Advent Drabble 10: Hen-Pecked

Dec 03, 2012 20:14

Story: Hen-Pecked
Author: wendymr
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rated: PG
Summary: "You boys are so stupid"

Written for honorh's prompt in my Advent Drabbles request post - posted today because YAY!!!! honorh just got a job!

Hen-Pecked )

drabble, fic, ot3

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Comments 16

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wendymr December 5 2012, 01:51:33 UTC
They are indeed :) Jackie, as a couple of people below comment, will be far harder to placate *g*


honorh December 4 2012, 01:30:28 UTC
Uh-oh! Rose may be forgiving, but Jackie most certainly isn't. Cute!


wendymr December 5 2012, 01:52:00 UTC
I'm glad you liked it - and, yes, Jackie is by far the harder to deal with *g*


rhia_starsong December 4 2012, 01:55:04 UTC
Oops! I suspect Jackie's even more upset about this than Rose is. Ah, well, time to grovel, boys!


wendymr December 5 2012, 01:52:34 UTC
Oh, she definitely is - and grovelling is most certainly in order!


bloose09 December 4 2012, 16:27:02 UTC
Oh man! That honey-do list is going to be pretty long...


wendymr December 5 2012, 01:52:56 UTC
What's a honey-do list? *puzzled*


bloose09 December 5 2012, 16:12:24 UTC
Sorry. A 'honey-do list' is a list of chores/errands given by one's spouse, partner, or girlfriend. Sometimes it is assigned to make up for mistakes or bad behavior.

It is short for 'honey do this' or 'honey do that'.


wendymr December 5 2012, 23:48:18 UTC
Ah! That phrase doesn't exist in Britspeak and I've not heard anything like it (we also tend not to use 'honey' as an endearment). Interesting! Thanks for the explanation :)


tardis_stowaway December 5 2012, 06:51:52 UTC
Oh dear! The wrath of a Tyler woman is a formidable force. Too bad there are some mistakes even a time machine can't fix.

I really like Jackie looking out for her daughter's marriage, however unconventional that marriage may be.


wendymr December 5 2012, 13:00:51 UTC
Oh, yes. Jack and the Doctor chose the wrong women if they wanted a quiet life *g* And Jackie is always fiercely protective of Rose, regardless of whether or not she approves of Rose's choices initially - and she loves Rose enough to accept her choices eventually if she sees that nothing will change (just as she told Rose to bring Nine to tea in AoL/WW3, an olive branch he ignored).

Thank you!


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