a corset which he wears in public. You can include Cuba/Lithuania but no other pairings please.
  • England sharing the sentiments of this song and France trying to cheer him up.

-Also specify if your prompt(s) is fic only, fanart only, or can be used for either.

-When posting your prompt(s) to this post, you can lump them all together in one comment- if you have ideas for more just come back and make another comment.


-Fic should be at least 700 words and at least given a once-over proofread. Betas not needed but are always nice.

-Art should be at least cleaned up/tidy, no rough sketches. Colour not needed but is always nice.

-Multichapter fics and fancomics would be cool, but oneshots and single art pieces are just as cool, don't hurt yourself.


-You can make prompts if you have ideas for them without actually claiming and filling anything when the time comes around (for whatever reason, time constraints, work loads, confidence in abilities- we'd love for you to have a go, though!).

-You can claim and fill without having made prompts.

-You aren't guranteed to have your prompt claimed, but that's just how the White Cliffs of Dover crumble. Also please try to refrain from claiming your own prompt, I'm not going to tell you not to- but claiming your own prompt sort of defeats the purpose when you can just write it yourself any time, right? Right. 8|

-On the subject of multiple-part fills, whether that be a chapter fic or ongoing comic or a series of fanart- whatever, you may continue to finish it even after the event has ended.

-Obviously since this is also the prompt posting... post, there is no need to 'sign up' or indicate you're interested in participating, just jump on in.

-Comments for prompt posting are screened.

...I think that's everything covered. If you have any further questions, PM me or leave a comment here with QUESTION in big bold letters and then your question so I can... distinguish it from the prompts lol.

So, uh- POST AWAY!

valentine's day aftermath... athon 2012, i am here for party times, !mod post

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