Fic: Sphere of Influence 7/7 FINAL

Jul 05, 2011 19:39

Story: Sphere of Influence
Author: wmr / wendymr 
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Jack Harkness, Rose Tyler
Rated: PG13
Summary: He's like a magnet. A gravity well, sucking in everything within his sphere of influence, drawing them to him whether they like it or not.

Written for space_monkey52 in return for an extremely generous donation to the Queensland flood appeal. ( Read more... )

hurt/comfort, jack harkness, ninth doctor, rose tyler, fic, ot3

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Comments 14

kensieg July 6 2011, 01:23:43 UTC
lovely! Perfect!


lindenharp July 6 2011, 04:50:20 UTC
*sighs contentedly*

So many lovely details worth mentioning: the Time War echo. . . the Doctor and Jack kissing, first accidentally, then on purpose. . . Rose accepting that she can love two men. . . Jack accepting that they care for him. . . the Doctor accepting that he wants these humans.

*sighs contentedly*


othermewriter July 6 2011, 05:13:52 UTC
Yummmmmmy Wonderful story love the glowey Doctor eyes and Jack getting his eyesight back and well everything yet again :)


canaana July 7 2011, 00:12:40 UTC
I like the time echo. A clever means of accomplishing your ends. :-), And Jack can see again, so all is well with the world.


sahiya July 8 2011, 21:59:22 UTC
Yes, this. The time echo was very cool.


crimedoc1 July 7 2011, 03:14:09 UTC
Yay! Last chapter! I have now downloaded the entire fic and put it on my Nook - I am saving it for the drive up to St. Augustine on Friday. ;-)


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