Pimp my MLS OTP

Sep 13, 2011 11:13


You’re probably sitting there asking yourself “What the fuck is she thinking? A MLS pairing? Are there even hot players in the MLS?”

The answer to all of your questions are “I’m thinking about unicorns, yes a MLS pairing, and yes there are hot players”. But all of that is beside the point.

Before I pimp my MLS OTP, I’m going to give you a bit of a Sounders 101

- The Sounders are based out of Seattle Washington and play at Century Link (formerly Qwest) field
- The Sounders have sold out every match since becoming an MLS expansion team in 2009. 38,000+ fans at every home match, which is the highest in the MLS and would be something like 10th in the EPL and 5th in La Liga
- There is a fan run alliance modeled after Barcelona’s alliance. This means the fans have a say in the management and vote for the General Manager. Because this is Seattle and we’re hippies like that.
- The Sounders have the sexiest kits in the MLS. Possibly in all of footie. If you disagree, you should probably submit yourself to be on ‘What Not to Wear’ because the only thing hotter than this would be no kits at all…. For some reason Nike, Adidas, and Umbro don’t like my suggestions on that front. *shrugs* haters gonna hate

- Our colors are green, blue, and gray which represent the forests, the sound, and the mountains:

- We also have some pretty damn flawless fans:

Hope grew up here in Washington (we went to the same elementary school!) and played for the University of Washington. Alex is dating Servando Carrasco and the boys like to give him a bit of shit for it (all good natured of course)…. And when your girlfriend is hot and a flawless American, it makes for good awkward group photos when you run into her advertisements :

They’re actually really good at preciously awkward group photos:

If you’ve read this far, have some Jeff Parke for sticking with me:


Stuff you should know about Roger:

- He’s 30
- He’s a striker
- He’s from Maine
- His moustache is legendary and every he shaves it off to start anew, the little magical elves that live inside it run off to kick fangirls in the shins and make them cry ;-; True story, I have the bruises to prove it >.>
- He’s been playing for the Sounders since 2003 (before we were promoted to the MLS)
- He’s smart- he graduated from Stanford with a degree in finance.

These two videos should tell you what you need to know about him personality-wise:

image Click to view

image Click to view

He has some interesting goal celebrations:

Once Kasey Keller attempted to pants him, it was awesome:

He’s also a flawless and active member of the community in Seattle and has helped in countless charity/fundraising events, including the ‘It gets better’ campaign (along with teammate Mike Fucito and players from the Storm, Seahawks, and Mariners):

image Click to view

Stuff you should know about Erik:

- He’s 25
- He’s a midfielder
- He is new to the Sounders this season, previously playing for Hacken in Sweden
- He's the only Swedish player in the MLS
- Due to his last name and his hair, he’s often referred to as Erik Lynyrd Skynryd Freebird Friberg.
- He’s quiet and the most preciously awkward person ever
- He’s really good at taking bad pictures -___-
- If his twitter is anything to go by, he plays a lot of Xbox and is really good at it…. Not that I ‘intensely research’ him on twitter or anything >>>.>>>

This is the only video I’ve ever heard him speak in. He’s the 2nd one interviewed in it (right after Roger) and no, I haven’t watched this video a thousand times…. Okay, maybe I have.

If the embedding doesn’t work- here’s a link- http://www.soundersfc.com/media-library/Videos/Features/2011/06-June/110623-Postmatch-Interview-Highlights-Red-Bulls.aspx?svt=0

So the problem with shipping anyone in the MLS is that there isn’t the wealth of pictures or video that the other leagues have. The camera men like to cut away for replays when they’re all jumping on each other. They like to show replays of the goals for some reason… aka they’re cockblocking bastards. All my creys, I’m a sad panda, at night I write emo music about lack of good media coverage, etc

But this is what I do have:

I know it’s not much, but he season is not over yet and there is still hope of more


…… There aren’t any ;_____________________________;

WAIT! Look, I wrote a few-

The Other Side of the Clouds http://wh-mermaid.livejournal.com/18711.html

Bruises and Beard Burn http://wh-mermaid.livejournal.com/19950.html

My Heart was Blinded by You http://footie-bang.livejournal.com/2065.html#t32017

But it doesn't count because I can't flail over my own stuff

But seriously, I am very sad at the lack of MLS fic in footie fandom. I would read and comment the hell out of any pairing from any team in the MLS because it’s about time that the MLS got some love(Except Landon Donovan... he's only allowed to be paired with Steve Nash). I know I’m delusional and what not, but I’m hoping that by pimping my MLS OTP maybe someone will look at the Sounders or their own team and be like ‘yeah, oh yeah, they’re totally fucking’ and then write a fic.

I can dream, right?

Pain Machine and his human Jeff thank you for your time

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