Almost three months into the madness. 12-hour work days, plus Saturdays and occasional Sundays. When this is over, I'll be unsinkable, unbreakable, and tough like Indiana Jones Mr. Rogers in a blood stained sweater on a bad day.
On a good side I'm not stressed out at all due to my excellent stress elimination skills.
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Feb 22, 2008 23:27
A few crossover prompts under the code name "wanna see it, do it yourself
Read more... )
Feb 20, 2008 14:50
Finding some common grounds with a new colleague who is way older than I am turned out to be an easier task after I found out that he's from London.
"Which is your Doctor?" I asked.
"The Doctor? Well, my Doctor is the Third Doctor."
The ice is broken. And that's in addition to the fact that half of my team thanks to me is now very much into "
Jan 11, 2008 22:56
When my boss informed me kindly I wouldn't be able to write a line at least until June, I thought he was kidding. Now, two weeks into the madness, I can't write a simple ff rant.
Dec 26, 2007 11:05
The first writer to complete NaNoWriMo was in fact Samuel Richardson. He started his novel on November 10, 1739, and two months later he had his 200K words of "Pamela".
That's the spirit!