May 24, 2008 21:13

Somehow I started my rant having one major writing project, and got out of it with two. Some innocent musing about what I'd honestly wanted to see in a Gundam Wing fic and in an hour or so I had a very nice secret separatist/terrorist organization. It began to grow quite fast and now it got to the point when it would be a damn waste to toss it (along with a decent number of not too bad plot points) away.

What I want from this project:

- None of the save the world/viva le total pacifism - sick of it in canon
- No reflection on the past events. Move on. [Failed once, couldn't resist. Now, move on.]
- While the organizational goals must make sense on the ideological level and be appealing to the masses, the reasons for the organization to exist are personal. We are used to perceive these revolutionary types as completely selfless and devoted creatures. There's no way I'll feed this further.
- The main conflict is interpersonal, not ideological. To be more specific, it's revenge driven.
- The conflict within the organization ensures the success of the investigation. In other words, if the organization doesn't rot from the inside, the boys (1+5) won't stand a chance to crack the case.
- Likewise, they wouldn't be able to win without serious cooperation.
- Romantic line: could do without it. People can grow to care a great deal about each other without jumping each other bones, but in case I feel extremely sappy, some subtext might not hurt.
- Regardless of whether or not romantic line makes it in, the relationship must be put to test. [Well, romantic line makes it. Allocated attention 10% max]

Will it work out? Hell if I know. But doable.
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